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The First Piece of Information an Employee Receives

The Employee Brochure is (and should be) the first piece of information employees receive about their roles and responsibilities in the Improvement Plan program and needs to:

  • Reiterate the principles of the Improvement Plan program.
  • List the benefits employees can expect to receive under workers compensation.
  • Discuss the role played by medical providers so employees have a clear understanding of how doctors are used in this process.
  • Outline a basic action plan to prepare employees to respond correctly to work-related injuries.
  • Outline what injured employees are entitled to and be sure to deliver those benefits on time.
  • Write employee brochures at a language level the employees can easily grasp. Translate communication into whatever languages your employees speak.

For initial distribution of the brochure, send it with an introductory letter, a letter about your medical provider, or insert it into pay envelopes with a weekly safety message.

People may argue providing information encourages employees to file claims. However, research shows the benefits of frequent communication outweigh the possibility of employees filing increased new claims. Providing information about the claims process helps employees understand the employer will treat them fairly.


Sometimes a self insured spends more maintaining an outdated system than the cost of a new system. Are you up to date?  When moving to a new system, there is much to consider. 

Protect the bottom line! Using these simplified processes in IDM can result in direct program cost savings and improved operational tracking of claims and absences. How?

What exactly are these tests performed by occupational or physical therapists? What specifically is an FCE designed to measure? 

The work hardening program will optimize the work capability of the employee while minimizing the employee's risk of re-injury when the employee returns to work. Read on. 

Identify Real Cost Drivers in Post Loss Workers Compensation

What is a Best Practices approach to post-loss cost containment? Do not worry about having a perfect system in place before beginning. 

The Best Tidbits of News From the Work Comp Community
Check out the best tidbits of news from the workers comp community including: Leadership Lessons from Broadspire CEO Danielle Lisenbey, Network Synergy Group's national expansion, the Mobile App for the National Workers Compensation and Disability Conference, and more.
New summaries for "drug testing and workers compensation state laws" for every jurisdiction are NOW posted on our website. Click on the link above to check it out.
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Workers Compensation Management Program
Learn more about our book on
for employers.
Article Library

22 Things Your Workers Compensation
Adjuster Should Not Do

Inside Scoop - Six Things that Annoy Claim Adjusters

Every Workers Comp Claim has a FIRST Week. . . Learn Why It Is So Important

Five Practical Ways to Reduce Medicare
Set Asides (MSA)

Lowering Workers Comp Costs for Employers

Rebecca Shafer, Attorney & Risk Consultant

Contact Us: Becki@ReduceYourWorkersComp.com

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