Monitoring and Managing the Program
Monitoring is critical for continued cost control. Once you have built a program lowering costs, you will want to maintain control over those aspects contributing to your success.
The steps in the Monitoring and Management Phase involve post- implementation support and monitoring of processes, injury claims, and lost-time data.
After implementation, your company should be able to demonstrate continued results through:
- Declining lost workday rates.
- A shift in the return-to-work ratio showing most injured employees return to work sooner.
- A significant decline in the cost per employee.
- Improvement in reporting time and network use.
Successful implementation is demonstrated by:
- Correct completion of forms and claim-tracking documents after injuries.
- Communication between all players throughout the claim process.
- Cooperation between your company and your claims administrator.
- Use of standardized documents/templates to structure communication with injured employees, treating physicians, internal managers, and your corporate office.
The contracts that PBMs have with the national drug store chains reduce the cost of each individual prescription given to an injured employee. So why are they not being utilized?
Should a workers' comp carrier have to pay for an extended testing protocol after a hospital employee's exposure to a patient's blood? This was the question the Kentucky Supreme Court answered. |
Medical care provided at work site is convenient and effective treatment. So how can it benefit employees? Employers? Read on.
Proponent Governor Brown claims the changes in the workers' comp system will reduce cost to employers by $1 billion dollars in the first year. But what do insurers say?
The law is changing and more money could be lost, for a longer period of time, if requests from the advisor are not followed. Read it. |
The #1 selling cost containment book for workers compensation is our 2012 Workers Compensation Management Program: Reduce Costs 20-50% manual. This 181-page guidebook helps assess company or clients' workers comp programs, design program materials, roll out a program to the organization, and monitor and manage the program once implemented.
New summaries for "drug testing and workers compensation state laws" for every jurisdiction are NOW posted on our website. Click on the link above to check it out. |
For 20 years, the National Workers' Compensation and Disability Conference & Expo has been the industry's leading training event. And this year's event is taking it to the next level - making it the best ever! November 7-9th 2012.
For the first time in almost 40 years, multiple efforts are underway to modernize the federal workers' compensation system. The 2012 event kicks off with an Opening Keynote dedicated to the future, explaining how the various reform proposals would affect the federal workers' comp landscape and giving you the tools necessary to handle the changes coming your way. November 7-9th 2012. |
REDUCE WC COST 20% to 50% |
Workers Compensation Management Program |
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