As long as we demand justice and payback for every person who ever wrongs us, we limit our existence to the karmic plane of an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, action and reaction, sowing and reaping, and we refuse the ascension to perfect love. If we are to adopt the spirit of the Christ we must not demand punishment of others or of ourselves. If we are comforted by, and celebrate, the idea of God punishing others for their wrongdoings, have we really grasped the idea of forgiveness?
If the judgment we give is ultimately the judgment we get - aren't we judging ourselves when we look forward to God punishing sinners? The law and the prophets served only as a tutor to lead us to the Christ-consciousness. If we decide to reject this, we remain stuck in the unconsciousness of religion and in the rut of revenge. In order for the Kingdom of God to become a reality on earth as it is in heaven, we must awaken from the vicious human nightmare of seeking vengeance and run directly into the light of Christ.
After all, an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth leaves all of us toothless and blind - seeing as we are all sinful and fall short! |
Quote of the Week
"Taken literally, the Golden Rule requires you to treat an enemy as an equal, which means in essence that you can have no enemies." - Deepak Chopra