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A New Year for a New and Better Workers Comp Program

Here are 5 tips to help you save on workers comp in 2013.


1.   Manage Vendor Relationships

Competition is always good for keeping that vendor on their toes.  So go ahead and shop around a bit, and see what other companies are out there.  You may find a new vendor that can provide better service for a cheaper price.  


2.   Measure Results in Order to Review Progress

Start a log, and track your program's results. Bring in some outside help!  Having a new set of eyes looking at your program may lead to some new ideas that you haven't thought of.


3.   Shop Some New Carriers to See if you can Decrease Your Premium

Deductible differences, state-based assigned risk pools, or group self-insurance may be a potential option for coverage, depending on the size of your business.  


4.   Get Involved in the Overall Comp Process

Employers play a key role in developing or updating workers compensation laws in the various states.  States legislature boards will listen if employers come together and state their problems.  If everyone chooses to let someone else do it, then nothing will change.


5.   Solicit Feedback From Your Employees on Workfloor Issues

One of the most important assets is your staff.  So hold a meeting and see what your employees have to say.  You may stumble upon a fantastic idea that could revolutionize the way you do business.


The best way to implement major change is through a series of small steps.  Bite off what you can chew and do not be afraid to ask for help. Happy New Year! 



 Extended Offer While Supplies Last


The quality scores are an invaluable tool for the TPA that can be used for several different purposes. What areas of quality are evaluated and how? 

What prevents the federalization of workers comp? Attorney Ted Ronca takes a look at the economic and political reasons for workers comp state laws.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome cannot be diagnosed in just a couple of doctor's visits. There are often a host of non work-related reasons to consider, when a worker complains of numbness. What are they?

US House of Representatives passes the SMART Act of 2012, Florida Governor signs law, Broadspire awarded accreditations, and more after the jump. 
Conflicting work schedules and altered paperwork make for a large fine and imprisonment for one Ohio worker. 

The recent 2012 European Week for Safety and Health at Work highlighted the role of strong management leadership combined with active worker participation in making sure that Europe's workplaces are safe, healthy and productive.

A radical revamp of the way British small businesses access official advice about health and safety online has been launched. Read it. 

EXTENDED THRU MONDAY, JANUARY 7TH, 2013 (While supplies last). The book guides the user through each aspect of a workers' compensation program, to learn, step-by-step about a variety of techniques that show organizations exactly how to reduce workers comp costs. 

 "Understanding the Urgency for Reducing Unnecessary Medical Care and Costs" February 27-28, 2013 Cambridge, This problem is addressed in the context of the larger fiscal and political challenges faced in workers compensation.  
RIMS '13 will introduce new products, establish your presence in the marketplace, reinforce relationships with existing clients,
and discover new clients from your target audience-all
for a great value-all at RIMS '13. 
SEAK is the sponsor of the largest and most highly regarded national workers' compensation and occupational medicine conference. SEAK's Workers' Compensation and Occupational Medicine Conference was first held in 1980 and takes place each July on Cape Cod. 
New summaries for "drug testing and workers compensation state laws" for every jurisdiction are NOW posted on our website. Click on the link above to check it out.
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Workers Compensation Management Program
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Article Library

22 Things Your Workers Compensation
Adjuster Should Not Do

Inside Scoop - Six Things that Annoy Claim Adjusters

Every Workers Comp Claim has a FIRST Week. . . Learn Why It Is So Important

Five Practical Ways to Reduce Medicare
Set Asides (MSA)

Lowering Workers Comp Costs for Employers

Rebecca Shafer, Attorney & Risk Consultant

Contact Us: Becki@ReduceYourWorkersComp.com

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