Truth knows no boundary
and belongs to no religion.
Truth's only obstacles are the human boundaries we erect. And, these obstacles arise out of fear. My lack of faith in Christ being in all
of His creation was abolished when I accepted that He was the author of life,
the origin of truth, and the source of inclusive love.
I affirm Christ wherever
I find Him. I cannot take Christ
anywhere or restrict Christ from anywhere. I can only recognize the Christ that is already present. Christ will not be held captive in the
Bible, or locked away as a prisoner in the Church.
One reason we fear the
unknown is because we find comfort and safety in the known. However, when we accept that the earth
is the Lord's, we embrace the unknown as familiar, and leave any idea of
trespassing to the fearful faithless.
The Holy Spirit did not come to guide us into
Christian truth... but into ALL TRUTH! All truth flows from God. The more you are in touch with your spirit-mind, the more
all truth flows unhindered to you and through you.
Quote of the Week
"Fear makes strangers of
people who should be friends."
Shirley MacLaine