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What Senior Management Will Do

Although senior management generally does not actively participate in injury management projects, their approval and support is needed to embark on an injury management program.  

They will: 
  • Determine the cost of workers compensation at their facilities.
  • Explain the Sales Required to Pay for Accidents so management grasps the concept of the costs - in sales - to pay for workers comp.
  • Be able to ask middle managers at least four questions about the program:
    • The number of injuries at this facility this month.
    • How many employees are currently out of work.
    • How many employees are currently on transitional duty.
    • If there are any obstacles where senior management can assist.
  • Discuss injury management issues with middle managers as they occur at their respective facilities.
  • Appoint staff to provide oversight and input to handle claims and guide the injury management implementation program. A dedicated staff may not always be necessary, but it is important to provide enough staff to monitor closely claims.
  • Encourage a positive approach suggesting a "CAN DO" attitude. Even a company with very few injuries benefits from implementing a system to control the handling of claims and lawsuits.
  • Require the "Reduction in Lost Workdays" as a key performance indicator of how well each division is achieving return-to-work goals.  

It is always an interesting issue when talking to injured workers that have late-reported claims. Very late reporting is the beginning of NOT reporting. Ahead are 5 reasons an employee will not report a claim. 

The employees should know that every workers comp claim is investigated thoroughly, and all questionable claims are vigorously defended. If the 'little fraud" is not contested, there will undoubtedly be more little frauds. Read on. 

The insurance premium is often a small price to pay to protect the business from an event that could wipe out a business without insurance. Commercial insurance is broken down into three categories. Read

Employers who are conscientious about the cost of workers compensation insurance coverage know the importance of having an established Return to Work program. Do you? 
Advisen and Amaxx have teamed up to produce this comprehensive but easy to understand desk reference. Avoid common program pitfalls with this lesson plan to cost containment which is the difference between success and failure. New material in 11 chapters! This 183-page step-by-step manual is available with your company logo.

Crucial communication gaps have led to a widespread sense of unsafe working conditions among workers at three FoxConn factories in China reports the nearly month-long FLA investigation. 

Input Needed in Providers Opioid Audit, Broadspire Launches BOLD® Rx Network, Federal Court Rejects NLRB Authority to Force Posting of Employee Rights Notice, Columbus Dispatch Notices Lawsuits Against Doctors on Decline, and more.

The Australian News reports a public servant injured while having sex with an acquaintance on a business trip is allowed workers' compensation. How can this be? 

The CCRT reports of all the construction-related injuries that occur each year, one-fourth of them are back injuries. How can these injuries be reduced?

The U.S. Chemical Safety Board policy follows a roundtable involving accident victims, family members, and worker representatives. Learn its key elements.

Health care employees say their work is physically and mentally draining, with 28 percent claiming they cannot go on much longer under present conditions. Read about proposed changes to retirement age.

WorkSafeBC developed a tool kit in consultation with employers, scholars, police officers, and related non-profit organizations for employers to recognize the signs of domestic violence in the workplace. Get the kit! 

Research confirms that whatever an organization's size, leadership from the top and the active participation of workers are crucial to successful health and safety management. Information on the official EU-OSHA Healthy Workplaces Campaign and other materials is here.  

New summaries for "drug testing and workers compensation state laws" for every jurisdiction are NOW posted on our website. Click on the link above to check it out.

In this widely acclaimed SEAK program, the nation's leading workers' compensation professionals, occupational physicians, occupational nurses, and attorneys will join together to discuss cutting edge issues. Frank discussions and lively question and answer sessions will complement each presentation.This conference is currently the largest and longest-running national workers' compensation and occupational medicine conference of its kind in the United States.

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Workers Compensation Management Program
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Article Library

22 Things Your Workers Compensation
Adjuster Should Not Do

Inside Scoop - Six Things that Annoy Claim Adjusters

Every Workers Comp Claim has a FIRST Week. . . Learn Why It Is So Important

Five Practical Ways to Reduce Medicare
Set Asides (MSA)

Lowering Workers Comp Costs for Employers

Rebecca Shafer, Attorney & Risk Consultant

Contact Us: Becki@ReduceYourWorkersComp.com

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