METRONewsJanuary 2012
Metron News Welcome

Message from Metron Support Services    


Metron Team

Is it the product or the service?


The business version of the "chicken and the egg".   Unless a product is truly a commodity, it is difficult to sell a product without service.  It is also difficult to sell services without being attached to products.


Metron is a product and a service.  When you purchased Metron, you also purchased all of us...  it's our team that makes Metron work for you, helps you with X-Ray questions, adds more great features, and achieves more than is required.  We take on more because we love what we do and want to help you achieve all that is possible from Metron.


Good luck to everyone in 2012.


The Metron Support Services Team


Practice Spotlight
Advance Equine Dentistry
Advance Equine Denistry

Dr. Scott Marx is an equine dental practitioner who began using the Metron with the ScanX 12 scanner in 2008.  His initial reason for moving from film to CR was the amount of time potentially wasted with film.  He explains, "If we are on a call 45 minutes away and the images we take are not diagnostic, we do not know that until we get back and process the film.  We would then have to make a return trip and do it all over again.  With a ScanX we see the image right away.  We save a lot of time and money.  It also allows us to perform advanced procedures on site."  


Over the years, Dr. Marx has seen Metron add many features to the product, including features/functions specific to equine dentistry.  "One of the great things about Metron and the Metron Support Services Team is they listen and act.  With the latest technique charts and dental specific filters Metron has jumped into the excellent category for dental radiology.  Also, from what I see Metron is doing the same for skeletal applications," states Dr. Marx.  "Metron is matching the new filters to specific anatomical areas so the filter is applied automatically.  This makes it much easier to use." 


Advance EquineThe power of the new filters became clear in numerous cases.  Dr. Marx took radiographs of a horse with a chronic dental issue.  He could not diagnose the pathology with the Metron filter defaults even though he was certain of an underlying condition.  The next day, after applying the newly designed equine dental filters provided by Metron Support Services, he easily recognized the pathology and developed a treatment plan.  Dr. Marx encountered this same situation when a college provided images for a second opinion.  With the application of the new Metron dental filters, he provided a quick diagnosis. 


Dr. Marx sees great benefit in working with Metron where Metron's technology and staff create a powerful support structure for the veterinary professional.   "I would recommend ScanX and Metron to anyone performing equine dental procedures.  It's a great combination.  The support staff is exceptional and they continually improve and add to their product.  The ScanX/Metron system also works very well for general equine and small animal practice.  It even produces good endodontic images for lions, tigers, and bears!" exclaims Dr. Marx.


Advance Equine Dr MarxAbout Dr. Marx

  • Graduate of United States Military Academy at West Point w/ BS in engineering
  • Served as Army officer and paratrooper in U.S., Asia, and Europe
  • Married to Annie for 22 years and has 2 Chesapeake Bay Retrievers
  • DVM from Colorado State University in 1995
  • Was partner in a mixed animal practice in Colorado mountains
  • Started an equine dentistry exclusive practice, Advance Equine Dentistry, in 2000
  • Practice area is Denver vicinity
  • Practice includes routine and advanced equine dental procedures and referrals
  • Conducts national/international equine dental seminars/lectures
Support Services Highlight
Our upgraded image


Metron Support  

Have you heard the latest!?!?   Metron Support Services has enhanced its image.  We have launched a completely upgraded and renovated website for you, our customers.  The new site has many of the old favorites all dressed up and easy to find, as well as many new additions. 


We have discovered in talking with many of our customers, some of you were not aware Metron Support Services has a website available as a resource tool.   

Let's take a tour and view key areas of interest:  


As you can see, there is so much on our new site that can aid you in the use of your imaging tool.  We hear on a regular basis that the software is good and you don't need to call into support.  Honestly, that is what we hope for but it is good to know you have it available 24/7 when you need it.


In addition to enhancing the product and other resources for you, the more we can add value at your finger tips, the better your overall experience with Metron.  Also, having the training sessions easy to use and navigate thru, will help you in assigning training for staff.  A trained staff is an efficient staff and that leads to overall client satisfaction and growth to the bottom line of the practice. 


Our site is continuing to grow and we welcome your feedback and comments.   If there are training sessions you would like to see added, please drop us a note.  Metron and Metron Support Services strive to provide the unexpected level of services we all expect!


In This Issue
Advance Equine Dentistry
We've upgraded our image
NAVC 2012
Your Support Website!


Happy New Year!


NAVC 2012
NAVC logo

Metron Support Services will be at NAVC 2012 in Orlando, FL! Come see us January 15-18 at Booth 1505.



Support Services Site

Metron-DVM Logo
Be sure you and your staff visit
the support site for
past newsletters and
online training sessions. 


Support Services
Support Services Tips


Setting up a separate viewing station with Metron can be easy! You have the option to set up 1 or 2 other computers for viewing only purposes. We encourage you to call us at 1-877-638-3868 or email us.  We will answer your questions and provide you with the setup instructions for your practice.


Company Highlight

EponaShoe, EponaTech's sister company, has a new testimonial video. Check out their new website and video on the right side of the home page! EponaShoe is also one of our valued business partners.


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