METRONewsApril 2012

Message from Metron Support Services    


Web-Viewer DVM

Happy Spring to you all!    

In each newsletter, we try to bring you information about new and interesting features added into your Metron software.  This time, we would like to highlight a feature that we believe is not well known.  Web-Viewer appears to be fairly underutilized and it can provide a very valuable tool for your practice. 

Whether to collaborate with a colleague, send from the field to an office associate, send from back of the practice to a tablet in the exam room or to share with your clients outside the practice, the Web-Viewer can help.  The Web-Viewer is simple and efficient requiring an internet connection to use. 


Send Images Message

Just a few simple steps will have you sharing. 

  1. Highlight the images you wish to share, click the "Send Images" button and select "Post to"
  2. Now share the User ID with the person (s) you would like to have access to the images. 
  3. They can log on and view them.  You can also give them the ability to download the image.  If you make voice annotations and used mark-ups those also will appear on the image in the viewer.  Note:  The study will remain in the viewer for one week. 

Imagine the wow factor for your clients when they can log onto an internet site and view their pet's X-Rays.  You can also include reports on this viewer.  Client communication and education is the key to compliance.  This is just one more tool for getting that information into the correct hands.



Practice Spotlight
Salem Valley Veterinary Clinc


Dr. Robert Baratt with Salem Valley Veterinary Clinic started using Metron in Sept of 2009.  His reason for going to Metron was that he wanted better image quality and knew that he should be able to get it.  But he was not able to get what he wanted with his VetRay software nor could he get any assistance from VetRay support.  He saw the Metron Imaging Software at a wet lab session and was able to work with it during the labs.  Seeing the quality of the images being produced, after the show he decided to purchase Metron. 


When he moved to Metron, he immediately saw an improvement right out of the box. Working directly with Metron Support Services he was able to get even better image quality. Over the last two and a half years, he also states that the ease of getting the better image quality has improved as well.  Dr. Baratt states "In the beginning, we needed to do adjustments and tweaks ourselves to get the images to look as we wanted.  Even though the process was straightforward to do, it was still extra clicks. Now with the advanced anatomy filters, it is simpler."   Dr. Baratt adds, "Once the support team knew the way I like to look at images, they were able to further customize my filter options to my liking."

"Metron has also been great with communication with sending images to my offsite backup solution and for sharing images with clients and referral practices".  Metron has been a great tool and he emphasizes that he has seen even more improvements in the last six month especially with dental imaging.  Dr Baratt uses Metron in his equine side of the business and is planning to move his small animal dental over to Metron as well. The Metron Support Services Team provides great service and they go "well beyond what is expected with support."
In closing, Dr. Baratt says, "I originally wasn't sure I was going to be able to get the image quality I wanted with a CR system but with Metron I have been able to achieve it.  I continually tell my colleagues if they want awesome images just move to Metron!"
Salem Valley Veterinary Clinic  in Salem, CT is a full service equine and small animal hospital. It is our commitment to provide quality veterinary care throughout the life of your companion animal. Our services and facilities are designed to assist in routine preventive care for young, healthy animals; early detection and treatment of disease as your companion animal ages; and complete medical and surgical care as necessary during his or her lifetime. 

Dr. Baratt graduated from the Colorado State College of Veterinary Medicine in 1981 after obtaining a Master's degree in Pathology. He founded Salem Valley Equine Clinic in 1983, and the equine practice eventually expanded to include companion animals in 1992. Salem Valley Veterinary Clinic has grown to employ 4 veterinarians and 9 support staff. He has developed a keen interest in dentistry, and is the first veterinarian to obtain Fellowship in the Academy of Veterinary Dentistry in both small animal and equine dentistry and is now an alternate pathway resident in dentistry at Cornell University.  Dr. Baratt travels extensively to instruct fellow veterinarians and veterinary students in both companion animal and equine dentistry with lectures and hands-on wetlabs.


Support Services Highlight
Technique Charts: Practice Personalized!

Technique Charts

We all know what they are - charts to guide us in taking the images we want with our X-Ray system.  It is a guide to properly set the mAs and kVp. However having "a" guide is not good enough - you need YOUR guide!  Your guide is the one which matches your X-Ray generator, your acquisition device, the animal anatomy, and of course the software you are using (Metron). 

You want the best images possible and here at Metron Support Services, we will work with you to get the correct technique chart for your environment.  If you haven't already, tell us the capabilities of your X-Ray generator and what type of shots you will be taking - we will create the right chart just for you!
Stay tuned for next month's newsletter for more about Metron technique charts! 
In This Issue
Web-Viewer Benefits
Salem Valley Veterinary Clinic
Technique Charts Personalized
Want to be featured in the Practice Spotlight section?
Your Support Website!
Customize Metron Report Covers


Spring has arrived!
Click here to follow your favorite team throughout the season!


Who wants to be the next Practice Spotlight?
Practice Spotlight

How do you use Metron?  What is your best X-Ray story?  Here is your chance to share how you are using Metron and tell us about your practice.  It is simple - just a few minutes of your time. Contact us to be the next Practice Spotlight!  



Support Services Site

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Be sure you and your staff visit
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past newsletters, 
how-to documents and 
online training sessions. 


Support Services
Support Services Tips

Customize your report cover by setting defaults for your practice contact information as well as your logo.  Go to "Preferences" on the top menu bar and select "Report Cover."

Report Cover Preferences 


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