When discussing
Dispensational Theology or ideas of End Times, it is important to guard against
literalism. For example, scripture
tells us that God "owns the cattle on a thousand hills." Obviously there are more than one
thousand hills with cattle on them in existence right now on planet earth. So, does God own specifically the
cattle on only one thousand of them, and if so, which thousand? Literalism will always lead you down a
rabbit hole like this. It is much
more likely and logical that this is a figure of speech representative of
infinity or endlessness meant to suggest to us that God owns everything. When we apply this same logic to some
of the most common dispensational topics we can understand that to take a
metaphorical book or symbolic prophecies and try to create exact, literal
timelines from them will only lead us astray and into fear consciousness.
Some of these concepts,
especially ones from the book of Revelation that are often not only interpreted
literally by most Christians, but also are sensationalized in an attempt to
prove a certain theory or to defend a specific theology, are whether or not
there is a literal "millennial" period, and if so how long it is to last; the
Rapture and all the various date setting that goes along with it; a literal
Battle of Armageddon somewhere near Jerusalem; and the appearance of an
anti-Christ in the form of an actual human being. In my humble opinion, we must always remember, when reading
biblical passages that deal with these events, that these are guiding resources
intended to lead us to the revelation of Christ and to the Reconciliation and
Restoration of ALL THINGS. Any
imagery given by these authors is not to be taken literally, but figuratively
and metaphorically, and must lead those who have put on the Christ-mind to a
better view of the love, power and providence of God.
I believe that one of
the greatest dangers in literal interpretations of End Times is the creation
and enabling of "specialness." The
literal ideas surrounding this particular theological stance promotes the
country of Israel as the center of the universe and the people of Israel as the
most "special" or "chosen" people of God.
This theology both prophesies conflict and then manifests it. The on-going saga in the Middle East
will never be solved as long as there is a dispensational support of
"specialness" of one people over another.
In the Christ Consciousness, we are ALL now the Spiritual Israel of God.
Instead of arguing and debating the
"literalness" of these subjects, let us set our intention and focus our
attention on preaching and communicating and demonstrating the Gospel of Good
News to every living creature.
Quote of the Week  "For the letter (literal)
kills, but the Spirit gives life."