The Institute for Poetic Medicine Email Archives Homepage
WELCOME. . . Thank you for visiting The Institute for Poetic Medicine's archive homepage of previous newsletters and announcements!
"Poetry is natural medicine, it is like a homeopathic tincture derived from the stuff of life itself - your experience. Poems distill experience into the essentials. Our personal experiences touch the common ground we share with others."
The Healing Art of Poem-Making by John Fox, C.P.T., Founder/President The Institute for Poetic Medicine

At The Institute for Poetic Medicine we are collectively dedicated to nurture and strengthen the human capacity to connect to Self, Other, Community, the Natural World and the Divine.
We offer public workshops, retreats and professional programs with John Fox, Certified Poetry Therapist, and by others, for groups and individuals in therapeutic, healing, medical, teaching and pastoral professions, as well as for individuals living with life altering illnesses. We are a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to healing body, mind and spirit through the creative and therapeutic process of hearing and writing poetry.
We hope you'll enjoy these important communications that are rich with news about previous and upcoming events, poetry healers in action, beautiful photos, and inspiring poetry.
We also invite you to click below on "Join Our Mailing List" so that you'll receive all future newsletters and announcements.
- Summer-Fall 2016 Schedule
- -John offers "Seven Gifts", a poem-making retreat, this summer and fall in four cities across the US. It focuses on what poem-making holds and offers.
- Special SF Bay Area Event
- -This special notice invites Bay Area subscribers to attend a special presentation on Palliative Care. John Fox is one of three presenters.
- Spring 2016 Journal
- -This issue of the Spring Journal focuses on the work of Poetry Partners "Stories of Arrival: Immigrant and Refugee Youth Voices" and "Unlocked Poetry" programs, both giving voice to those often unheard--immigrant youth and the incarcerated.
-The Academy of American Poets recognizes "Stories of Arrival."
-Two individuals in IPM's Community of Poets share their challenges, losses, and poetry-as- healer.
-John shares his reflections on three men, who have had a profound impact on his life and work. - Special Edition Texas
- John joins Mirabai Starr for "Heartbeat of Hope"--a special retreat in Austin, TX, offering spiritual sustenance to help navigate stressful times, both globally and personally.
- Special Edition East Coast
- -This special edition focuses on John's winter retreat in NY state, Poetry As a Path for Renewal: Seven Gifts at Still Point Retreat Center. He will be joined by the center's Judith Prest.
- Special Edition West Coast
- -This special edition highlights John's upcoming West Coast events including Our Relationship with Trees and Youth Voices--Stories of Arrival.
- Autumn 2015 Journal
- -Learn about John's and others' personal path to bringing poetry to others.
-This autumn issue highlights the current work of IPM's Partners, Friends and its Poetic Medicine in Action program that all steadfastly bring the healing power of poetry to so many.
- This issue remembers Thomas Merton, the Trappist monk, poet, and social activist who appealed to people to "challenge certitudes" as part of the struggle for social justice and peace - Summer 2015 Training promotion
- -View the invitation for the next IPM Cohort Training Program. Applications are being accepted through Oct. 1, 2015. Next session begins in January, 2016!
- New web site promotion
- -Enjoy IPM's redesigned web site offering easy navigation to explore all it has to offer in a beautiful interface.
- SPRING 2015 Special Edition-WC
- -This special edition invites West Coast readers to enroll in "Poetic Medicine & Personhood" a day-long retreat, Monday, June 29, at the Vallombrosa Center in Menlo Park, CA. The retreat is offered to help people using the practice of poem-making and the inclusion of poetry in their lives to make more vivid the experience of being and becoming a whole person.
- SPRING 2015: Poetic Medicine Journal
- –This issue reminds readers of the themes of Spring: hope, renewal and the infinite possibilities that life offers as realized through the expressive arts--and ends with a special treat.
–Learn about IPM's support for the efforts of others to bring poetry and other art forms to some of the most challenged among us: vets, children battling cancer, young African American men, sex-trade victims, inmates, refugee immigrants and others.
–Enjoy reading about the 20th Anniversary of the publication of John's 'premiere text' "Finding What You Didn't Lose"; read reviews of other books of interest about poetry's power to heal. - WINTER 2015: PM Journal Special Edition
- –This special edition invites you to apply for the Poetic Medicine Training: 2nd Training Cohort
–See John's upcoming schedule
–View a testament to the power of Poetic Medicine in a safe house in Dubai - FALL 2014: Poetic Medicine Journal
- --John invites readers to learn about his recent work and experiences in England, Ireland, Germany and British Columbia
--Find out the latest in upcoming workshops, Poetic Medicine Training, and Poetry Partners
--John honors the memory of poetry "revolutionary" Jennifer Bosveld
--See the array of books and other publications exploring the deep work of poetry-as-healer some of which include essays by John
--Learn of a retreat led by IPM Advisory Boardmember Ray McGinnis in Hawaii - JUNE 2014 Maya Angelou Tribute & Schedule
- --Reflect with John on Dr. Maya Angelou's invaluable contribution to raising the interest in poetry in this country and beyond
--See John's schedule for the latter half of this year - SPRING 2014: Poetic Medicine Journal
- --John welcomes back his readers with the latest news about IPM
--Learn about upcoming events in the US, British Columbia and Germany
--Read about the recent meaningful work of IPM Poetry Partners
--Find out about books currently available that feature contributions from John
--Enjoy a radio interview with John
--View a moving tribute to the victims of Sandy Hook - AUGUST 2013 SCHEDULE
- --Welcome the Fall with Upcoming September workshops in Portland, OR.
- WINTER 2013: Poetic Medicine Journal/Schedule
- --Enjoy John's annual holiday letter with photos and recap of some 2012 highlights
--View John's upcoming schedule of events
--Read Poetry Partner update news
--Learn more about upcoming session of poetic medicine training
--View a YouTube and read about a recent celebration of poetry in Abu Dhabi - SUMMER 2012: Poetic Medicine Journal
- John--An exploration of hospice, end-of-life & those experiences that burnish the human heart;
--A rich, generous issue full of poetry, reflections, experiences; resources & inspirational stories!
--Read a moving, personal opening letter from John;
--Enjoy an article about John's visit to California Men's Colony Prison to work with prisoners who train to be hospice volunteers with their fellow inmates;
--Enjoy learning about San Luis Obispo Hospice and read staff poetry;
--Enjoy excellent book reviews and additional resources;
--Download 8 of John's personal poems that have arisen from his own journey;
--AND so much more! Enjoy! - JUNE 2012: Poetic Medicine Schedule
- --Take a look at where you can enjoy a poetic medicine presentation/workshop with John in the months of June, July, August & September!
- APRIL 2012: Poetic Medicine Honors Adrienne Rich
- --View a poignant YouTube of Adrienne Rich reading "What Kind of Times Are These?"
- FEB 2012: NEW! Poetic Medicine Training Program
- --Learn about IPM's new 3 phase training program where you may receive a Certificate of Completion (Phase 1 only) or become Certified in Poetic Medicine as a Practioner (completion of all 3 Phases).
- FEB 2012: UPDATED! Poetic Medicine 2012 Schedule
- --View John's Updated 2012 Schedule
- --View John's Schedule (Sept-Nov)
--Poetry Partner Update: Stories of Arrival (Seattle, WA)
--Poetry Partner Update: The Word Project (Greensboro, NC)
--Enjoy Book Reviews, Resources/Live Links - APRIL 2011: POETIC MEDICINE JOURNAL
- --View John's Schedule (April-Oct)
--Enjoy Book Reviews
--Learn About Resources, Recommended Links, Websites - FEB 2011: POETIC MEDICINE SCHED/NEWS
- --View John's Schedule (Feb-Oct)
--Poetry Partner Update: Clubhouse Model As a Path to Rehabilitation-Introducing the Healing Art of Poem-Making (Lehigh Valley, PA)
--Reflections/Poems About Tucson, AZ Tragedy
--Poetic Medicine at Wick Poetry Center (Kent State, OH) & Dartmouth-Hitchcock Norris Cotton Cancer Center (NH) - DEC 2010: HOW YOU CAN HELP IPM
- --Ways to Help
--Poetry Partner Update: Stories of Arrival (Seattle, WA)
--Poetry Partner Update: Writing Towards Wellness
(Lehigh Valley, PA)
--Poetry Partner Update: The Word Project (Greensboro, NC)
--Poetry Partner Update: Lifelines-Arts in Medicine Health Initiative,
University of Medicine & Dentistry (Newark, NJ) - SUMMER 2010: POETRY PARTNERS
- --Stories of Arrival:Youth Voices (Seattle, WA)
--Cascadia Arts & Healing (Willamette Vly, OR)
--Lakeside Shelter (Cleveland, OH)
--Project Star (San Diego, CA)
--John's Schedule (July-Sept) - APRIL 2010: POETIC MEDICINE JOURNAL
- --Stories of Arrival:Youth Voices (Seattle, WA)
--Blythedale Children's Hosp (Valhalla, NY)
--New Choices Recovery Ctr (Schenectady, NY)
--Saint Francis Hospital/Med Ctr (Hartford, CT)
--John's Schedule (April-Sept)
--Resources (Books, Websites, Links) - JANUARY 2010: CANYON DE CHELLY RETREAT
- --Join John & Friends for 10th retreat in Canyon de Chelly, AZ on beautiful Din� farm!
- --John's Current 2010 Presentation Schedule
- --John's Fall/Early Wiinter Presentation Schedule
- --Descriptions & Links to New Book Reviews
--Recommended Books, Articles, Audio, Film - JUNE 2009: POETIC MEDICINE SCHEDULE
- --Summer & Fall Events 2009
- --Detailed Event Descriptions, Locations & Contact/Registration Information
- --Letter from Jim Fadiman (Board of Directors)
--Where Donations Go
--How To Donate
--List of Donor Names - DECEMBER 2008 News
- --Letter from John --2008 IPM Highlights --What's Happening w/IPM Partners --New Forthcoming IPM Apprenticeship Project
- --Letter from John --Calendar of Events & Program Descriptions
- --Exciting News! PBS releases documentary film "Healing Words: Poetry & Medicine"
- --PBS "Healing Words" Documentary Film Release with Trailer
--Stephen Levine's newest book of poetry & YouTube interview --Podcast interview with John & The Arts & Healing Network
--YouTube interview with John at Ashland Community Hospital in Ashland, OR. - APRIL 2008 LETTER FROM JOHN
The Institute for Poetic Medicine P.O. Box 60189 Palo Alto, California 94306 1-877-558-3451