Without the realization of our salvation or the awakening to its power, there exists a breach between us and God. However, this breach is not permanent or even real; it exists only in the illusion of separation from God. Awakening to salvation is indeed a re-birth of sorts! This awakening should be celebrated and testified of - just like we have always done regarding the idea of getting saved.
Coming to the altar should not be refused - only clarified. We are not coming to get saved - which would suggest that Christ was unsuccessful - we are coming to testify of our awakening to salvation, to the rebirth of thought, to being reborn in consciousness.
Many tormented religious souls are driven by fear, not love, and cannot grasp this idea. Somehow they declare that salvation is a Free Gift, but also believe that if people don't receive the gift that God will immaturely take it away or renege on the deal. God does not give a girt and then decide He wants to take it back if we don't do our part. That's what children do. We take our ball and go home if things don't go our way.
The penalty of not awakening to the gift of salvation is not hell - it is that the Kingdom of God, the ultimate way of living and the key to abundant life, is kept hidden from our eyes. If we perceive to be estranged from God (unsaved), how can we learn how God wants us to live? The awakening to salvation brings us to the Kingdom of God. And the Kingdom teaching brings us to the abundant life. |
Quote of the Week
"For God did not appoint us to suffer wrath but to receive salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ. He died for us so that, whether we are awake or asleep, we may live together with him. Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing." - I Thessalonians 5:9-11