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Paperitalo Publications
Talo Analytic International, Inc.
November 2013
Stop the insanity: There is a better way
Legends of the Industry
Older Issues
More marketing resources
This objective of this newsletter is to clarify and debunk the world of electronic advertising.  If this does not interest you or is not in your line of work, please kindly unsubscribe below.  We certainly don't want to clutter your inbox with irrelevant material.

Stop the insanity: There is a better way  


A wise man once said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different (i.e. better) results.


The end of the year is rapidly approaching, and decision time has arrived -- your budgets are receiving their final touch-ups. Naturally, many of you will do the same thing you did last year, all the while expecting better results.


That's the easy thing to do. "Hey, we're still in business, and it isn't broke, don't fix it, right?"


However, some of you think there ought to be a better way. Here's the good news: There is.


Peel off a portion of your budget and, for once, invest where your prospects and customers are -- Paperitalo Publications. Our audience is the largest pulp and paper focused audience in the world. Unlike others, who might give you guesses on their audience size, ours is there for all to see.  


For starters, check out the Alexa rankings for our flagship publications. Go ahead -- go to alexa.com and put in www.nipimpressions.com or www.globalpapermoney.com. Take a look at their worldwide rankings. Write them down. Then go through the process again, this time putting in the URLs of the publications in which you advertised last year.  


Notice any difference?


Then take a stroll over to LinkedIn. Look at the statistics behind The Cellulose Community Group. Look at all of them-number of members, demographics by title and location. Then look at the statistics of the groups operated by the publications in which you advertised last year.  


You'll see a difference here, as well.


There are other groups in our industry on LinkedIn that are very large. They are large because they allow anyone in-they are open groups. We have never done this. All of our groups are closed groups, with each and every member individually approved by management at Paperitalo Publications. We also approve each and every discussion posted in our groups-hence they are not cluttered with junk you and your prospects do not want to see (And who really wants to see how one can "Lose Weight Fast With This One Tip" on an industry LinkedIn site?). And guess what -- this makes our groups a very desirable place to visit when you want to know about the pulp and paper industry.


Now, we have another class of groups on LinkedIn, too -- the Talotech groups. These are special groups focused on individual unit operations -- recovery boilers, press sections and so forth. There are more than two dozen of them. Anyone who is an operator of these unit operations are allowed to join. Suppliers who furnish equipment or services for these unit operations are limited as members -- you must be a current advertiser with Paperitalo Publications to join. Hence, as an advertiser, you can focus on servicing those to whom you sell.  


Yes, many of you will continue to do the same old thing ... with the same old results. Some of you will decide it is high time you find a better way.


Call us today to discuss your desire to move in a new direction.





Jim Thompson



Skype: jimthompson 



Pulp & Paper Radio International's new Bio series is proving popular.

Our first biography was on David Ashcraft, a well-known industry leader.  If you know someone we should interview, or if you are interested in sponsoring this series, one show or many, just contact us below.
More Paperitalo Resources on Marketing...          

Thoughts on Marketing, Episode 1
  The need for marketing, no matter your business.

Thoughts on Marketing, Episode 2
  One of the most effective marketing tools--if you have the patience.

Thoughts on Marketing, Episode 3
  The power of the QR Code and other techniques.


 "Paperitalo" (pop-er-ree-towel-o) is Finnish for "Paper House."  We produce and distribute, electronically only, many publications dealing with all matters in the pulp and paper industry worldwide.  You can see a list of these here.  Additionally, we broadcast live, and in podcast form, from Pulp and Paper Radio International.

Our print publications are the highest ranked publications in the pulp and paper industry worldwide according to alexa.com.  We publish our and our major competitors' Alexa rankings each Monday here.

We currently experience around 21,000-plus clicks, or as we like to call them "touches", every day from around the world.  This means on average, every minute of every day, slightly more than 14 people choose to click on to one of our publications or podcasts.
Paperitalo Publications, a subsidiary of
Talo Analytic International, Inc.
4018 Keeneland Court
Duluth, Georgia 30096

Publisher & Editor--Steve Roush

Senior Sales-- Wayne Bucher

Regional Sales --Mark Crable

Executive Editor--Jim Thompson

Vice President, Operations--Allison Gifford
Talo Analytic International, Inc.
4018 Keeneland Court
Duluth, Georgia 30096