Most scientists agree that the universe continues to expand. Therefore, even if you think you are standing still, you are actually moving backward. If I had to compare God to a body of water, it would be to a river and not a lake because rivers are constantly moving, flowing, living, breathing, whereas lake water can become stagnant. Stagnant water is full of bugs, trash and disease because it sits still, which is why you never see bottled water that you drink advertised as coming from some's always "spring" water. However, this idea, too is a bit of a dichotomy; a spiritual paradox and mystery, for we know that God never changes - but our understanding of Him does.
When you do not view your chosen religion as growing, evolving and changing, you face the great danger of it becoming stagnant to you as it becomes easier and easier for you to isolate yourself in your religion and to define yourself as what you are "not" rather than what you are; and to exclude all who do not believe like you, lumping them all into a single category of "other." This has happened throughout history: To the Greeks, any non-Greek was a "barbarian." To the Jews, any non-Jew was a "Gentile." To the Muslims, any non-Muslim was an "infidel." And even today, sadly, many times, to Christians, any non-Christian is categorized as an "unbeliever" and is considered "unsaved."
Can you imagine how humorous it would have been for Peter to try to explain to God how he could not do what God instructed him to do and go to the houses of Cornelius and Simon on the grounds that it was "against his religion?" Thankfully, Peter obeyed and his eyes were opened to the fact that God, indeed, was present among these Gentiles. Unfortunately, some Christians today are not so quick to lay aside their "religion" in order to follow where God is leading them. I challenge you today not to honor your "religion" above your honor for God and for the places His Spirit is leading you. Be a river, not a lake. Don't let the universe grow past you. Learn to move with it.