The truth of God is not
limited simply because we cannot receive or perceive it all. If the sun is a smaller star in our
galaxy, 93,000,000 miles away and hundreds of thousands times larger than the
earth, is it possible that the universe is too expansive to be humanly
imagined? Just because the
universe is beyond our comprehension, is it expected to become smaller to
accommodate the boundaries of the human mind? Should the universe become
smaller to comfort us; or instead, should we expect our minds to expand to
understand the universe more fully?
The Disciples of Christ
struggled with the idea of the earth being the Lord's. They allowed their skewed perception of
reality and religion's illusion of separation to limit their understanding of
reality. They did not see and
could not perceive all of creation accepting and following Christ. One day they
questioned Christ regarding the people who were not actively following Him. Christ's answer reinforces the beauty
and humility of I Don't Know!
"I have other sheep that are not of this sheep pen. I must bring them also. They too will listen to my voice, and
there shall be one flock and one shepherd." John 10:16
According to Christ, these sheep of other
pens would eventually listen, but apparently were not listening at the time of
the Disciples' questioning. Yet,
Christ was not shaken by their lack of recognition of Him. Rather, He responded in confidence,
from His mind of inclusion and from His knowledge as Creator. Christ was very aware that if creation
flowed from Him, it would flow back to Him, all of it!
Quote of the Week
"To some God and Jesus may
appear in a way other than to us: some may come to faith in God and to love,
without a conscious attachment to Jesus.
Both Nature and good men besides Jesus may lead us to God. They who seek God with all their hearts
must, however, some day on their way, meet Jesus." -
Howard Thurman