God is Spirit. And we must make the conscious decision
to worship in the Spirit, not in the physical. In this physical dimension (with the exception of a few
invertebrates and amphibians), both a male and a female are required to produce
life - offspring. This is not the
case in the spiritual dimension.
In God's dimension, life flows from the spoken word, not from the
physical joining of flesh. And God
said, let there be... and there was (Genesis 1).
Godly, authentic reproduction
and original creation flowed from one Ultimate Being who is neither male nor
female, yet may just be both.
According to our limited human understanding of reproduction, God would
necessarily have to be both male and female in order to possess the power to
create life through spirit with no dependence upon flesh.
According to the Bible's
account - when God created the original man, he (it) was both male and
female. In medical terminology, we
could accurately say that Adam, the original man, was a hermaphrodite. How do we know this? We know male and female both resided in
Adam because God made the woman by pulling the female out of Adam. So, original man was both male and
female... the image of God. Distinctions and separations between male and female are
designated to this earthly realm of existence, yet are nonexistent in the
heavenly realm (the Kingdom of God.)
The very essence of God
is male and female - in One. This realization leads us to some interesting
questions: Are those who display
strong attributes of both male and female actually more like the original man,
Adam, and thus more like God? Are
homosexuals more spiritually evolved than heterosexuals, possessing the spirit
and essence of both genders in one?
I fear that most of the religious world has
founded their hopes and judgments concerning this issue on what is passing
away, and has assigned eternal spiritual worth to a temporary sexual
expression. Whatever your bent may
be on the issue, I ask you to at least engage the issue for what it is -
complex, and possibly inexplicable even at the highest level of human
aptitude. Religious minds who
refuse to depart from the physical dimension will continue to claim the I
Know about homosexuality.
However, the only way to approach it with any degree of respect for
eternal truth is with the attitude of I Don't Know.
Quote of the Week
"One by one... awakening
by awakening... we must consciously dispel religious unconsciousness."
- D.E. Paulk