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Transitional Duty Checklist |
Transitional duty (TD) is a key cost reduction component to an injury management program. Transitional Duty Checklist.
Consider the following tips.
- Do not violate union contracts. Work closely with the union. Ask the business agent or steward what level of assistance the union is willing to provide.
- Customize jobs for frequent restructuring to accommodate the employee's increased capacity and reduced limitations.
- Integrate transitional duty positions into mainstream operations so the employee does not feel isolated.
- Employees on TD should not be eligible for overtime.
- Have the employee work a normal shift so no transportation or childcare problems occur.
- Companies with medical departments have all employees work the day shift so their progress can be monitored.
- Consider paying full earnings, even for partial work hours to avoid paying lost wage benefits.
- Obtain employee's feedback about the TD position.
- Employees on TD must participate in weekly meetings until they are back on full duty in their original job.
- Communicate your program to the workforce so it becomes part of your company's culture.
- Always discuss TD in a positive way.
- The idea of "light duty" as an unproductive program is passé. Employees on TD are part of the team, just like before.
- Have the employee continue therapy and medical treatments while on TD to ensure continued recovery.
- When a TD job or task is identified, specify the position in writing on the Transitional Assignment Form (TAF), including the hours and location of the new position.
- Have the employee bring the TAF to the supervisor of the department where TD work will be done.
- Monitor the employee to ensure no duties beyond the WAF's listed physical parameters are performed.
- Record meetings on the Weekly Meeting Guidelines
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New summaries for "drug testing and workers compensation state laws" for every jurisdiction are NOW posted on our website. Click on the link above to check it out. |
In this widely acclaimed SEAK program, the nation's leading workers' compensation professionals, occupational physicians, occupational nurses, and attorneys will join together to discuss cutting edge issues. Frank discussions and lively question and answer sessions will complement each presentation.This conference is currently the largest and longest-running national workers' compensation and occupational medicine conference of its kind in the United States.
The 2012 14th Annual Federal Workers' Compensation Conference brings together professionals from multiple Federal departments and agencies. This is the only National Conference in the country devoted exclusively to the management of job-injured employees covered by the Federal Employees' Compensation Act (FECA).
Don't gamble when it comes to Medicare/Medicaid Compliance!
Gould & Lamb, LLC gather together some of the industry's most respected leaders and experts to provide attendees with 2 full days of compliance education and training, as well as an exciting look into the future of Medicare/Medicaid Compliance. |
For 20 years, the National Workers' Compensation and Disability Conference & Expo has been the industry's leading training event. And this year's event is taking it to the next level - making it the best ever! November 7-9th 2012.
For the first time in almost 40 years, multiple efforts are underway to modernize the federal workers' compensation system. The 2012 event kicks off with an Opening Keynote dedicated to the future, explaining how the various reform proposals would affect the federal workers' comp landscape and giving you the tools necessary to handle the changes coming your way. November 7-9th 2012. |
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