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What NOT to Say:  If you don't mind... 
In this edition of What NOT To Say, we examine that pesky little phrase that preceeds a lot of offensive content. 
What Not To Say -- If you don't mind...


Click here to watch our other short, 2-3 minute videos on What NOT to say.


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World Cup Fever
To my surprise, I've found myself getting caught up in the World Cup. It's just fun to watch people who are world class at anything do what they do. I'm amazed at the stamina, accuracy, speed, and passion of f�tbol. I stopped in at a Mexican Cantina/grill for lunch on Sunday and the place was going berserk (Mexico was playing on the big screen). We left just a minute before El Tricolor scored, and I'm really glad we weren't there for the heart-breaking finish. I hate to see grown men cry, even if it's in a different language.

In my admiration, I'm left to wonder just how much time these (mostly young) men have spent honing their craft. And the answer has to be: their whole life. It's amazing what we can achieve with our whole effort. They are truly masters at their craft.

Hidden in this insight is the problem with most speakers. Very few people see speaking as their area of expertise. They might see themselves as experts in clean Java code, executive business strategy, treating cancer, or advising others on how to spend their money, but rarely do they see speaking as part and parcel to their craft. And that's a shame. 

For whatever you do well (and everyone has been given gifts to hone and perfect to amaze the rest of us!), it would have greater impact and greater reach if you communicate well. I'm consistently amazed/disappointed by the number of people who think no one else is interested in what they have to say or share. Part of that may be that they don't know HOW to share it well. 

While not everyone can be world class at everything, it doesn't take much to be quite competent at speaking, and the world would be better off for your efforts. Your story deserves to be told.

For athletes, sadly, expertise comes to an end all too quickly as the body fades. There aren't but so many positions in broadcasting. But for those who can speak well...


"If I went back to college again, I'd concentrate on two areas: learning to write and to speak before an audience. Nothing in life is more important than the ability to communicate effectively." 
--Gerald R. Ford, 38th president of the United States


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Speaking Tip of the Month
Instead of a "dry run" that goes from start to finish, practice your speech in elements. A story. The call to action. Segues. Try the story again. Perfect the small parts. THEN put it all together. If you do the whole thing at once, you can't remember what needs correction 

when you get around to reviewing it, and it's too far removed to be effective. Dry runs have their place, but true practice makes the little things great first.  Get more tips, resources and videos on our website at


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July 2014
In this issue
What NOT to Say Video
World Cup Fever
Speaking Tip of the Month
Upcoming Workshops
Upcoming Speaking Events
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2014 Workshop dates
July 28-29 (Only one seat left!  Early Bird discount ends July 2!)
Sep 22-23
Nov 17-18
Two days that will change your life!  This highly interactive, hands-on workshop gives you the skills to face an audience and deliver content in a clear, concise, and compelling manner. Close that deal, give that career-changing presentation, or motivate your audience to action. Speak with confidence, power, and ease. 
Limited seating.
Upcoming Speaking Events


Independent Communicators Alliance 

August 20

Join Alan as he presents at ICA on "Public Speaking: How to be heard and remembered." 

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MillsWyck Communications
Communication  matters.  What  are  YOU saying?
Alan Hoffler, Philorator (Teacher & Lover of Speaking)
(919) 386-9238 

Alan Hoffler is the Executive Director and Principal Trainer at MillsWyck Communications.  He is a Trainer, Speaker, Author, and Coach who passionately moves others to effective and engaging communication.