This objective of this newsletter is to clarify and debunk the world of electronic advertising. If this does not interest you or is not in your line of work, please kindly unsubscribe below. We certainly don't want to clutter your inbox with irrelevant material.
In your research about the effectiveness of Nip Impressions®, PaperMoney® or Pulp and Paper Radio International™ in reaching your prospects/clients in the Pulp and Paper world, did you realize that 4,500 pulp and paper professionals reach out and touch Paperitalo Publications every day? Did you know that some of your prospects will be attending the LGMI (Light Green Machine® Institute) Conference in Atlanta in January?
Why Now? End of Leap Year Options
Have you been considering making the leap to advertising with Paperitalo Publications or attending the LGMI Conference but have hesitated because ... well you just aren't sure why? You have compared the rates, the exposure, the benefits, the success of other advertising avenues; it all looks good and yet... It takes a leap of faith to try something new, go with a new way. Yet, consider this -- once an advertiser joins the Paperitalo Publications platform, they seldom leave. Our longest continuous advertiser has been with us since we started offering advertising opportunities-seven years.
Now, "it's the most wonderful time of the year" or so the holiday lyricists tell us. If your fiscal year ends on December 31st, you may still have funds in your budget which fall into the "use it or lose it" category.
I remember from my days in corporate America that this was often the case and if not used could negatively impact next year's budget as well. So you see, this may just be the right time to make that leap of faith and place your ads and those funds with the Paperitalo group publications. Not only will you protect those unused allocations but you will receive a discount on 2013 advertising by making a decision and prepayment before December 31, 2012.
We look forward to serving you and wish you a most joyous holiday season.
Merry Christmas and a very Prosperous New Year!
Donna Schmid
Director of Sales

Pulp & Paper Radio International's new Bio series is proving popular. Our first biography was on David Ashcraft, a well-known industry leader. If you know someone we should interview, or if you are interested in sponsoring this series, one show or many, just contact us below.
More Paperitalo Resources on Marketing...
"Paperitalo" (pop-er-ree-towel-o) is Finnish for "Paper House." We produce and distribute, electronically only, many publications dealing with all matters in the pulp and paper industry worldwide. You can see a list of these here. Additionally, we broadcast live, and in podcast form, from Pulp and Paper Radio International.Our print publications are the highest ranked publications in the pulp and paper industry worldwide according to We publish our and our major competitors' Alexa rankings each Monday here. We currently experience around 4,000 clicks, or as we like to call them "touches", every day from around the world. This means on average, every minute of every day, slightly more than two people choose to click on to one of our publications or podcasts.
Paperitalo Publications, a subsidiary of Talo Analytic International, Inc. 4018 Keeneland Court Duluth, Georgia 30096 678-206-6010
Publisher & Editor--Steve Roush
Director of Sales--Donna Schmid
Advertising Sales-- Wayne Bucher & Wesley Naicker
Executive Editor--Jim Thompson
Operations Manager--Allison Gifford
Talo Analytic International, Inc.
4018 Keeneland Court
Duluth, Georgia 30096