METRONewsJanuary 2013

Metron 7 Single Image View is coming!

Metron 7.0 ... 

the same and better! 


This new Metron is the same on the surface.  It continues to work just as you like it.   Underneath we are adding some new technologies that help to make your diagnostic image even more diagnostic. 


Also with Metron 7.0, we are adding more DICOM features.   Need Metron to be a PACS?  In this new Metron, you will have access to many of the most important PACS features. 


Metron will have coverage for more species; histogram trimming will be available to
the user as an image tuning tool, improved Auto-Crop and Multi-View. And Metron has now incorporated a new Exposure Index based on the new international standard IEC-624941-1 and helps imaging technicians obtain proper exposure.


Metron 7.0 - In with the new! Coming soon!

Metron 2012 | The Year in Review
Looking back, moving forward....


We are excited about all the activity over the last year.  Here is a sampling of the 2012 Metron newsletters.  For the entire archive of newsletter articles from this collection and all other previous publications, please visit the news section of the Metron Support Services website.


Metron 2012 Year in Review Practice Spotlight 

Read more about your colleagues' Metron stories

  • January - Dr. Scott Marx, Advanced Equine Dentistry
  • March - Dr. Jacob Mecham - Equine Ambulatory Services Department at OSU
  • April - Dr. Robert Barratt - Salem Valley Veterinary Clinic
  • November - Dr. Matt Schaefer - Dairyland Veterinary Services
  • December - Dr. Michael Johnson - Willowbend Animal Hospital


Best Practice

It is all about the image 

  • December/January - V6.08 released 
  • February - An image is worth a thousand words
  • May - Technique Charts...and what is kVp and mAs?
  • June - V6.11 released
  • August - Measurements in Radiographs

Support Services Highlights 

Some of the topics the team reviewed

  • March - Communications and Integration
  • April - Technique Charts - Practice Personalized!
  • June - Creating a Dental Cleaning Exam Report
  • July - Using the "Send E-Mail" feature in Metron
  • September - Producing the "Diagnostic" Image
  • October - Use Collections to comparatively view images from multiple studies


Have you backed up today?
Your computer, that is.
Cloud Backup

Yes, I did it too.....


The guy that writes to you regularly about backups... yes me.  I broke my own rule - backup every day.  I made it really easy, just plug in the external hard disk cable and it does the rest. 


Only requirement - plug in the cable.


Saturday morning I started my day with big work plans and the important tool - my computer.  Instead, the ticking noise and locked up Windows screen turned into time on the phone with Dell-India and a screw driver to my laptop.  With additional tech tricks I fully analyzed the scope of my troubles.  The laptop hard disk was very dead.  I did not have a backup since two weeks prior and I had some important files that I needed next to figure out how to recreate or recover off of other computers and emails. 


Needless to say I was not happy with me and the rest of the world.


In addition to other precautions I am implementing for my own sanity, I am adding our "Cloud Backup" to my own computer.  Now I need not even plug it in.    Hmm...  How else can I protect myself from me and all of these gadgets we live with?  


Did someone say "New Year's Resolution?"


To thank you for helping....
Donation Dog
A limited December renewal campaign generated a nice donation to a national animal relief fund...a fund designed to assist so many animals but also those who may have needed some extra loving and assistance due to Hurricane Sandy. 
The team at Metron Support Services is proud to support you and others!
Thank YOU!
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In This Issue
Version 7 Coming Soon!
Metron 2012 | Year in Review
Back Up Today?
December Donation
AAEP Thanks!
Happy New Year!
Voice Annotation Feature
Your Support Website
Adding Notes on your Images


AAEP Thanks!
AAEP 2012 Thanks


Thank you for visiting us at AAEP. It was great to see everyone at the show! Thanks for taking the time to stop by the booth. We hope you were able to take in all the convention had to offer.


Happy New Year!
Happy 2013


May the new year bring you health, happiness, and prosperity. Celebrate each day as a new opportunity to make a difference in 2013.


Did you know?

Voice Annotation Box  

You have the ability to record voice annotations to any of your images. The recording can also be sent to the iPhone or iPad.


Voice Annotation button From the single image view, click the voice annotation button and you will be presented with the menu to record.



Support Services Site

Metron Support Services logo
Be sure you and your staff visit
the support site for
past newsletters, 
how-to documents and 
online training sessions. 


Support Services
Support Services Tips

Last month, we showed you how to add a note to your image.  Once you have done that, you can also decide where you want the arrow to start from the text.  Within the Free Mark-Up option, select the radial button for the arrow start location....


Add Note will then start the arrow at that point.


Problem Area   



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