Technically, being grossly overweight or a smoker is a pre-existing condition. Employers are hurt when these injuried empoloyees take longer to recover from an injury. A wellness program can save money long term.
Work Comp Provider Helps North Dakota Recover from Floods Medcor, a workers compensation on-site medical care provider, has taken to the road to help support the workers caring for flood victims in Minot, N.D. Read how hiring an on-site clinic for your remote sites can work for your company.
Read about eight benefits to you and your employees if you provide on-site medical care. In this case, Medcor traveled to one of the most remote jungles to support a staff of research scientists.
5 Times to Just Settle That Workers Compensation Claim File
Sometimes it's right to fight - you know something fishy is going on. But read ahead to find five times when it's better to just cut your losses and authorize that payout.
7 Ways to Get a Job Handling Claims or Advance in the Job You Have
There may be a few things you need to do before going on that insurance job interview. Already working in claims? How many of these must-haves can you check off your list?
Advisen Did You Know: Reduce Workers Comp Costs 20%-50%
This 150 page manual shows you how to assess your Workers Compensation program, design program materials, roll-out a program to the organization, and monitor and manage the program once implemented.
Washington State Workers Compensation 101
Washington is one of four remaining states with government-issued workers compensation insurance. We can all learn a thing or two from Washington.
Engineers Strike over Alleged Bullying and Tracking
Read how more than 550 engineers at Great Britain's Romec, a facilities and maintenance employer, called for a strike when their employers used tracking devices on company vans to harass their employees.
Questionable Safety for Guatemalan and Nicaraguan Migrant Workers
Just because someone is a migrant worker doesn't mean they don't have rights. Read how a new declaration will protect these low-wage earners.
Australia Report on Potential Inflammation Caused by Carbon Nanotubes
Lots of workplaces require employees to handle hazardous materials. Read this Australian study about an asbestos product and how the government is using the information to protect workers.
Bahrain Bans Outdoor Work In Hottest Hours Due to Safety Concerns
It can get to 106 degrees in Bahrain, which is bad enough, but during the fasting month of Ramadan, it can lead to serious health problems. The solution - the ministry of labor banned outdoor work during the worst of it.
CANADA Hospital Health Care Workers Contract Nasty Bacteria
Bacteria travel and when your health care workers are spreading it, you have an even bigger problem. See how Canada dealt with this workplace hazard.
HSE Says British Company Put Workers Lives in Danger
An Oldham, Great Britain, company was fined more than $20,000 for ignoring two formal warnings, putting its workers lives in danger from poorly maintained and dangerous electrics.
Don't Move to Japan, Greece or Armenia If You Want Flexible Work Schedule
Ever wonder if anyone has it worse than you? They do. This story tells about countries that offer their employees little to no flexibility.