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Tired of trying to fit into society's mold of religion? Following someone else's path to spiritual enlightenment? Efforts to do this have left most of us feeling like we are sitting alone in the dark. The Weekly Eureka invites you to flip on a light switch - ask the questions - question the answers and join others on the journey to the most important discovery of all - that of your true self.
An Affirmation 

The prayer of faith is not so much about asking God for something as it is about acknowledging what already is...God's will. Our will only determines how quickly we will surrender to His will, and part of God's will is that all would be "saved."

Your soul has always been saved. When Jesus put on flesh, He came to save your mind, therefore, we don't get saved, we merely find the salvation that has always been inside of us, Jesus' finished work of reconciliation. Let our daily prayers then, not be petitions, but rather statements of truth.


Let's affirm together:


I declare today that God has already given me all things pertaining to life and godliness.


I need not ask for anything, but only declare what is.


By faith I declare the Kingdom of God is already within me.


By faith I declare the Christ in me is the hope of glory.


By faith I declare the miracle is in me.


By faith I declare I am healthy, wealthy and wise.


By faith I declare I am saved, sanctified, sane and a survivor.


By faith I understand the worlds were framed by the Word of God and I declare that I have the power to frame my world with my words.  


All things are working together for my good.


My steps are ordered of the Lord.


My latter will be greater than my former.


All my needs are already being supplied by God.


And so it is.

Quote of the Week

"Every day declare for yourself what you want in life. Declare it as though you have it!"  ~Louise Hay


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VIDEO: 2013 The Age of Spirit
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VIDEO: 2013 The Age of Spirit - Spirit and Truth Sanctuary - D.E. & Brandi Paulk


2013 The Age of Spirit

Spirit and Truth Sanctuary

D.E. & Brandi Paulk

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Site sponsored by Spirit and Truth Sanctuary (formerly Cathedral of The Holy Spirit)      www.mytruthsanctuary.com 



Please note: The Weekly Eureka is a ministry of and sponsored by Spirit and Truth Sanctuary (formerly Cathedral of The Holy Spirit) and D.E. Paulk. When you donate, you are contributing to Chapel Hill Harvester Church, Inc. and your donations are tax deductible.