According to the Bible,
after His resurrection, Jesus walked this physical earth for 40 days teaching
exclusively on the Kingdom of God.
In my mind, this points to the progression being that once salvation for
all was accomplished, the Kingdom was (and still is) the next step. Salvation is a free gift. The Kingdom of God must be sought. In
the New Testament Jesus uses words like "ask" "seek" "knock" when speaking of
the Kingdom, which leads us to believe that some action is demanded on our part
if we are to earn the right to know the "mysteries" of the Kingdom. The mysteries of the
Kingdom are given to students who have shown themselves worthy. How is this
achieved? Study, or "memorization"
of the scriptures alone is not the way. We see evidence of this in the story of
the rich young ruler, a man who had studied the scriptures since childhood.
There was no law he did not know by heart and that he could not quote from rote
memory. Yet, when he asked Jesus
what he must do to be saved, Jesus answered, "Sell all you have and give to the
poor." The young man was unwilling
to do this, causing him to turn away from Jesus and from entering the Kingdom. Because this young man
was "married" to what he already knew, he was unable to empty himself to learn
anything more or new from Jesus.
Sometimes learning must begin with "un"learning. Just as a fish in an aquarium, the
human mind will grow to fit the container in which it is placed. The larger the container, the more the
mind will keep expanding. The
Kingdom of God does not come by observation - the Kingdom of God is WITHIN
you. In order for the Kingdom to
continue to grow within us, we must clear out some space. If we are full of religion and what we
"know" - the Kingdom cannot grow in us.
Quote of the Week  "When the labels finally fall off, we will find ourselves worshipping in
Spirit and in truth." -
D.E. Paulk