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What to Do When Traditional RTW Does Not Work


Successfully returning employees to work is an employer's main goal.  Minimum lost time equals lower workers comp costs. Everything you need to know is at your fingertips in the the WC Book chapter on return to work.  Order your book today and learn how to implement these alternative RTW techniques. 

  • Work Hardening
  • Independent Medical Evaluation
  • Functional Capacity Evaluation
  • Vocational Rehabilitation
  • Retraining Programs

Manage Your Workers Compensation Program: Reduce Costs 20-50%, includes chapters on nearly every aspect of setting up & implementing a WC program. Think of it as a "how-to" teaching tool, guiding you step-by-step, to achieve your fully functioning workers compensation program.   

Brokers/agents use our
WC Book imprinted with their logo.

Why do they want it? To educate their clients!





Leave of Absence Tool Clarifies State and Federal Family Leave Laws for Employers

Eight out of 10 employers cited leave law administration as their most difficult human resource activity. Reed Group has introduced an online searchable tool to navigate these complex laws. Learn more


Learn 5 Ways to Know if Injury Treatment is Working and When to End It

Treatment needs to move toward healing. If that is not happening, it is time for a change. What role do you play in managing treatment therapies especially holistic ones? When do you say when?


7 Types of Claims Raising Questionable Red Flags

There are times when an employee tries to take advantage of the workers comp system. Know when this is happening to you.


5 Tips - How to Use Surveillance to Deny a Fraudulent WC Claim

Keeping a close watch on employees can save money. But how should you use surveillance in a claim situation and how does it help? Here are 5 guidelines that should be on your checklist before hiring a surveillance firm.


Reduce Workers Comp 20%-50%

Our 150-page book shows you how to assess your Workers Compensation program, design program materials, roll-out a program to the organization, and monitor and manage the program once implemented. 


5 Common Sense Actions Create a Great Safety Plan

A Safety Action Plan can prevent or reduce up to 85% of accidents in the workplace. Create and implement an effective Safety Action Plan by following these guidelines.


Why a Fibromyalgia Diagnosis is a Claim Extender for the WC Adjuster

Fibromyalgia is not a deadly diagnosis, but very few patients improve with this painful and complex condition. Read on to find out why.


NEW Index Focuses on Understanding Prices Paid for Workers Comp Medical Care

We all know medical treatment costs per claim have grown, and so the WCRI has developed a must have unique tool to understand why.


Psychosomatic Injuries - An Adjuster's Challenge

Psychosomatic injuries are among the most difficult workers compensation claims an adjuster receives. These injuries frequently start out as physical and develop into a psychosomatic one over time. How do you tell the difference?


Failure to Monitor Radiation Increases Cited at Ohio Nuclear Plant

According to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), four workers risked overexposure to all plant workers. What went wrong?


Employee Electrocution Results in Heavy Fine

An employer participating in the federal government's subsidized home insulation program was fined $100,000 for unsafe workplace practices. Read what violations resulted in the death and how easily it could have been prevented.


Failure to Obey Costs Wisconsin Employer $46,200 in Fines

The U.S. Department of Labor Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) cited Marshfield Door Systems Inc. with one repeat and two alleged serious violations after a worker's hand was trapped in a conveyor belt.


Missouri Workers Compensation Law Overview

Every employer, not in the construction industry, who has five or more employees, whether full time or part time, is required to carry workers compensation insurance. What options do Missouri employers have?


Oklahoma Insurance Commissioner Notes NCCI Decrease Cost Request

WC has been high on Oklahoma Governor Mary Fallin's agenda. Read how recent legislation is affecting insurance rates in the state.


Scottish Employer Fined after Worker Death

Whiteinch Demolition Limited, a Glasgow demolition contractor, was fined after a worker was killed. The worker died apparently when a weight from a face shovel machine fell on him.


Union Fires 5 Complaints at Fire Brigade Bosses

The Fire Brigades Union (FBU) recently called on London Fire Brigade bosses to give greater commitment to the safety of its firefighters after an alarming report by the Health and Safety Executive. How can they improve?


Irish Recycler Fined $65K Plus after Worker Dies

A hefty fine is handed down to "Mr. Binman," a waste collection and recycling company, for multiple breaches of safety and health legislation after a worker dies in a preventable accident.


Western Australia Fights Back Against Age Discrimination

Age discrimination in Western Australia workers compensation legislation has been abolished by state parliament, according to a report from the Government.






New Workers Comp Tool
Reed Group, MDGuidelines

Reed Leave of Absence

Learn more about our book on 
COST SAVINGS for employers.

                 Click Image for more information about how to

Manage Your Workers Compensation Program:
Reduce Your Costs 20-50%

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(Click above for Order Information)


Rebecca Shafer, Attorney & Risk Consultant
Amaxx Risk Solutions, Inc. 
Contact Us: 
