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Paperitalo Publications
Talo Analytic International, Inc.
August 2013
Paperitalo Publications wants to help you market effectively
Legends of the Industry
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More marketing resources
This objective of this newsletter is to clarify and debunk the world of electronic advertising.  If this does not interest you or is not in your line of work, please kindly unsubscribe below.  We certainly don't want to clutter your inbox with irrelevant material.
Chemicals, Chemistry and Advertising...


It goes without saying that chemicals and chemistry are an integral part of pulp and paper making processes. Determining which chemicals or combination of chemicals will produce the desired result keeps researchers, chemists and quality control operations fully employed. Not all formulations of the same product are exactly the same, so it becomes important to know which manufacturer's product will work best in combination with a different manufacturer's product. The trial and error process takes place in the lab.


In the world of medicine, chemicals and chemistry again play an important part in the development drugs to treat specific ailments and illnesses. While the only difference between a generic drug and its patented cousin may be the bonding agent used, the reaction of the patient to either bonding agent may result in an adverse reaction. Understanding the interaction of the drugs to achieve the desired result (healing) is integral to the success of the treatment.


This is not unlike advertising and marketing. Companies spend a lot of time and money developing marketing and advertising plans. Whether this is done in-house or with the assistance of an agency is not the key to the success of the plans. What is important is that the desired message reaches the desired audience in a way that influences their buying decisions. The equivalent chemicals here are the messages (verbal or visual). The chemistry comes in to play in the selection of one or more media to get the message across.


The importance and influence of digital marketing has been getting a lot of press recently in both print and online. Smart phones and tablets have led to a real tsunami of apps and digital readers linking the printed page and Internet sites. Prospective clients can be reached just about anywhere today -- in their cars, at the beach, in their bedrooms, at the mill, and yes, even in the washroom.


We, Paperitalo Publications, can provide the visual and/or verbal chemistry via our digital publications (Nip Impressions or PaperMoney), email newsletters, annual LGMI Conference or through our extensive LinkedIn presence. Chemistry is everything and we welcome the opportunity to be a "chemical" in your successful marketing mix.  




Donna Schmid

Director of Sales


[email protected]

Skype: donna.schmid64


Pulp & Paper Radio International's new Bio series is proving popular.

Our first biography was on David Ashcraft, a well-known industry leader.  If you know someone we should interview, or if you are interested in sponsoring this series, one show or many, just contact us below.
More Paperitalo Resources on Marketing...          

Thoughts on Marketing, Episode 1
  The need for marketing, no matter your business.

Thoughts on Marketing, Episode 2
  One of the most effective marketing tools--if you have the patience.

Thoughts on Marketing, Episode 3
  The power of the QR Code and other techniques.


 "Paperitalo" (pop-er-ree-towel-o) is Finnish for "Paper House."  We produce and distribute, electronically only, many publications dealing with all matters in the pulp and paper industry worldwide.  You can see a list of these here.  Additionally, we broadcast live, and in podcast form, from Pulp and Paper Radio International.

Our print publications are the highest ranked publications in the pulp and paper industry worldwide according to alexa.com.  We publish our and our major competitors' Alexa rankings each Monday here.

We currently experience around 19,000-plus clicks, or as we like to call them "touches", every day from around the world.  This means on average, every minute of every day, slightly more than 13 people choose to click on to one of our publications or podcasts.
Paperitalo Publications, a subsidiary of
Talo Analytic International, Inc.
4018 Keeneland Court
Duluth, Georgia 30096

Publisher & Editor--Steve Roush

Director of Sales--Donna Schmid

Advertising Sales-- Wayne Bucher

Executive Editor--Jim Thompson

Vice President, Operations--Allison Gifford
Talo Analytic International, Inc.
4018 Keeneland Court
Duluth, Georgia 30096