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Doctor selection is regulated by state workers compensation statutes. Ask your adjuster how the laws operate in your state. 


If the employer selects the medical provider where employees will be treated, WHEN SETTING UP THE RELATIONSHIP (and during annual visits with the provider) discuss the forms & paperwork you need from the doctor in order for you to offer transitional duty jobs to all injured employees. Remember, if you don't get the medical restrictions on the FIRST medical visit, the claim will automatically become a lost time claim because the employee  must wait until the next medical appointment to get the transitional duty restrictions from the doctor in writing.


Even if you cannot direct your employees' medical care, you can usually (not always) suggest a physician who meets your criteria as an option for employees who ask.


In states where the employer cannot choose an injured worker's doctor, some employees will see the suggested doctor if the doctor has a good reputation, is conveniently located, deals fairly with people and provides good medical care.


Learn more about how medical care is directed in our 2012 Workers Compensation Management Guidebook as a resource to implement and design a workers compensation management program. 


                                    Learn More Here . . .


Spring is in the air and so are warm weather corporate outings! Are employees at these outings required to attend as part of employment or there voluntarily? Here are a few examples and the questions that arise during the investigation of these claims.

It can be exasperating when an employee files an occupational disease claim for a medical condition that should be filed under personal health insurance. Many diseases that are called occupational diseases occur in people who have never worked in an environment where they would be exposed to a toxic substance.

The 100th anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic has gone by, and all but forgotten is one of the most frustrating episodes of that event. That is the exclusion from survivor benefits of the families of the eight members of Titanic's two bands.

OSHA has the option of issuing citations with or without penalties after a compliance officer has inspected a facility and reported the findings. What is a citation? What is a penalty? 
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce recently released a new toolkit to help small and medium-sized employers plan, implement, and evaluate workplace health promotion programs.

Having a proper balance of safety and compliance and documentation is an important and fragile thing that can be overdone if the entire process is not understood. Is there an over commitment to safety? From OshaSure owner, Brian Hill. 

Now that the fall protection and other threatening safety "dragons" are slain, it may be time to look at the respiratory health and compliance in your company. More from Brian Hill, owner of OshaSure.

Today it is presumed every claim is valid, and every injury is totally disabling. Workers do not have to be engaged in dangerous activity, and the injury does not have to occur at work or during work hours. BUT that is the informal meaning. The law itself has not changed explains Attorney Ted Ronca. 

Communication is vital to the success of any claim or other legal action, but in workers comp two very different methods have evolved: one for the worker, but a very different one for the employer. From Attorney Ted Ronca. 

LexisNexis Communities Highlights Hot Topics WC In Review   WCRI Hosting Webinars Now through July 19 ,  Hanover Stone Partners names Brent Clark, Marnix Guillaume and Joseph A. Milan as Senior Risk Advisors, and more.

Governor Snyder has reviewed the recommendations and is asking the ORR and MIOSHA to work toward implementing the recommendations. How will the recommendations streamline government? 

The injunction against Gray Container, a 55-gallon drum manufacturer, requested by the Ohio Bureau of Workers Compensation (BWC), was filed to protect employees. This injunction is believed to be the first action of its kind by BWC. 

New summaries for "drug testing and workers compensation state laws" for every jurisdiction are NOW posted on our website. Click on the link above to check it out.

In this widely acclaimed SEAK program, the nation's leading workers' compensation professionals, occupational physicians, occupational nurses, and attorneys will join together to discuss cutting edge issues. Frank discussions and lively question and answer sessions will complement each presentation.This conference is currently the largest and longest-running national workers' compensation and occupational medicine conference of its kind in the United States.

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Article Library

22 Things Your Workers Compensation
Adjuster Should Not Do

Inside Scoop - Six Things that Annoy Claim Adjusters

Every Workers Comp Claim has a FIRST Week. . . Learn Why It Is So Important

Five Practical Ways to Reduce Medicare
Set Asides (MSA)

Lowering Workers Comp Costs for Employers

Rebecca Shafer, Attorney & Risk Consultant

Contact Us: Becki@ReduceYourWorkersComp.com

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