METRONewsDecember 2011
Metron News Welcome

Message from Metron Support Services    


Metron New Release


Version 6.08 is here!    


In addition to some great feature additions, we have added anumber of behind the scenes edits that will improve your overall experience.


See the client release notes for the descriptions of enhancements that include improvements to image filtering, exporting and printing.


AAEP 2011Be sure you click the "Metron Update Available" message when it next notifies you there is a new release so you too can take advantage of the latest Metron improvements.   If you need any help, contact Metron Support Services.


It was great to visit with all of you that came by our Metron booth at AAEP in San Antonio.  We have been attending AAEP for many years.  Each year we get to see and visit with more of our existing Metron clients.   We always learn so much from all of you, sharing great ideas and unique ways you are benefiting from Metron.   We also enjoyed spending time with many of you, helping you discover additional methods to get even more out of Metron and your quest for perfect images.





John Craig
EponaTech LLC 



Support Services Highlight
Where did the image go?


Delete key

What if I aggressively window-level my images, am I stuck with how they look?


Each image in Metron is made up of two image files.  The first is the original image - this image is the very first draft of the image created during acquisition.   The second is the "working" image.  This image is the one you engage with.  Any time you change the image, that change is recorded in the "working" image.  This approach to image storage and management means you cannot damage your images by any editing, filtering etc.   All you need to do is click on one of the filter buttons labeled 1, 2, 3, 4.  Metron will open the original image and recreate the "working" image and apply the chosen filter.


Deleted images - where do they go and can I get them back?

Trash Contents DeleteDeleting images is simple - just highlight the images and click on the delete button.  Once deleted, the images are moved to the Trash Bin where they can be "undeleted". To permanently delete images, you must click on the "Permanent Delete" in the Trash Bin screen. 
You will want to permanently delete old files that you are sure you will not need.


How do I backup my images?


Sounds like a simple question but has a complicated answer.   The primary purpose of the backup is to protect you from losing your important images if something happens to your computer.  How you should perform the backup is the more complicated question.


Local hard drive backup - you can backup to a local external attached hard disk.  These devices are inexpensive and easy to use.  The trick with these devices - you have to remember to run the backup.  Also, most backup programs that come free with these devices only keep one copy of each file.   If you delete your deleted files, your backup program may try to reflect the same and delete off the external drive too. Also, some use backup software that will conflict with Metron.   


Cloud (offsite) backup - you can also backup to the cloud which is typically a monthly service that runs automatically.   The offsite backup is only intended to protect you from a computer failure.   If you delete your deleted files, the offsite backup will do the same.


Backup ServicesThe best backup strategy is to have both an onsite and offsite backup. 


Metron Support Services is now offering an offsite backup that is fully automatic.  Our Metron support team monitors your backups to make sure they are successful.


Check out the offer we have for your Metron files.  Start your protection today for $39/setup and $39/month.  Click here for more details!!!!


Join Our Mailing List


You are receiving this newsletter as a part of your Metron Support Services Subscription.   We encourage you to continue receiving the subscription.  If you would like to receive this at an additional email address, simply click "Join our Mailing List" above.  If you would like to have it sent to a different email address, please send an email to us at
In This Issue
6.08 Out and About!
Where did the image go?
Holiday Hours
And the Winner is...
Your Support Website!
True Size Printing in Metron


'Tis the Season
Christmas 2011
Metron Support Services will be closed December 26 and January 2 so our team can enjoy the festivities with family and friends. We wish you all the best during this holiday season and as we greet the new year, may it bring with it a joy of new beginnings.
 Happy Holidays!


And the Winner is....

Thank you to all for filling out the November Metron Support Services Survey!  It is helpful to us for improving our services as well as making sure you have all the assistance needed for your success.  We would like to announce...

Montague Veterinary Clinic

as the winner of the 3 months of Metron Support Services.



Support Services Site

Metron-DVM Logo
Be sure you and your staff visit
the support site for
past newsletters and
online training sessions. 


Support Services
Support Services Tips

Metron is able to print in 'True Size' (or with any desired magnification factor) to a standard Windows printer. Metron is also able to render 'True Size ' on screen.  Click here to view document.

True Size Printing  

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All rights reserved.

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