The term Agnostic has become such a dirty word to many who believe in God. Contrary to popular opinion, Agnostics don't claim that there is no God, they simply profess they do not know, and cannot know, how all of it works. Then, aren't we all Agnostics? At least those of us who have faith are Agnostic. Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen (Heb. 11:1). Hope seen is no longer hope. And faith known is no longer faith! Can faith survive once it knows? I Don't Know is the foundation faith is built upon. We don't know, yet, we hope. When will we know? Once we change dimensions we will see what is really out there. We will fully know and be known. When that moment becomes reality we will no longer need faith and hope. Why? We will see. We will experience. We will be free. We will be Spirit. We will know! Until that day, we must embrace the not knowing of faith and the idea of God as an unknown. We have not yet transitioned into that next dimension. Presently, we are trapped between two worlds... the physical and the spiritual. This painful middle passage teaches us to hunger for the land of freedom and Spirit. As we allow our minds to connect with our spirit, we feel and sense and see glimpses of what can be and will be... and what actually, already is (we just don't perceive it). So, we have faith and hope until that day! |
Quote of the Week
"We are Spirits in the material world." -Sting |