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Tired of trying to fit into society's mold of religion? Following someone else's path to spiritual enlightenment? Efforts to do this have left most of us feeling like we are sitting alone in the dark. The Weekly Eureka invites you to flip on a light switch - ask the questions - question the answers and join others on the journey to the most important discovery of all - that of your true self.
The Mines We've Laid 

This week's entry is a repeat... Click Here for original version. 

The Mines We've Laid

Those who see the world in black and white rejoice when their legalism vindicates them and indicts others.  Yet, when they fall into a grey area, they conveniently forget to use that same legalism to indict themselves.  We cannot choose to live in legalism only when we are acting lawfully. 
Christ made it abundantly clear that if we want to live by the law (as opposed to living by the Spirit), we must live by all of the law.  Further, Christ asserted that if we want to be justified by the law, and then break a law, it is as if we had broken all of the laws.  If we make a habit out of laying mines for others, and then choose to walk across them ourselves, we must endure the explosion of self-mutilation without exception or justification.
If you have become a casualty of the pain and exclusion inflicted by any religion or religiously conditioned person, be assured that they are only projecting their own hurt, fear and loneliness upon you.  And, they have unknowingly uncovered their desire for you to join the club.  Misery loves company!
I Don't Know builds bridges that bring people together.
I Don't Know fills chasms that have separated people for years.
I Don't Know brings all of God's children together. 
Lay any weapon of knowing aside.
Embrace the peace and tranquility of not knowing.
Set the battlements on fire and bend the spears into ploughshares.
Truth is not a weapon; it is a cure.

Quote of the Week

"As I returned across the fields I'd known, I recognized the walls that I'd once made. Had to stop in my tracks for fear of walking on the mines I'd laid... And if I built this fortress around your heart - encircled you in trenches and barbed wire - then let me build a bridge, for I cannot fill the chasm. And let me set the battlements on fire."  ~Sting


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VIDEO: 2013 The Age of Spirit
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VIDEO: 2013 The Age of Spirit - Spirit and Truth Sanctuary - D.E. & Brandi Paulk


2013 The Age of Spirit

Spirit and Truth Sanctuary

D.E. & Brandi Paulk

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Site sponsored by Spirit and Truth Sanctuary (formerly Cathedral of The Holy Spirit)      www.mytruthsanctuary.com 



Please note: The Weekly Eureka is a ministry of and sponsored by Spirit and Truth Sanctuary (formerly Cathedral of The Holy Spirit) and D.E. Paulk. When you donate, you are contributing to Chapel Hill Harvester Church, Inc. and your donations are tax deductible.