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You Cannot Succeed if You Do Not ACT!


Everything you need to know is at your fingertips in our 155-page book, Manage Your Workers Compensation Program: Reduce Costs 20-50%, covering how to assess your workers compensation program, design program materials, and roll out a program to your organization. Sneak Peek Here.


T. Ronca, Workers Compensation Defense Attorney, Long Island, New York says:

"The role of the employer in its workers comp claims has never been so thoroughly and clearly explained. As a desk reference it is invaluable. It is one of the tools that should never be out of reach for a risk manager. Direct employer involvement with claims in the first weeks is the difference between success and failure. This manual will guide the conscientious employer through the pitfalls."

Titles of people using our Workers Comp Book:


WC Benefits Managers  WC Claims Coordinators

Risk Managers               Brokers

Producers                      Loss Control Managers

Consultants                    Accounting Managers

Managing Directors         Presidents

CEOs/COOs                  Exec./Sr. Vice Presidents

Human Resources          General Counsels

               Order your copy today!




Top Excuses Employers Use to Stop an Injured Worker from Returning to Work
The claim adjuster's main role is to get an injured worker rehabilitated and back to work.  But much of the responsibility lies with the employer.  No more excuses. 

Seven Ways Carriers and TPAs Ensure Quality Control
What is in a Carrier and TPA's toolbox? We discuss general employee screening tactics as well as quality control tactics used on claim files.  

You CAN Do It Creating an Effective Wellness Program
Establishing a wellness program can improve finances of a company, reduce absenteeism, reduce workers comp claims, improve employee morale, and more. So how does your company get well?  

WorkCompResearch Adds New Features: Custom Comparison Report Generator
WCR has the perfect report for employers with multiple locations, allowing members to create and design comparative reports for a variety of compliance topics. This includes a Medical Cost Containment Comparison Reports and more. Read on.  

Tools: Cut Workers Comp Costs
Avoid the common program pitfalls, the difference between success and failure, and purchase this 155 page step-by-step manual today. Now available with custom company logo.  

Managing Military Leaves of Absence Integrating with FMLA
Think workers comp is hard to manage? Try FMLA, state and other leaves of absence such as Military Leaves. Attorney Martha J. Cardi explains one such scenario.  

Occupational Low Back Pain Causes, Workplace Solutions and Treatment Options
Employers must be working with company nurses and doctors to address LBP, as it is the biggest cause of health-related absenteeism in the workplace. Brian Anderson DC, CCN, MPH and David C. Radford, DC, MSc advise.  

New York Workers Comp and the Employer the First Thirty Days after an Accident Report
The role of the employer after an accident is vital to insure less wage loss and a quicker return to work schedule. What can you do? Hint: It is not just about filing the report.  

OSHA Cites Employer for Exposing Workers to Lead Hazards
An Ohio company ignores basic safety precautions regarding lead exposure and is cited for violations and fined a steep penalty. What were the violations?  

Manitoba Focuses in on Workplace Violence
Changes to Manitoba's occupational health and safety provisions will soon make it mandatory for employers to implement violence-prevention policies.  How is risk identified?  

WorkSafeBC Reports Flat Average Rate for 2012
Some registered employers will see an increase, decrease, or rates will be unchanged. How are the funds used? Future needs of injured British Columbian employees are on the line.  

New Incident Reporting Procedures for Britain
Only fatal or serious injuries can be reported to the HSE (Health and Safety Executive) by phone, the rest must be done online. What else has changed for British businesses?





1- Manage Your Workers Compensation Program: Reduce Your Costs 20-50% - includes gaining commitment, employee communications, integrating with your TPA, return to work, medical cost containment, settlements, safety, and much more...

Leave of Absence Advisor - FMLA Guidelines by Reed Group - includes all state leave laws, military leave, pregnancy leave, and much much more... 


Learn more about our book on 

COST SAVINGS for employers.  


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Lowering Workers Comp Costs for Employers

Rebecca Shafer, Attorney & Risk Consultant