It is a commonly held
belief that Jesus Christ was, from the minute of his birth, the Messiah; Son of
God. While I believe this is a
true statement, I also believe it is an incomplete statement. Jesus was fully God, but was also fully
man; fully God's son, but also a son of Adam. It is my personal belief that the "person" of Jesus grew
into the "Christ ideal."
The Bible speaks of
Jesus "growing in grace." What
does that mean? I believe the
progression went something like this:
He grew from being a Jew (the son of Joseph and Mary) to being the
Messiah (savior of a select group of people: Israel). This is where most Christian doctrine leaves Him. But I believe He went further and grew
out of His "tribalism", His "culturalism" - I believe He went far beyond
"nationalism" and "racism." And
where and when did this growth culminate?
Jesus left the earth as
a man, but "returned" 40 days later at Pentecost as "Spirit." I am no longer
waiting for the "return of Jesus" because I AM the return of Jesus. He lives in me (Christ in me, the hope
of glory). After the day of
Pentecost, Jesus (the Christ) said to all humankind, "I won't be your label,
your religion, your culture, your sexual orientation, your diet, your land,
your temple or synagogue or chapel or church. I am too big to be put in any one place - but if you'll
clear out some space inside of you, I'll show you a little bit more of me."
Jesus was the "firstborn
among many brethren." He was the first human to realize the "God" inside
Himself. We all have the
opportunity, through Him via the "way" He showed us, to be the second
born. And we will become the
"second coming of Christ" when we realize we are not sons of Adam alone, but
Sons of God as well.
Quote of the Week  "Where fear is, love cannot
be." - Anonymous