We read in the Bible
that God instructed Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden not to eat of the fruit
of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. This is obviously a metaphor, but think about the idea. What God was saying was, "I don't want you
to walk in the authority of having to judge between good and evil." Later, in the New Testament, Jesus
constantly admonishes us not to "judge lest we be judged" ourselves. Why? I believe that it is because God
knows that as humans, our judgment is flawed. We do not see as He sees yet, and therefore, we cannot judge
as He judges.
How do we get back to
God's original intention for man?
We must go back and do what we were told to do in the Garden. We must eat only from the Tree of Life. What is the difference between these
two trees? From the Tree of the
Knowledge of Good and Evil we get labels, denominations, separation, arguments,
judgment. It represents this
physical world with all its opposites: good and evil; light and darkness. The Tree of life, on the other hand,
represents the spiritual realm where duality does not exist. Here we find only the way of love and
mercy and the interconnectedness of all forms of God's creation.
In Christian churches we
are fond of the saying "God is good - all the time." Let us change that to "God is All - all the time." Both the light and the darkness have
their purposes and when we know this, we can truly believe that God is in
control and everything - EVERYTHING - is working for our good.
Quote of the Week  "To see the Divine in all
things is to begin to live, to begin to be awake and aware.
" -
Meister Eckhart