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How Losses Are Reported

 A "loss run" or "loss report " is a report outlining the details of a company's workers compensation claims and the cost paid during a set time period. The report can reflect the job-related accidents and claims of the most recent month, quarter, year, or a combination of years.


For most employers, the report is sent out in the first week of the month reflecting the data "as of" the end of the prior month. Loss runs are produced either by the insurance company or by the TPA handling the claims for the self-insured employer, and are part of the risk management information system (RMIS).


Loss runs can be very detailed or minimal, listing only the claim number and the amount paid for each claim. Reports can be customized to provide the employer with the level of information needed. A well-designed loss run can assist the employer to identify problem areas and to develop risk management goals. It should be noted, the more details requested, the longer the loss run becomes.


Basic information shown on a loss run includes:

  • claim number *employee's name *date of loss * status of each claim: medical only, complex medical only * indemnity amount of money paid on medical benefits *amount of money paid on indemnity benefits, *amount of money paid on claim handling expenses *amount of unpaid reserves for medical, indemnity, and expense on each claim. 

If the current loss run does not provide the information needed, the employer needs to talk to the broker, TPA, or insurer to restructure it.


For the most part injured workers just want to get back to a normal routine. But why? It may seem obvious, but here are just six reasons. 
ART's are insurance programs that typically keep some part of the risk instead of transferring all of the risk as in a "traditional" insurance policy. Read on.
The comorbidities of obesity are well known, including diabetes, high blood pressure, sleep apnea, arthritis, and more. But how does this affect workers comp cases?
Ineffective claims management can wipe out most or all of the cost savings achieved through efforts to control cost. Find out if you need an Independent Claims Audit.
Vocational rehabilitation exists in several forms from simple work hardening to complete retraining of the employee to earn a living in another type of work.  How can it benefit everyone including our society as a whole? 

The #1 selling cost containment book for workers compensation is our 2012 Workers Compensation Management Program: Reduce Costs 20-50% manual. This 181-page guidebook helps assess company or clients' workers comp programs, design program materials, roll out a program to the organization, and monitor and manage the program once implemented.  

New summaries for "drug testing and workers compensation state laws" for every jurisdiction are NOW posted on our website. Click on the link above to check it out.

For 20 years, the National Workers' Compensation and Disability Conference & Expo has been the industry's leading training event. And this year's event is taking it to the next level - making it the best ever! November 7-9th 2012.

For the first time in almost 40 years, multiple efforts are underway to modernize the federal workers' compensation system. The 2012 event kicks off with an Opening Keynote dedicated to the future, explaining how the various reform proposals would affect the federal workers' comp landscape and giving you the tools necessary to handle the changes coming your way. November 7-9th 2012. 
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Workers Compensation Management Program
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for employers.
Article Library

22 Things Your Workers Compensation
Adjuster Should Not Do

Inside Scoop - Six Things that Annoy Claim Adjusters

Every Workers Comp Claim has a FIRST Week. . . Learn Why It Is So Important

Five Practical Ways to Reduce Medicare
Set Asides (MSA)

Lowering Workers Comp Costs for Employers

Rebecca Shafer, Attorney & Risk Consultant

Contact Us: Becki@ReduceYourWorkersComp.com

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