The only idea that will last in eternity is love. So, we must decide to build our hopes on things eternal. Love is the only thing we can take with us into eternity. Some spend a lifetime attempting to be right only to end up lonely, defeated and wrong. People demanding the right to be right can be blamed for so much that has gone wrong, and remains wrong in our world. The need to be right is childish. Give up the right to be right. Release the need to be right in order to preserve God's position in the universe. We did not create God and we cannot defend God. He does not need us to do so. We did not promote God and thus, we have no power to demote. God is God, regardless of all the theological arguments humans have allowed to divide us. Is right the ultimate right? Or is love the ultimate right? We will never progress any further in the evolution of human consciousness until we no longer desire to be right, but instead desire to love, and to live, as Christ. Possessions, prophecy, tongues, healing, and even faith will pass away. But love never fails or ends. Love is eternal just as God is eternal; just as we are eternal. Embracing Love, and a God of Love puts us in contact with the eternal spirit within us. The gifts of the Spirit - healing, prophecy, tongues - will eventually vanish. But the fruits of the Spirit - love, peace, joy - remain. If we are to agree with our godlikeness and our eternal self we must learn to appreciate those things which do not pass away with time.
Quote of the Week
"Making yourself right and others wrong is one of the principal egoic mind patterns... one of the main forms of unconsciousness." -Eckhart Tolle |