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December 24, 2013 issue of the DPSAC NEWS

In This Issue
Best Wishes for a Happy and Safe New Year
NED Training Schedule for January, 2014 through March, 2014
NED Training Schedule for January, 2014 through March, 2014
Helpful Tips
Safety Corner - Enjoy the Holiday Bustle - But Be Aware
DPSAC News - 2013 in Review



Contact Us


Division of Personnel Security and Access Control (DPSAC),  

Office of Research Services  


Personnel Security 

Helpdesk: 301-402-9755

e-QIP: 301-402-9735

Appointment Line: 301-496-0051

E-mail: orspersonnelsecurity@ 



Access Control

Helpdesk: 301-451-4766

E-mail: facilityaccesscontrol@ 




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Best Wishes for a Happy, Healthy and Safe New Year 


Dear Valued DPSAC News Subscriber  


In 2013, DPSAC and the HSPD-12 Program Office stayed focused on the continued implementation of Homeland Security Presidential Directive 12 (HSPD-12) at NIH.


As part of these efforts, DPSAC, the HSPD-12 Program Office, CIT and the OCIO joined forces to develop and implement a two--factor authentication log-on system that requires employees, contractors and affiliates to use their PIV Card and PIN to log on to the NIH Network with their Windows computers.  


By March, 2013, thanks to meticulous planning and execution by the team and the cooperative efforts by the many stakeholders across NIH, nearly all of the approximately 34,000 NIH staff transitioned to this new, more secure log-on system with minimal disruption.   


Anticipating that individuals working on campus might forget to take their badges out of their desktop card holders at the end of the day, the team designed a communications campaign to help staff remember to take their PIV Cards with them when they leave their work space.  


As part of this effort, "Forget Something?" signs were designed and distributed to the ICs and placed strategically near elevators and building exits as well as on roadsides exiting the campus. Thanks to these messages, more than a few people were able to avoid detouring to the NIH Gateway Center to pick up a temporary visitor badge.


As most DPSAC News subscribers will recall, in 2010 DPSAC successfully met the Department's deadline to issue the new government-mandated PIV Card (HHS ID Badge) to over 33,000 NIH employees, contractors and affiliates in a little over eight months.


Faced with the prospect of having to renew the same number of badges over a similar short time period in 2014 and 2015, but with a reduced resources, DPSAC determined that it needed to accelerate badge renewals for approximately 8000 of these badge holders. This preemptive action was taken to 'even out' the load of enrollment and badge issuance appoint- ments over a longer period of time.  


As a result, DPSAC successfully reduced the burden on its staff, reduced wait times for customers, and added a level of convenience for badge holders who were able to customize their appointments by selecting a preferred location, date and time to fit their busy schedules. 


This past year the HSPD-12 Program Office continued to sponsor regular beginner and advanced NED classes to the NIH administrative community and other NED users. All classes are free. In 2013, over 100 'students' completed NED training offered at computer labs on the NIH main campus and at nearby off-campus locations. The HSPD-12 Program Office will continue to offer these valuable hands-on classes in 2014.


In addition to sponsoring the NED training classes, the HSPD-12 Program Office also improved the ID Badge website training pages (http://www.ors. od.nih.gov/ser/dpsac/Training/Pages/video.aspx) by adding anchors and other navigational tools and reordering and rewriting content.  


These enhancements will make it easier for users to find information and training aids on the topics covered on this site, including: PIV Process, Administrators, ID Badge Applicants, NED and LWS Users.


DPSAC News regularly summarizes the Department's tally of ID Badge holders who have been sponsored, enrolled and issued badges. For 2013, the Department (HHS) reports that, cumulatively through December 6, ICs have sponsored 38,425 individuals. Of those sponsored, DPSAC enrolled 37,992 and issued new HHS ID Badges to 37,644. NIH issued just over 15,000 HHS ID Badges (PIV Cards) in 2013.    


NIH continues to be among the leading OPDIVs in issuing badges as a percentage of sponsored individuals, consistently attaining an impressive 98% mark or better through much of the year.   


We would like to once again thank everyone who helped NIH achieve these impressive results, including DPSAC and HSPD-12 Program Offices staffs, the NED Team, the IT Branch in ORS, as well as the NIH administrative community and other stakeholders at NIH.


Best wishes for a happy, healthy, safe and productive New Year to you and your families.  


Richie Taffet    

Program Manager, HSPD-12 Program Office 


NED Training Schedule for January, 2014 through March, 2014


The HSPD-12 Program Office is pleased to offer NED training in January, 2013 and March, 2014. These classes are designed to help beginners and advanced users quickly master NED in a hands-on computer lab environment. All classes are FREE!   



How to Enroll

The NED courses are posted on the CIT Training site where visitors can view availability for any class and receive a confirmation immediately after registering. The catalog of NED classes is posted at http://training.cit.nih.gov/coursecatalog.aspx under "General Seminars."     


When you see a course you want to take, just click on the course name (listed in the right column of the table). You'll be taken to the HHS Learning Management System (LMS) where you can register for the course online.


To log onto the HHS Learning Management System you can use either your PIV card and PIN or your NIH credentials. If you experience any difficulties accessing the LMS, please contact the CIT Training Program at 301-594-6248 or send an e-mail to: [email protected]


Also, the HSPD-12 Program Office will continue to post the NED training schedule in DPSAC News and on the DPSAC website at:  

http://www.ors. od.nih.gov/ser/dpsac/Training/Pages/nedweb.aspx. 

NED Project Team Deploys NED v3.5 

The NED project team deployed NED v3.5 over the weekend of December 14 and 15. This version includes changes to support integration with the new NIH PACSIS (physical access control system) operated by the ORS Division of Personnel Security and Access Control (DPSAC) as well as fixes for several known defects.  


According to the project team, "user-facing changes in NED v3.5 are minimal, but include the following:

  • Per new DPSAC policy, NED will no longer allow AO and AT users to cancel ID badge reissuance processes after reporting badges as lost or stolen.  (Once an AO or AT reports an HHS ID badge as lost or stolen in NED, the badge holder must obtain a new badge even if they find their old badge.)

  • The "Access Control" view, currently available to Access Control users, will be removed from NED."


Q. If someone's badge is revoked, is the person's record totally removed from NED?


A. No. An individual can have an active NED record and no HHS ID Badge.

If someone who previously had an HHS ID Badge at NIH left and then returned, the old NED record can be reactivated.  This is accomplished when the Personally Identifiable Information (PII) is entered, thereby ensuring that the person can use the same HHS ID number as before.

Helpful Tips 

ICs that want to add LWS operators to the approved roster --
send a written request to Richie Taffet at: [email protected]. Your request should include the new operator's name, their IC, their NED number, as well as the operator's e-mail address, building/room and phone number. 

New policy requires re-issuance of lost or stolen HHS ID Badges -- beginning December 16, 2013, once an applicant reports his or her HHS ID Badge lost or stolen and the AO records this in NED, the AO will no longer have the ability cancel the re-issuance task and restore the operation of the badge. The applicant will need to go through the badge issuance process to receive a new HHS ID badge.

Once Mr. Taffet has approved the request, he will forward the name(s) to
[email protected] to complete the approval process, add the name to the LWS operator roster and inform the IC that the individual is now approved to operate the LWS.


Need to make changes to the LWS operator directories? -- drop an e-mail to Lanny Newman, [email protected], and let him know what needs changing (e.g., adding new operators or LWS locations, removing operators, etc.). Remember, before a new operator can be added to the LWS directory, s/he must first be approved by Richie Taffet (see preceding Helpful Tip).  


If an LWS is not available in your IC or your immediate area, and you work in the greater Bethesda or Rockville area -- please call 301-451-4766 or 301-402-9755 to schedule an appointment with the Division of Personnel Security and Access Control located in Building 31, Room B1A26 or in Building 10, South Lobby, Room 1C52.    


If you work outside the Bethesda/Rockville area, contact your local badge issuance office.  


Safety Corner

Enjoy the Holiday Bustle - But Be Aware
The Division of Police, ORS, NIH, sent the following message to all NIH staff via the ORS Information Line on December 12, 2013

The end-of-year holiday season - with all its hustle and bustle - is fast approaching, or is already here. With all the activities and distractions, we sometimes forget the basics for maintaining our safety on the streets and at home.


Holiday distractions can often afford a criminal the opportunity to strike when you or a loved one is not fully aware of your surroundings. By staying alert and following a few crime prevention tips, you can ensure a holiday season that is both happy and safe.  


A primary factor in crime prevention is being aware of your surroundings and potential areas of danger - thereby closing the criminal's window of opportunity.


Busy shoppers can be targeted for purse snatching and other forms of street robbery. The malls are full of folks with money to spend. As we speed along, focused on getting through our treasure hunt, a criminal can size up a potential victim.


Here are some tips to keep your shopping experience safe:

  • Shop during daylight hours whenever possible. If you must shop at night, go with a friend or family member.
  • Keep a record of all of your credit card numbers in a safe place at home.
  • Outside of the mall, stick to well-lit, well-traveled streets, walkways and parking areas - for both walking and parking.
  • Stay off your cell phone or other mobile device as you walk through parking lots and streets. It is a distraction that makes you vulnerable to robbers, and the device itself is a tempting target.
  • Don't flash large amounts of cash or offer tempting targets for theft such as expensive jewelry or clothing.
  • Don't fumble for house or car keys. Have them in your hand, ready to use when you reach the door.
  • Carry a purse or shoulder bag close to your body, not dangling by straps. Put a wallet in an inside pocket of your coat or front pants pocket.
  • Avoid overloading yourself with packages. It is important to have clear visibility and freedom of motion to avoid mishaps.
  • Beware of strangers approaching you for any reason. At this time of the year, "con-artists" may try various methods of distracting you with the intention of taking your money or belongings.
  • Notify the credit card issuer immediately if your credit card is lost, stolen or misused.

To read the entire message, including more tips on how to stay safe during the holiday season, click on the following link: Police Safe Holiday 

DPSAC News - 2013 in Review calendar year generic
Some headlines & excerpts from past issues of DPSAC News in 2013. Clicking on the date will take you to that issue of the newsletter.


January 9, 2013

NIH to Complete Transition to PIV Card + PIN Login by March, 2013     

By the end of March, 2013, most NIH employees, contractors and affiliates will have transitioned to using their PIV Card (aka HHS ID Badge) and their PIN to log in to their Windows computers while connected to the NIH Network.   


Keep Your Password Current
Everyone transitioning away from username & password to HHS ID Badge/PIV Card & PIN logon will still need to update their password when they receive an e-mail notice that their password is about to expire.

Otherwise, they will be locked out of their computer until they have updated their password, even though they may not be using their password for logging on.


Sign up for the NIH Password Self Service program, iForgotMyPassword, so you can always manage your password and unlock your account at:https://iforgotmypassword.nih.gov/.


Where to Find Information on the New 128k PIV Card

DPSAC News recently reported that NIH has begun issuing PIV cards with 128k smart card chips. The 128k chips have a faster computer processor than the old 64k cards and can store your past five (5) e-mail encryption certificates, known as 'key management certificates.'  


Renew your PIV Card's digital certificates before they expire -- the Department will notify you by e-mail 42 days before your certificates expire reminding you that you must renew your certificates.  In the notification you will be advised to contact a Lifecycle Work Station operator in your IC. You will need up-to-date certificates in order to log on to your Windows computer and/or to use certain computer applications. Note: 'cert' renewals cannot be performed prior to the 42-day window.


Help Us Help You! - Know How to Spot Common Fire Safety Hazards in the Workplace

The following article was prepared by the Division of the Fire Marshal, ORS


The Division of the Fire Marshal, Office of Research Services, is once again kicking off the New Year with a fire safety awareness outreach campaign with the NIH community entitled "Help Us Help You! - Know How to Spot Common Fire Safety Hazards in the Workplace." 


January 23, 2013

Department Awards New Contract Enabling ICs to Purchase Lifecycle Work Stations

Under a recently awarded HSPD-12 System Integration Services (SIS) contract, ICs can now purchase Lifecycle Work Station equipment.


ORS Upgrades Access Control System at Bayview Research Center in Baltimore

ORS successfully upgraded the access control system at the Bayview Research Center (BRC) in Baltimore, MD on January 12, 2013, as part of ORS's continuing efforts to align NIH's access control systems with the new standards mandated by HSPD-12.


February 6, 2013

Signs Go Up Near NIH Campus Vehicle Exits to Help Badge Holders 

"Forget Something?" lawn signs have been on display near the vehicle exits on the NIH campus to remind badge holders to take their badges when they exit the perimeter.  


The rationale for these signs is that it's probably easier to turn around inside the perimeter and retrieve your badge from your card reader than it is to wait in line at the NIH Gateway Center for a visitor badge.

By the end of March, most NIH employees, contractors and affiliates will be required to use their HHS ID Badge (PIV Card) to log on to the NIH network.


February 20, 2013

Purchasing a Lifecycle Work Station 

Updated instructions for purchasing a Lifecycle Work Station (LWS) are now posted on the ID Badge website at:



ID Badge Re-Issuance Procedure Guide

The ID Badge Re-Issuance Procedures Guide is an online publication that outlines the steps required to replace a badge.... You may want to bookmark this helpful guide, posted online at: http://www.ors.od.nih.gov/ser/dpsac/Documents/ID%20 Badge3- 508�  Compliant.pdf    


March 6, 2013  

Guide Spells Out Process for Ensuring Summer Student Access to NIH

"Summer Student Badge Policy for Access to Facilities and Information Systems" is a handy one-page guide that outlines the process for ensuring that Summer Students have the access needed to perform their duties. This access includes both physical access to NIH-managed facilities, and logical access to NIH computers and information systems.


OCIO Launches Redesigned Information Security Website

The Office of the Chief Information Officer launched its new, user friendly and streamlined website on February 27, 2013. The new website, https://ocio.nih.gov/InfoSecurity/Pages/default.aspx, has been redesigned with a fresh look and simplified navigation tools ....  


Purchasing a Lifecycle Work Station 

Updated instructions for purchasing a Lifecycle Work Station (LWS) are now posted on the ID Badge website at:



NIH Tests Mass Notification System

The following e-mail went out via the ORS Information Line to NIH staff on February 28, 2013


The NIH will begin testing the NIH campus-wide Mass Notification System beginning Wednesday, March 6 in most main campus facilities. The mass notification system provides emergency information and instructions in a building using voice communication... .


March 20, 2013

NIH to Complete Transition to PIV Card + PIN Login by March 2013  

By the end of March 2013, most NIH employees, contractors and affiliates will have transitioned to using their PIV Card (aka HHS ID Badge) and their PIN to log in to their Windows computers while connected to the NIH Network.   


Access Card Utility: A Convenient Tool for 'Cert' Renewals IF You Know Your PIN

If your IC has added the Access Card Utility (ACU) application to your 'Programs' folders, you will be able to renew your expiring digital certificates from your Windows computer.*


If you do not know your PIN, however, you will need to make an appointment with one of your IC's LWS operators or with a DPSAC badge issuer on the main NIH campus (or your local Badge Issuance Office) to renew your PIV card's expiring digital certificates.   


* Older versions of the ACU may be referred to as Desktop Card Utility or DCU.  


Understanding the Proper Use of Fire Doors

This article was prepared by the Division of the Fire Marshal, ORS 


If you are located in one of the many research laboratories on the NIH Bethesda campus, it is very likely that the door you use to enter and leave your laboratory is a "fire-rated" door. Doors you use to enter stairwells located in your building are also fire doors.  


April 3, 2013

NIH Information Security & Privacy Awareness Annual Refresher Training to be Launched Together in April 2013!

This April, the Office of the Senior Official for Privacy, OMA and the Information Security and Awareness Office, OCIO plan to launch their respective annual Privacy and Security refresher courses at the same time to help reinforce lessons on how to properly secure NIH information resources and protect the privacy of individuals to whom data pertains.  


Both courses are mandatory and required for completion by all NIH staff on an annual basis... .


NIH Completes the Transition to PIV Card + PIN Login    

March 29, 2013 marked the successful completion of a year-long,  NIH-wide initiative to transition NIH employees, contractors and affiliates to a new login system requiring their PIV Card and PIN to access their windows computers and the NIH network. The use of a username and password will still be required for certain applications.


Take Your PIV Card With You

One of the challenges facing badge holders new to PIV Card & PIN login will be remembering to take their card out of the card reader and placing it in their card holder before leaving their office.    


DPSAC is recommending that individuals get in the habit of removing their PIV Card from the card reader immediately after logging in and placing it back in their card holder.  


April 17, 2013

Spring Signals the Arrival of 2013 Summer Students at NIH 

Spring has finally arrived at NIH and soon the 2013 'class' of NIH Summer Students will be arriving too.


As in past years, Summers Students will not be fingerprinted, nor will the Security Checklist be used in 2013. However, Summer Students will be required to undergo a name check against the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) operated by the FBI in order to receive an NIH ID Badge. The NIH Police will administer the name check.  


Visit the ID Badge Website for PIV, NED and LWS Training Videos, Tutorials, Class Schedules and More

Need help understanding the Personal Identity Verification (PIV) process? There's a video for that! Want to learn how to renew digital certificates on a Lifecycle Work Station? There a video for that too! Looking for help with NED applications? Online NED tutorials and job aides will get you started.  Visit http://www.ors.od.nih.gov/ser /dpsac/Training/Pages/default.aspx ...to access these and other helpful training resources.


May 1, 2013

Windows 7 Upgrade Now Available for Lifecycle Work Stations

ICs can now upgrade the software for Lifecycle Work Stations running Windows XP to the new Windows 7 version of the LWS software.  


To obtain the new software please contact the Deloitte HHS Identity Helpdesk ([email protected]) and provide them with: (1) your Institute Name; (2) your LWS Group ID; and (3) your LWS Resource tag.   


ALERT: Enter Only U.S. Social Security Numbers (SSN) into the NED SSN Field

Only U.S. Social Security Numbers (SSNs) should be entered into the NED SSN Field. DPSAC reports an instance in which an Administrative Officer entered a foreign national's home country identification number into the NED field reserved exclusively for an individual's U.S. Social Security Number.

Like a valid U.S. Social Security Number, the foreign number also contained 9 digits and was mistakenly accepted as a valid entry in the NED SSN field. However, foreign identification numbers cannot be used for personal identity verification purposes in the U.S. Use of foreign numbers in NED will cause multiple problems with background investigations and badge issuance.


Helping Incoming NIH Summer Students

Summer Student coordinators can expedite the 'on-boarding' process for incoming NIH Summer Students by collecting the four components of the Personally Identifiable Information (PII) -- Legal Name, Date of Birth (DOB), Social Security Number (SSN), and Place of Birth -- and entering this information into NED.  


FAQs - Digital Certificates
From 'Smart Card Login FAQs' posted at: http://www.ors.od.nih.gov/ser/dpsac/Pages/Continued-Implementation-of-HSPD-12.aspx. 


Q: What are active digital certificates?

A: The gold chip on your HHS ID Badge stores your digital certificates, including the Authentication Key that allows you to log in. To work, the Authentication Key must be active (as in, not expired).


Q: What do digital certificates allow me to do?

A: Digital certificates allow systems to validate who you are and authenticate you as a user. They will also allow you to send and receive encrypted e-mails and digitally sign e-mails.


May 15, 2013  

NIH Plans Early Renewal of PIV Cards (HHS ID Badges)

DPSAC plans to accelerate badge renewals for approximately 8,000 badge holders throughout calendar year 2013. By taking this action, DPSAC will be able to 'even out' the load of enrollment and badge issuance appointments over a longer period, thereby giving badge holders sufficient time to renew their PIV Cards and DPSAC staff the opportunity to provide the best possible customer service.


DPSAC Director CAPT Theresa Minter Honored at USPHS Commissioned Corps Retirement Ceremony

Dignitaries, DPSAC staff, colleagues, friends and family were on hand to honor CAPT Theresa A. Minter, Director, Division of Personnel Security and Access Control at her retirement -- a traditional United States Public Health Commissioned Corps ceremony -- held on April 25, 2013 at the NIH Wilson Hall in Building 1, Bethesda, MD.


Do not lend your HHS ID badge (a.k.a. Smart Card, PIV Card) to anyone!  -- Lending out your PIV Card (HHS ID Badge) is prohibited. The issuance of the new HHS ID Badge is based on strict identity proofing and the determination of one's suitability for a specific position classification.


May 29 2013  

Deactivating NED Records & Turning In the HHS ID Badge (PIV Card) to DPSAC -- Mandatory Steps for PIV Card Holders Leaving NIH Employ

HHS and HSPD-12 mandate that any employee, contractor or affiliate leaving the employ of NIH must have their NED record deactivated.  


In addition, the AO or AT is responsible for collecting the individual's HHS ID Badge and returning it to the Division of Personnel Security and Access Control (DPSAC). ...


...According to Alex Salah, Access Control team lead, "these badges are accountable federal property that must be returned to DPSAC once the corresponding NED record is deactivated and 'ownership' reverts back to DPSAC."    


June 12, 2013

HHS to OPDIVs: New Hires and New Contractors to Complete and Submit e-QIP Documentation Before PIV Cards Are Issued

On June 7, 2013, the Department sent an 'HSPD-12 PIV Card Issuance Process Update' to Operating Division and Staff Division leadership, advising them "to be aware that their new hires and contractors must now complete and submit their e-QIP documentation, prior to HHS being able to issue the PIV card to the individual."   


This requirement was already implemented at NIH by the Division of Personal Security and Access Control (DPSAC) several months ago.   ...


Protect Personally Identifiable Information (PII) by Encrypting Your E-mail and Files

In order to protect social security numbers, dates of birth and other personally identifiable information (PII) or personal health information (PHI) when sending e-mail, both the email and file need to be encrypted.  

Encryption is easy to do and instructions for encrypting files and e-mail can be found on several NIH websites including:  

All Standard Form Investigation Requests Must Be Submitted Through e-QIP -- The Office of Personnel Management Federal Investigative Services recently announced that "effective 10/1/13 all Standard Form (SF) investigative requests to OPM must be submitted through e-QIP.   


[Any agency] not presently [utilizing] e-QIP ... will need to proceed with moving towards e-QIP usage as soon as possible in order to meet the requirement."  


June 26, 2013

NIH to Upgrade Physical Access Control System Software to Improve Security at NIH Facilities

Late on Friday, June 28 and into Saturday morning, June 29, NIH will be upgrading the software that controls the Physical Access Control Systems (PACS) at the NIH main campus perimeter gates and at select buildings, offices and laboratories on and off campus that are secured with an electronic badge reader.  


July 10, 2013

Upgrade to Physical Access Control System Software at NIH Facilities a Success

During the late hours of Friday, June 28 and into Saturday morning, June 29, NIH successfully upgraded the software that controls the Physical Access Control Systems (PACS) at the NIH main campus perimeter gates and at select buildings, offices and laboratories on and off campus that are secured with electronic badge readers. 


All Standard Form Investigation Requests to be Submitted Through e-QIP as of October 1, 2013*

The Office of Personnel Management Federal Investigative Services (FIS) recently announced that: "effective 10/1/13 all Standard Form (SF) investigative requests to OPM must be submitted through e-QIP.    

* Note: NIH implemented this practice nearly a year ago.


July 24, 2013

NIH Once Again Earns Departmental Accreditation for its PIV Card Issuance Services

On June 12, 2013 the HHS Designated Accreditation Authority formally notified the Department's Organization Identity Management Official that it was issuing an authorization to operate (ATO) for NIH's PIV Card Issuance (PCI) services. 


August 7, 2013

Guide Summarizes When & How to Replace a PIV Card 

ID Badge Re-issuance Procedures is an easy-to-use guide designed to assist the NIH administrative community understand what procedures to follow when it's necessary to replace an individual's HHS ID Badge (PIV Card). 


The guide outlines five scenarios requiring badge replacement: (1) Lost or Stolen Badges; (2) Classification Changes; (3) Renewals; (4) Broken or Damaged Badges; and (5) Name Changes.


August 21, 2013

NED 'Update' - An Important Early Step When Preparing for New Employee Orientation

Every two weeks, in preparation for New Employee Orientation, DPSAC reports the status of each new hire regarding the ID badge process. On average only 3 out of every 5 are ready to begin the process (and in some cases pick up their badge) when they arrive at New Employee Orientation.  

For those who are not ready, the issue is that they have not been entered into the NIH Enterprise Directory (NED) or they require an update to their NED record.


AOs and ATs preparing new hires for the process could help immeasurably by using the 'Update' feature in NED in advance of the Entry on Duty (EOD) date to change existing Contractors, Fellows, Special Volunteers, and other affiliates to the appropriate FTE Classification in NED.  


Once this change is made, a new badge request will be triggered requiring sponsorship. The new employee will then be prompted to complete the process to obtain a new badge (one without a green stripe).


By completing the 'Update' in advance of the EOD, those converting to an FTE can avoid the busy EOD lines. Also by completing the update, new hires can obtain a new parking permit or set up Transhare.  


New Section on "Renewing an Existing HHS ID Badge" Added to the ID Badge Website

The HSPD-12 Program Office recently added a section to the ID Badge website (www.idbadge.nih.gov) titled 'Renewing an Existing HHS ID Badge' to assist the many employees, contractors and affiliates whose badges are nearing the end of their lifecycle and will require renewal in the near future.


As reported in earlier issues of DPSAC News, DPSAC began accelerating badge renewals for approximately 8,000 badge holders in June, 2013. This was done in order to 'even out' the load of enrollment and badge issuance appointments over a longer period, thereby giving badge holders sufficient time to renew their PIV cards....



September 4, 2013    

Important! Software Upgrade Required for ALL NIH Lifecycle Work Stations (LWS)  

The HSPD-12 Program Office requests that all Institutes, Centers and Offices review their Lifecycle Work Stations (LWS) to ensure they are all running the most recent software version (version 2.5.1). If your LWS software is not the most current version, you must update it as soon as possible.


September 18, 2013 

FY '14 OPM Pricing Schedule for Background Investigations

The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) recently published the FY 2014 pricing schedule for Background Investigations in OPM Circular Federal Investigations Notice - No. 13-07 - Investigations Reimbursable Billing Rates for Fiscal Year (FY) 2014.


HHS Completes Update to the HHS Smart Card Management System (SCMS) -- NIH Badging Services Back Online

Enrollment and Badge Issuance services, including certificate renewals and PIN resets, resumed on Tuesday, September 17 following a four-day interruption of service for the Department to update its Smart Card Management System (SCMS). These updates were necessary for the Department to transition to a new Certificate Authority (CA), Entrust.


With the upgrade complete and the SCMS back online, NIH will issue all future digital certificates from an Entrust Certificate Authority.


Reminder: The HHS Subscriber Agreement is the Ongoing Responsibility of All HHS ID Badge Holders

During the HHS ID Badge issuance process, employees, contractors and affiliates sign an agreement acknowledging certain responsibilities that they must abide by in order to use these government credentials. 


DPSAC News is publishing the HHS Subscriber Agreement here to remind everyone that being issued an HHS ID Badge is a privilege that carries certain obligations and responsibilities that are in place to help ensure the safety and security of all NIH staff and facilities.


October 30, 2013 

NIST Updates its Federal Information Processing Standard, Spells Out PIV Card Termination Requirements

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) recently published an update to its Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS 201) that defines a reliable, government-wide identity credential for use in applications such as access to federally controlled facilities and information systems.*


PIV Card Termination Requirements -- Clearing Personnel for Separation or Transfer  

The updated Standard, signed on September 5, 2013, known as FIPS 201-2, Personal Identity Verification of Federal Employees and Contractors, contains a section that will be of particular interest to those in the NIH administrative community with responsibilities for clearing personnel for separation or transfer.


Contract stipulations for access to sensitive information will generally require background investigations -- even if physical and/or network access, or issuance of an HHS ID Badge (PIV Card) is not required.


November 13, 2013  

OPM No Longer Accepting 'Hard Copy' Requests for Investigations as of October 1, 2013  

Effective October 1, 2013, the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) is no longer accepting Standard Form (SF) hard copy investigative submissions.


All Standard Form (SF) investigative requests to OPM must be submitted through e-QIP. Any hard copies that are received will be returned to the submitting office.  


November 27, 2013   

Updating Your Computer to Use Your New Certificates -- once you renew your digital certificates (see DPSAC News, September 4, 2013), or replace your HHS ID Badge (PIV Card), you will need to update your computer to use the new certificates. Instructions for this process can be found on the OCIO website:https://ocio.nih.gov/Smartcard/Pages/newcertifi cates.aspx  


ITB's Disaster Recovery Solution Is Complete  

(Excerpted from 'ITB's Tech Talk,' November, 2013)


The Network Services Group (NSG) within the Information Technology Branch (ITB), ORS, recently finalized a Disaster Recovery (DR) plan that allows for the recovery of all critical applications hosted within Building 12 on the NIH main campus in the event of any failure, such as a major power outage, a fire, or water damage to the data center.

New policy requires re-issuance of lost or stolen HHS ID Badges -- beginning December 16, 2013, once an applicant reports his or her HHS ID Badge lost or stolen and the AO records this in NED, the AO will no longer have the ability cancel the re-issuance task and restore the operation of the badge. The applicant will need to go through the badge issuance process to receive a new HHS ID badge.



Q. Can you please confirm ... that if someone with a PIV Card (HHS ID Badge) changes employers (i.e., moves from one contractor to another), that person does not need a new HHS ID Badge?


A. You are correct. There is no need to issue a new badge when someone switches from one company to another and their classification (employee or contractor/affiliate) remains the same.  The AO just needs to update the information in NED regarding the new company. The only time a new badge would be needed under these circumstances is if the AO deactivated the NED record and then re-created it a few days later.


D.C. Department of Motor Vehicles Adopts New Design for Driver License, Centralizes Issuance Process

Effective November 26, 2013, the District of Columbia Department of Motor Vehicles (DCDMV) moved to a new driver license and identification card design, as well as a central issuance process. DC DMV licenses and identification cards will no longer be issed over the counter. 

A biweekly e-newsletter from the Office of Research Services, Division of Personnel Security and Access Control (ORS/DPSAC) to keep you informed as NIH rolls out "Homeland Security Presidential Directive 12" (HSPD-12) establishing a common identification standard to better safeguard NIH and its workforce.