MillsWyck Communications
Communication Matters Newsletter - Archive Homepage
Communication Matters is a monthly newsletter published by MillsWyck Communications and full of valuable speaking tips.  We provide public speaking skills workshops and training. You can find out more about our public workshops, corporate training, one-on-one coaching, and keynote speaking at
  • Communication Matters Newsletter Archive
  • August 2016
  • --Five Ways to Make a Speech Worthy of the Hall of Fame
    --Presentation Sin Speaking Tip about "Arm Flapping."
  • July 2016
  • --Trip Report: Public Speaking Lessons From Around the World
    --Presentation Sin Speaking Tip about "Not opening your presentations with how important you are."
  • June 2016
  • --The Importance of Facial Expression
    --Rad Presenters Podcast
    --Presentation Sin Speaking Tip about "Minimal Facial Expression"
  • May 2016
  • --Handling a Bad Review
    --Presentation Sin Speaking Tip about "Ignoring Feedback"
    --Goodreads Giveaway Offer til May 6!
  • April 2016
  • --News from the World of Speaking, April 1, 2016
    --Presentation Sin Speaking Tip about "Speaking Too Fast"
    --TEDx Raleigh Event a HUGE Success
  • March 2016
  • --How to Engage Your Audience: Be Specific
    --Presentation Sin Speaking Tip about "Speaking in Generalities"
  • February 2016
  • --The foolproof method to be a great speaker
    --Presentation Sin Speaking Tip about "Not knowing your audience"
  • January 2016
  • --A Checklist for handling blunders and mistakes from the stage
    --Presentation Sin Speaking Tip about "Running over time"
    --Infographic: Handling unexpected issues when you're on stage speaking
  • December 2015
  • --It's Never as ______ as it seems. Find an accountability partner -- whether a human or a device.
    --Presentation Sin Speaking Tip about "Not Smiling"
    --FREE Kindle book offer for Presentation Sin book
  • November 2015
  • --Is your message the same as your competition? Take the Opposite Test.
    --Presentation Sin Speaking Tip about "Happy Feet"
    --The proper neutral standing stance for speakers. A look at the presidential candidates.
  • October 2015
  • --Four Reasons to Write Your Own Book
    --Presentation Sin: The Practical Guide to Stop Offending (and Start Impressing) Your Audience -- BOOK Launch and FREE Offer
  • September 2015
  • --What NOT to Say Video: "It's not worth your time..."
    --Don't stink! Communication advice from ESPN Commentators
    --Presentation Sin: The Practical Guide to Stop Offending (and Start Impressing) Your Audience
    --12 Ways to Better Present Yourself On-Screen (12 FREE videos!)
  • August 2015
  • --Three principles I've learned from a football team's preparation
    --What NOT to Say video tip: "I have a quiet voice..."
    --Speaking Tip of the Month: Watch yourself on video in fast-motion
    --Reaching kids before they develop bad habits and fears of public speaking
    --The Ultimate Conference for Speakers of all Levels
  • July 2015
  • --Ah, Vacation!
    --Speaking tip of the month: Be intentional and know your objectives
    --Reaching kids before they develop bad habits and fears of public speaking
    --The Importance of Telling Your Story
    --The Ultimate Conference for Speakers of all Levels
  • June 2015
  • --Top Questions to ask your meeting planner before you speak
    --What NOT to Say video tip: "I'm really off today"
    --Speaking tip of the month: Invest in your own equipment
  • May 2015
  • --The two best phone apps that will make you a better speaker.
    --Speaking tip of the month: When writing a manuscript, read it out loud.
    --PechaKucha night Raleigh
  • April 2015
  • --Spring is in the Air! Have a speaker spring.
    --Speaking tip of the month about smiling
    --It's Conference Season -- Prepare now!
  • March 2015
  • --I have a speech coming up and I don't know what to say. What should I do?
    --The Best & Worst Communicators List of 2014
  • February 2015
  • --Three steps to confidence as a speaker
    --Go from topic/idea to finished presentation in one day!
    --Dilbert and What NOT to Say
  • January 2015
  • --Practicing versus Rehearsing. What's the difference?
    --What NOT to Say video tip: "I'll keep this brief"
    --Speaking tip of the month: Taking every chance to practice
  • December 2014
  • --The Ultimate Communication Challenge: How to be heard in a noisy world
    --What NOT to Say video tip: "No offense, but..."
    --Speaking Tip of the Month: Rememorability -- Can the audience Remember what you said?
  • November 2014
  • --What is your definition of Success when speaking?
    --What NOT to Say video tip: "Take it to the next level"
    --Speaking Tip of the Month: Use the SMART acronym for creating objectives or measures of success for your speaking
  • October 2014
  • --What NOT to Say video tip: "I'm not a speaker..."
    --The ONE, most important thing to keep in mind to be a great speaker
    --Speaking Tip of the Month: Prepare for Tough Questions
    --Calculate the TRUE Cost of your Email
  • September 2014
  • --It costs how much? The REAL cost of email.
    --Tip of the month: How to send more productive emails
  • August 2014
  • --What NOT to Say video tip: "Hi! My name is..."
    --The one sentence you HAVE to say in every speech
  • July 2014
  • --What NOT to Say video tip: "If you don't mind"
    --World Cup Fever: For those who can speak well -- GOAL!
  • June 2014
  • --What NOT to Say video tip: "Soft Intros"
    --It's Hurricane Season -- you need to prepare now (hmmm, sort of like speaking!)
  • May 2014
  • --How Writing a Book is Like Giving a Speech
    --Is One-on-One Coaching Right for You?
  • April 2014
  • --The Three Things that Drive an Audience's Impression
  • March 2014
  • --Glossophobia, noun -- the fear of speaking in public
    --What NOT to Say three minute video: "Excuses"
    --On the blog: The key element to answering tough questions
  • February 2014
  • --The Bland Leading the Bland
    --On the blog: The best communicators, and why they are the best
  • January 2014
  • --Why trusting your instinct when speaking is not always best
    --What NOT to say video tip: "To make a long story short."
    --On the blog: Offer something unexpectedly wonderful for your (existing) customers
  • December 2013
  • --Presentations and how to end well.
    --What NOT to Say two minute video: "It goes without saying."
    --On the blog: What we can learn from the Gettysburg address
  • November 2013
  • --Mind the Gap between you and your audience.
    --This month's What NOT to Say two minute video: "To be perfectly honest."
    --What's the right amount of eye contact?
  • October 2013
  • --Social Media & Technology are changing communication. Are you adapting?
    --On the blog: A blog post for our What NOT to Say series, "I hope you get something out of this."
  • September 2013
  • --Always On! -- A look at Martin Luther King, Jr.'s I Have a Dream speech
    --What NOT to Say video for the month: "I heard this funny story."
    --On the blog: One email that should never be sent. Oh, and "Thank you."
  • August 2013
  • --Learning Never Ends: Learning to speak well is on many people's to do lists. Put it at the top of the list and watch the doors it opens.
    --This month's two minute video in our What NOT to Say series: "How's everybody doing today?"
  • July 2013
  • --One KEY element overlooked when public speaking - Connection.
    --Watch the second short video in our What NOT to Say video series: "If you've ever been on stage speaking...."
  • June 2013
  • --New "What NOT to Say" video series. Watch our first three minute video in this series on What NOT to Say when public speaking: "Before we get started....."
  • May 2013
  • --Why you should personally know Mr. Cannon. And why you should record, and listen to, your speaking engagements.
  • April 2013
  • --April Fools! A look at the rallying cry for sarcasm (and most planned humor) in a presentation: When in doubt, leave it out.
  • March 2013
  • --Spring Training: Even with practice, we seldom feel completely ready. Two thoughts on what to do when you aren't ready.
    --On the blog: Marco Rubio's water bottle--a lesson for speakers
MillsWyck Communications
103 Jordan Creek Drive
Cary, North Carolina 27519

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