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Plan a "Vendor Services Day" ... and invite your insurer/TPA to showcase their services. 

Some services are owned by your insurer/TPA, while others are affiliated with them in "private labeled" arrangements. Have a representative from each service explain the service, how to request the service, when each service is provided, and the cost of each.  And, this is a great time to request product examples!


Invite: physical therapy, nurse triage, nurse case managment, bill review, at-home recovery services, intake & reporting, physician advisors, utilization review, disability guidelines, MSA, surveillance, legacy claims management, and others...                    


Everything else you need to know is in Manage Your Workers Compensation Program: Reduce Costs 20-50%, covering how to assess your workers compensation program, design program materials, and roll out a program to your organization. Sneak Peek Here.   Order your copy today! 





10 Things the New Workers Comp Manager Needs to Know

Many WC managers are coming into the job with no previous experience or a workers comp background.  What should you expect in the new role?


7 Ways to Prevent Slips Trips and Falls   

A common source of accidents in almost any work environment is the slip, trip, and fall. What can an employer do to prevent these common accidents, so there is no falling down on the job?    

Adjusters work on many claims from many different employers in a stressful and often thankless job. Make your claim stand out among the rest.

Five Ways to Control Skyrocketing Workers Compensation Claim Costs 

Average claim life continues to increase due to the injury severity and increasing medical treatment costs. The key to reducing costs could be in a few easy proactive steps.


Maximizing the Value of Onsite Health Services
NOTE: This article appeared in Utility Products magazine, which serves the utility industry - it is reprinted with permission. It details Medcor's work onsite at wind farm construction projects.    

Dealing with Disability (Off Work) Notes from Workers Compensation Medical Providers
A properly formatted off work note can be an excellent way for an employee to maintain proper physical activity while returning to transitional duty during recuperation. What should an off work slip look like?    

Guidebook Helps Cut Workers Comp 20%-50%
Advisen and Amaxx have teamed up to produce this comprehensive but easy to understand desk reference. Avoid the common program pitfalls, the difference between success and failure, and purchase this 155 page step-by-step manual today. Now available with custom company logo.

Use Medical Disability Guidelines To Estimate Return to Work Timeframes
Every employer, physician, and employee asks the same thing. How long will the injured employee be off work? The guidelines use several considerations to determine this. Learn more.      

3000 Died from Workplace Homicides between 2006 and 2010

Workplace Violence ranks in the top causes of workplace deaths in the past 15 years. OSHA introduces a uniform procedure of responding to incidents in vulnerable settings such as retail. Read On.    

Best Practices Standards Needed for Doctors Sleep Habits
A prominent Canadian medical journal is calling for changes. "Long periods on call should not be accepted as routine or seen as a source of pride."  

British Laundry Firm Gets Dressing Down for Safety Suggestions

Get a load of this. A laundry firm showed scant regard for employee wellbeing and safety after ignoring instructions to make it easier and safer for workers to move heavy loads of laundry, according to the HSE.

One Killed 5 Injured in Toronto University Toppled Drilling Rig Accident
Dozens of emergency responders frantically worked to free workers trapped in an accident that killed a young construction worker at a future subway station of York University, according to the Canadian Press. Read more.

6 Filipino Workers Crushed to Death During On The Job Accident
A prime example of why the shipyard and building industry require the highest levels of safety. The tragic story ahead. 

Couple Cited $58,000 for Alleged Improper Payments 
Husband and wife business owners in Rhode Island and Mass. have been cited restitution and fines for failing to pay the prevailing wage and other violations including the misclassification law.

Tulsa Defense Attorney Pleads Guilty in Workers Comp Fraud Case

A longtime Tulsa, Oklahoma criminal defense attorney has pleaded guilty in Tulsa County District Court for his role in helping embezzle more than $1 million from clients. 

Australian Employer Fined 350K Following Death of Man 
An occupational health and safety breach at one major development giant in Melbourne leads to the death of a man. Read what happened.      





1- Manage Your Workers Compensation Program: Reduce Your Costs 20-50% - includes gaining commitment, employee communications, integrating with your TPA, return to work, medical cost containment, settlements, safety, and much more...

Leave of Absence Advisor - FMLA Guidelines by Reed Group - includes all state leave laws, military leave, pregnancy leave, and much much more... 


Learn more about our book on 

COST SAVINGS for employers.  


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Lowering Workers Comp Costs for Employers

Rebecca Shafer, Attorney & Risk Consultant