METRONewsJuly 2012

Message from Metron Support Services    


Metron 6.11

On its way - Metron 6.11!    


This new Metron version looks the same but is now even smarter,  We are keeping to the theme that Metron is Smart and Easy.  In Metron 6.11 we have improved the image viewing.  "Full Screen" and "Multi-View" features that include "click point focus" and "apply to all images" visual options.  Also new to "Full Screen" mode is "Preferences" - to configure the functionality to your liking.  In "Multi-View" mode, you now can zoom on all images at once so each image displays at exactly the same zoom amount.


For all you DICOM people out there - more DICOM!   We now have "Auto-Forward" as a standard feature. In addition to receiving DICOM studies (DICOM Server), now Metron can also automatically forward studies to other DICOM servers.  Plus we have other new DICOM improvements that help with total practice communications. 


Our popular image thumbnails now can be rearranged.  You want the third image to be the first image in the study?  You want to arrange by order of image capture? Now you can do that. 


Best Practice


DataYou are right - we are the broken record on this topic!  Just in the last month we have heard from and helped out with a half dozen crashed computers, dead hard drives or stolen laptops...

and half of the cases did not have backups to recover from!


Certainly many of you will have the good fortune of avoiding a computer failure but it seems the painful event happens more often than you realize. 


What is the big deal? The data is the big deal. You can replace the computer and we can help you reload Metron, but the data is lost. All of your X-Ray studies are gone.


Take the time to imagine the "failure" happened this morning - your entire X-Ray database is gone. At that moment, how much would you pay to roll back a day and get a backup?


Backups are very inexpensive and can be automatic.

Just call us at 1-877-638-3868 and we can do it for you.


Support Services Highlight
Using the "Send E-Mail" Feature in Metron
Dan Gayhart, Customer Services Technician


Since we all "e-mail," the most popular method for sharing digital X-Rays from Metron is via our e-mail "Send Method." You can also share X-Ray studies via DICOM and the Metron Web-viewer and via iPad or iPhone.


Sending X-Ray studies by e-mail is easy. No need to "painfully" export the images and then attach the images to your e-mails. Just mark the images you want to send and then pick the e-mail address(es) you want to send to. It is that easy!


To use this feature, you must first have a working e-mail address as your "send from" address. We recommend setting up an e-mail account with Gmail or Hotmail as most modern e-mail clients will automatically configure server settings during the initial setup wizard. If you already have an e-mail address but with another email host, we often can make that work for you.


Second, you will need to install (or have an existing) e-mail program on your computer such as Outlook, Outlook Express, Windows Live! or Mozilla Thunderbird. We recommend Mozilla Thunderbird; it's free and can be downloaded at We are happy to help you with this step too!


To E-Mail X-Ray Scans in Metron:


1. In the Database Browser, click to tag (red border) each X-Ray image you would like to send .


Send Images button

2. Click the "Send Images" button.




Send Images Click Email

3. Select the "Send via E-Mail" option.  








Addresses button

4. You need an address in the 
"E-mail Addresses" list for the person 
you want to send to. Click the "Addresses...
button to add an address.  
Note: If you already have the e-mail address 
entered, skip to Step 8.



Email Add New

5. Click  "Add New..."    







Email Enter Addresses

6. Enter an e-mail address and nickname, and click the "OK" button.






Email Addresses List

7. The e-mail address you just entered will now appear in your "E-Mail Addresses"  list.  Click the "close" button.
Note: Once you have added e-mail addresses, they will be in your list as ready options for future sends. 




Email Prepare to Send
8. Click the check box next to the e-mail address that you just entered to select it. Enter an e-mail subject and also any information you would like to appear in the body of the e-mail into the "Text Message (if any)" field and click "Send."


You have now sent an e-mail successfully in Metron!


If you have any questions about setting up your copy of Metron to e-mail X-Ray scans, please don't hesitate to contact our Metron technicians at 877-638-3868 - they are always glad to assist!  Click here to review these step-by-step instructions available on your support site.

In This Issue
Metron's "Send E-Mail" Feature
Holiday Support Hours
Metron's Magnifying Lens
Your Support Website
Image Viewing Options
Summer Safety Tips for Pets


Holiday Support Hours

Metron Support Services will be closed Wednesday, July 4, in observance of Independence Day 

in the United States.  


Did you know?

Did You Know 1 

Not only can the magnifying lens be moved by clicking the right button and holding it down while moving but it can resize.  


To resize it from the original:

Did You Know 2  

Put your cursor anywhere on the red border, and drag your mouse out. 



Support Services Site

Metron Support Services logo
Be sure you and your staff visit
the support site for
past newsletters, 
how-to documents and 
online training sessions. 


Support Services
Support Services Tips

When viewing a single image, in the lower left corner, you have the ability to turn on and off: annotations, mark-up, and grids.  Simply, select or deselect the check box.  Also, clicking the FS button will increase the image to full screen for viewing.


Annotation Choices  


Happy Summer | Be Safe
Dog Beach


Summer brings warm days enjoyed outside with each member of our families. Be sure to keep your pets safe from the heat and sun too. Click here for a few tips.


Join Our Mailing List
You are receiving this newsletter as a part of your Metron Support Services Subscription.   We encourage you to continue receiving the subscription.  If you would like to receive this at an additional email address, simply click "Join our Mailing List" above.  If you would like to have it sent to a different email address, please send an email to us at


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