Universal Salvation, Universal Reconciliation, or sometimes simply Universalism, is commonly defined and held as the belief that all people have received salvation, or will at some point, because of the love, mercy and providential will of God. Several different streams of thought exist as part of the vast river of Universalism. Some in the river believe that all souls have already been reconciled to God and have been imputed salvation as a result of the finished work of Jesus at Calvary whether they are conscious of their reconciliation or not.
Some believe that many are still working out their salvation with fear and trembling - and that even though the whole world will be saved, there is a necessary purging as part of the salvation process. Still others believe that confession of and a belief in Jesus as personal savior are necessary, and that every knee will (someday) bow and every tongue will (eventually) confess Jesus as Lord. In reference to the diversity of Universalist ideas regarding the way in which God will reconcile humanity, we might say it this way: "We WERE saved. We ARE saved and we ARE BEING saved!"
If we believe that John the revelator prophetically saw that the Kingdoms of this world have become the Kingdoms of our God and of His Christ (Rev. 11:15) then it should not be a stretch for the mind to perceive or foreign for the ear to hear that ALL SOULS belong to God! If the kingdoms of this world will or have been reclaimed by God, then the souls of this world have been reclaimed by God as well. In other words, why would God care more about kingdoms than souls? The kingdoms of the world AND the souls of the world belong to God!
Quote of the Week

"The earth is the LORD'S, and everything in it, the world, and ALL WHO LIVE IN IT." - Psalm 24:1 |
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The Holy Bible of Inclusion
by D.E. Paulk
If you are like me you have struggled to accept the modern Christian church's portrayal (or betrayal) of God, depiction of the devil and description of hell. Many god-fearing people and good-hearted preachers alike have long harbored unspoken thoughts of a more loving, merciful and masterful Creator. However, just about as many who subscribe to this grander vision and version of God also admittedly and even ashamedly lack the ability to reference the Bible and specific passages of scripture in order to publicly validate these privately held higher concepts of God.
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