Fear of the unknown is
actually the fear of self. If it
is true that all of humanity is connected in God, as a result of flowing from
God, then we are all a creation resulting from the same creative flow and Source. As we accept that we all emit from the
same Source, we can embrace that we are made of the same substance. Once we see this truth, we realize that
we meet no stranger, but are only ever meeting ourselves.
Nothing in life, no
person on earth, is to be feared, only understood. Fear of any unknown is only fear of a part of ourselves we
have been afraid to discover or have refused ourselves permission to know; so
my fear of you is only my fear of the part of myself I do not know. As I know me and love me, I can know
you and love you.
This brief lifetime is only preparation for
eternity, and a fearful heart leaves an infinite conscience undeveloped. Our fear of another person ultimately
limits our willingness and ability to love them. When we fear one another, we utilize the tactics of flattery
and act in patronization, which only keep us from real knowing. Uncensored fear eventually morphs into
hate. We feel as if we hate the
person, or race, or culture when what we are really feeling is fear. And, living with our fear daily only
serves as a catalyst for the growth of hate. The only way to walk out of fear and hatred, and into love,
is by embracing the unknown... and beginning the process of knowing and loving
all of God's creation, beginning with ourselves.
Quote of the Week
"The oldest and
strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear
is fear of the unknown."
- H.P. Lovecraft |