It has always bewildered
me that the passage of scripture in Acts (2:1-12) dealing with the Day of
Pentecost and the original outpouring of the Holy Spirit is known more for the
manifestation of speaking in tongues than for the miracle of the unity
of the language and the clarity of hearing. When people with different languages from different nations
all hear and understand one another as if they were hearing their own language,
this is noteworthy! Yet, this part
of the story always seems to take a back seat to people speaking in unknown tongues. We have focused so much on the
expression of the Spirit with the manifestation of speaking with tongues that
we have ignored the underlying result of the Spirit's manifestation: UNITY!
Seemingly, the Gifts of the Spirit are always esteemed above
the Fruits of the Spirit.
This is why healing is celebrated and love is only tolerated. The Gifts of the Spirit
are glamorous, yet temporal. The
Fruits of the Spirit, like kindness and patience and love, may be less
flashy, yet they are eternal, powerful and unifying.
Gandhi said, "Jesus occupies in my heart . . . the place of one
of the greatest teachers who have had a considerable influence on my life. I shall say to the Hindus that your
life will be incomplete unless you reverentially study the teachings of Jesus .
. ."
Can you imagine a traditional evangelical leader declaring that a
Christian's life will not be complete if he does not study Lao Tzu, Gandhi or
Buddha? Most congregants lean so heavily upon their preacher's knowledge of
truth that the truth they hear Sunday after Sunday never becomes their
own. And preachers know this. That's why they shield their members
from searching, seeking and expanding their minds for themselves. A mind void
of its own truth cannot process a sudden influx of foreign truths. Ignorance
seeks to protect its place in us . . . and to preserve itself through religion!
Insecurity keeps us from ever having security . . . the security of
knowing who we are. Spirit language
brings spirit people together.
Doctrines, religions, and the domination of I Know isolate and
segregate people. As we lessen our
focus on spiritual manifestation and increase our awareness of spiritual
reconciliation, we will connect, and collect, the spirit nature within all
peoples. Spirit calls to spirit.
Quote of the Week
". . . and have put on the new man who is renewed in knowledge according to the image of Him who created him,
where there is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcised nor uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave nor free, but Christ is all and in all."
- Colossians 3:10-11 |