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The Return-to-Work Programs and Transitional Duty section offers many proven techniques for returning injured workers to work, in good health, sooner rather than later. First, begin by:


Adopting a corporate-wide "Injury Management Transitional Duty Policy" describing transitional duty implementation in your workplace and include:

  • The length of transitional duty assignments.
  • Circumstances under which employees perform transitional duty.
  • Types of transitional duty offered.
  • Circumstances under which employees return to regular work.

Manage Your Workers Compensation Program: Reduce Costs 20-50%, includes chapters on nearly every aspect of setting up & implementing a WC program. Think of it as a "how-to" teaching tool, guiding you step-by-step, to achieve your fully functioning workers compensation program. Everything you need to know at your fingertips. Order your book today.

Brokers/agents use our WC Book imprinted with their logo.

Why do they want it: to educate their clients!




19 Points to Cover in a Proper Claims Investigation

If claims read "Called employer; they do not question the claim," signs point to a lazy investigator. If you want to stay on top of your claims, read ahead to find out just what they should be looking for.

Three Areas Where Best Practices for the Employer Can Make a Difference

Pre-injury, injury, and claims handling are three areas the savvy employer can develop best practices to keep costs down. But what to do? Read this article for tips on making a difference.

4 Additional Ways to Reduce Claim Exposure During Business Peak Times

No matter what season whether it is winter, spring, summer, or fall it could be your busy season. Unfortunately for niche businesses, this peak time can also be a prime time for workers compensation injuries.

Reduce Workers Comp 20%-50%

Our 150-page book shows you how to assess your Workers Compensation program, design program materials, roll-out a program to the organization, and monitor and manage the program once implemented. The articles in our newsletter are excellent examples of the kind of strategic information covered in the book.


5 Ways an Aging Workforce Can Lead to Risk and Reward

An older workforce at your plant can lead to fewer claims, but they may be more severe. How can you reap the benefits for a more mature, experienced staff and avoid the health issues that could come with them?


Telling the Difference Between Medical Management and Utilization Review

Two medical terms with a difference. One coordinates, plans and expedites medical care. The other evaluates care provided to employees. Read on to find out which. 

New Employer Premium Assistance Initiative Proposed by Ohio BWC

Approval by BWC could allow eligible employers a 25% discount on workers comp premiums for two years or access to  Group Experience Rating Program.

9 Facets of Arizona Workers Compensation Work Comp Basics 101

Every employer with one or more employees,  full-time or part-time, minors, family members or undocumented, is required to carry workers compensation insurance. Find out how this state makes it work.


11 Serious Safety Violations Cost Georgia Employer $51K Fine

Exposing employees to falling hazards, failure to develop lockout and tag out procedures for energy sources and allowing employees near unguarded equipment are just a few of the places where this company when wrong.

Dog Gone It - Feed Facilities Ordered to Inspect or Pay Daily Fines

Dog food company fined for repeatedly failing to provide respirators and monitor workers' exposure to dust. What could they have done to avoid harming their staff?

Texas Employees Exposed to Falling Hazards Costs Employer $50K in Fines
OSHA cited Roma Construction with six safety violations after an inspection of the company's work site found employees exposed to scaffolding hazards while applying stucco to the exterior of a home.


Beryllium Exposure Quarantines Ontario Lab

Nuclear safety testing  lab for handling spent nuclear fuel rods has beryllium exposure. Could they have prevented this and saved themselves money and their workers potential injury?

Death of Mental Health Worker by Mentally Deficient Patient Query Ordered

A fatality inquiry is looking into the death of a mental health worker who was killed by a mentally ill patient while on the job. Protecting workers from hazards applies to all kinds of fields.


Rope Me In, Scotty - Better Safety Practices Follow Reservist Accident

A Special Forces reservist suffered a serious injury during a night-time military ropes training exercise. The rope was short due to the manner in which its anchor point was constructed at the top of the cliff.

Assault on ACT WorkSafe Female Inspector Caught in the Act

Alleged assault of one of its safety inspectors by a worker at a Gungahlin cafe was caught on a closed-circuit television camera.  If you have these cameras in your building, could they be used to prove a compensation case?




Broadspire Presents
September 14, 2011 at 1 p.m. ET 




The use of a highly refined formulary structure specific to workers' compensation prescriptions is a critical strategy in allowing payers to more effectively control escalating drug costs and utilization. On September 1st, the State of Texas implemented their newly adopted "closed formulary" and is implementing a structure built on evidence-based guidelines.


This webinar, conducted by Broadspire, examines the structure and immediate impact the guidelines may have on prescribing patterns and drug costs while also exploring how insurance payers may benefit from applying a similar approach to their entire pharmacy benefit management program.



Ralph Kendall, PharmD.

VP of Clinical Services, Healthesystems

Speaking on compliance issues.


Jacob Lazarovic, MD, FAAFP

Senior VP & Chief Medical Officer, Broadspire

Will discuss the clinical implications of the formulary.

Introduction by:

Cyril Tuohy, Managing Editor

Risk & Insurance® 

September 14, 2011 - 1:30 PM ET

Broadspire Webinar
Space is limited, so register today!

Learn more about our book on 
COST SAVINGS for employers.

                 Click Image for more information about how to

Manage Your Workers Compensation Program:
Reduce Your Costs 20-50%

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(Click above for Order Information)


Rebecca Shafer, Attorney & Risk Consultant
Amaxx Risk Solutions, Inc. 
Contact Us: 
