Choose Your Insurance Broker Wisely
"When selecting a broker, biggest isn't necessarily best."
One of the most important decisions a company makes is selecting their insurance broker. Most large companies have brokers rather than agents so they can obtain coverage from a number of different insurance carriers rather than just one. An agent is a representative of one insurance company.
Some key questions to ask prospective brokers are:
- How will they structure your company's insurance program?
- How will they market your company to the insurance carriers?
- How creative are the individuals on the team -- can they provide examples of how they have enhanced another company's insurance coverage and reduced the insurance costs to make the program more cost effective?
- Who is the team that will service your account?
- Do they have experience in your industry?
- Does the firm have global capabilities (necessary if your company has operations outside the US)?
- Are there other services that differentiate their firm?
These are some of the things you will evaluate when selecting the best broker for your needs. The biggest broker isn't necessarily the most qualified for YOUR situation, so meet with several to make sure their capabilities meet your needs.
"Preventing the most common injuries can be as simple as maintaining good housekeeping practices." Read on.
The upcoming changes in the calculation of the experience modification factor will penalize certain employers while rewarding those employers who have a better than average loss history.
All injuries cannot be prevented, but these are eye-opening stats for any employer that does construction-type work. |
Did you know hundreds of Workers Comp industry experts were lost on September 11, 2001? Attorney and Workers Comp Cost Containment expert Rebecca Shafer shares her thoughts 11 years later. |
The goal was simple: underbid law-abiding contractors in a struggling economy, the sheriff said. An elaborate scheme involving payroll and check-cashing stores. Read on.
The #1 selling cost containment book for workers compensation is our 2012 Workers Compensation Management Program: Reduce Costs 20-50% manual. This 181-page guidebook helps assess company or clients' workers comp programs, design program materials, roll out a program to the organization, and monitor and manage the program once implemented.
New summaries for "drug testing and workers compensation state laws" for every jurisdiction are NOW posted on our website. Click on the link above to check it out. |
For 20 years, the National Workers' Compensation and Disability Conference & Expo has been the industry's leading training event. And this year's event is taking it to the next level - making it the best ever! November 7-9th 2012.
For the first time in almost 40 years, multiple efforts are underway to modernize the federal workers' compensation system. The 2012 event kicks off with an Opening Keynote dedicated to the future, explaining how the various reform proposals would affect the federal workers' comp landscape and giving you the tools necessary to handle the changes coming your way. November 7-9th 2012. |
REDUCE WC COST 20% to 50% |
Workers Compensation Management Program |
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for employers.  |