Disconnectedness is
unconsciousness. We do not compete
for the love of the One God. We
are complete in the love of the One God.
Once we attain to a connectedness-consciousness we can clearly
see that harming our neighbor is in essence harming ourselves, and God. God is not separated from His
creation. Subscribing to the
notion of men flowing from (and back to) separate origins lays a dangerously
shaky foundation that will not uphold the necessary structure for peace on earth;
nor will it fulfill the law of Christ - love.
If there is but One
Source, then all forms of life and all living ideas and truths emit from that
same source, the same origin of Ultimate Truth. Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed, Krishna, Lao
Tzu - all flow from One God, from One Christ, from One Consciousness. God is not in competition with
Religion is man's search
for the One God. Yet religions
easily become divisive when they claim sole possession of and demand an
unshared connection to the One God.
Any religion's assertion of exclusive ownership of the One God is only
indicative of its insecurity, ignorance and pride. Religion's attempt to isolate the Creator to one small
segment of the creation is insulting and belittling to an enormous Creator. Any religion promoting the disunity of
man, and the disconnectedness of man to the One God, is the epitome of
man-made; and will perpetually lack awareness of, and entrance into, the
spiritual realm. Once we accept
the power that resides in God, we magnify our capacity to attribute all
creation to Him.
When we profess One God we then ascend to connectedness-consciousness
and begin to see the beginnings of the manifestation of the physical kingdom of
God flowing from this illuminated spiritual comprehension.
Quote of the Week
"God is one, but he has
innumerable forms. He is the
creator of all and He himself takes the human form."
Guru Nanak