Statistics between 2005 and 2010 show the number of workers between the ages of 55 to 64 increased 52%. (U.S. Current Population Survey, Bureau of Labor Statistics.)
An employer with a majority of workers in this age range must be aware of the positives and negatives of this associated risk.
- An older workforce may lead to fewer claims because these workers have longevity, are more experienced, and loyal.
- However, injured older workers tend to have longer, more severe claims, taking longer to heal and requiring more time off work.
- Understand the specific injury risks and barriers to healing and return to work for older workers and put programs in place to address these issues proactively.
Consider at-home recuperation and work-at-home programs.
Focus on retraining and safety to overcome resistance of older workers to new technologies and to prevent a spike in claims.
Not only does OSHA set and enforce workplace safety and health standards, OSHA will provide assistance and training to employers when requested. Read it!
Yes, but It is the type of risk that differs, and ergonomics is the culprit!
Prior history can change the outcome of a workers comp claim.Have you, as an employer, ever had an unemployment claim by a worker with a terminally anti-social attitude?
"The Risks of Social Media: Facebook Post Attracts SEC Action" and more in our collection of weekly risk-related posts covering topics from finance, to insurance, to health.
How can you reduce WC costs by 20% to 50%? This 181-page guidebook helps Risk Managers, Agents, Consultants, and Brokers assess Workers Comp programs, design program materials, roll out a program to the organization, and monitor & manage the program once implemented. BUY 1, GET 1 FREE thru Dec 31, 2012.
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