with John Fox for 2012 (Updated!)
A Letter from John Fox, CPTFebruary, 2012I invite you to take a look at my UPDATED SCHEDULE below! There are additions to this previously sent schedule. Included now are programs in Austin & Fredricksburg, TX; a program near Albany, NY; and a 6-day retreat at Canyon de Chelly, AZ.
I will also be visiting Bangor, PA;Vancouver, BC; Akron & Cleveland, OH; and other places. If you've already read my opening letter, scroll down and get directly to this new information!
And for your enjoyment, check out a PBS link of Bill Moyers and Rita Dove reading "The Hill" by Edgar Lee Masters. You'll find that in the last block of this schedule! Moyers interviews Ms. Dove, former U.S. Poet Laureate, about a new anthology of 20th century poetry she's edited that explores the place of poetry in leavening American culture. I'm grateful to this veteran and brilliant journalist, Bill Moyers, and this superb poet, Rita Dove, for making poetry a part of the American conversation for decades.
Dear Friend of Poetic Medicine ~ "Our souls endure the cold sleep of winter, their colors subdued to dull browns of late November, taking on faith that warm life - small and insignificant as earthworms - still stirs at their core." ~ Gary Schmidt & Susan M. Felch from Winter, A Spiritual Biography of the Season (Click Here) It's winter in the San Francisco Bay Area - if we have the standing to call it that season! Since late November I have had the good fortune to stay close to home, taking time to stop, to reflect upon significant losses I've experienced (at times, with the great and simple need for more sleep) in 2011, as well as savor looking back upon moments of deep and flourishing connection. In both winter ways, I honor this life and genuinely replenish myself for work out ahead. So it is, that in this, my 56th year, and as 2012 begins, I look forward with hopefulness and curiosity for what I do not know, with a sense of joy and gratitude for choices I can make. I am especially grateful right now that I still have the time and capacity to bring to you and others poetry as healer! What follows below is the schedule that has been established so far for my public programs. You will notice offerings include opportunities to learn and experience poetic medicine from varied perspectives. There are programs for people involved in: education, medicine, spiritual practice, social justice & peace, psychology, pastoral care and personal transformation through creative expression. One thing I am particularly happy about is the chance to collaborate throughout the year with superb individuals. Sally Hare, Director of still learning inc., and I will weave together the Circle of Trust work of Parker Palmer and poetic medicine. The workshop in May at the gorgeous Kirkridge Retreat (Bangor, PA) is our 7th collaboration. Sally is so gifted in her capacity to help people ask the essential questions of their lives, and in that gradual process make contact with their wholeness. This work is also about connecting soul to "role" in the world. You will meet, in Sally and me, a great encouragement to do that connecting for yourself - and if that connection is already strong, a chance to renew it in a circle of trust. In June I'll collaborate with Janet Childs, for the first time, to present When Someone Deeply Listens to You. Although that is the title of a signature poem in my work - I'm smiling right now to say that it has never been the actual title of a workshop!! Suffice to say that Janet, whose work you can read about in the schedule to follow, is one of the very best listeners I have ever met. That's why I'm glad she and I are placing our intention together on this. If you would like to explore and be present with the experience and practice of deep listening, please consider attending this for yourself. At Dominican College in July, I'll join with long-time friends David Watts and Joan Baranow, producers of the PBS film Healing Words: Poetry and Medicine (Click Here) to serve on the faculty (for the 8th time!) of The Healing Art of Writing conference. The deep rooting of "medical humanities" into the medical field through writing is an ongoing part of my work. I'm lucky to be a part of this team dedicated to the same. I hope to see you there. This schedule is, as I said, what has been established to date. There are plans being made for public programs in June with Hospice of San Luis Obispo (CA); a retreat coordinated by Agata Dichev in Atlanta GA; as well as a workshop coordinated by Marna Hauk in Portland, OR in late autumn. Please stay tuned! There are always new things The Institute for Poetic Medicine has to share with you: On the IPM website we have added book reviews about the healing applications of poetry (Click Here) and stories of people joining our "Community of Poets" pages (Click Here). Book reviews include issues like overcoming eating disorders, care for people with Alzheimers, the loss of a spouse, and haiku about intimacy and the love of the heart. You may also visit our Constant Contact archive page of previous newsletters & journals to read about various resources that may interest you (Click Here). Additionally, we are building a poetry therapy/poetic medicine resource bank. In a few weeks look for our online spring edition of The Poetic Medicine Journal - where we will share news of our poetry partner program and especially feature the work of poetry therapy in hospice and end-of-life care. All of these are significant parts of the IPM story! We welcome your questions and input. If you know of a place where "poetic medicine" could be of use, please write to us. Kind Regards, John Fox, CPT P.S. We want to be sure you are able to easily read and enjoy our Constant Contact e-mails to you! If you have difficulty with images not appearing or text appears scrambled, please see and try the message at the very top of this e-mail that reads: "HAVING TROUBLE VIEWING THIS E-MAIL? CLICK HERE!" The longer we listen to one another - with real attention - the more commonality we will find in all our lives. That is, if we are careful to exchange with one another life stories and not simply opinions. ~ Barbara Deming Sell your cleverness and buy bewilderment; cleverness is mere opinion, bewilderment is intuition. ~ Jalal-uddin Rumi |
March 16-18, 2012
San Rafael, CA
Presented by the International Association of Sufism
Songs of the Soul: Poetry & Sacred Music Festival Of all the valuable things of this world, the word is the most precious. For in the word one can find a light that gems and jewels do not possess; a word may contain so much life that it can heal the wounds of the heart.
Friday, March 16, 2012: 7:00pm - 9:30pm Saturday, March 17, 2012: 9:00am - 5:00pm
Sunday, March 18, 2012: 9:00am - 7:00pm
I am so grateful to breathe in, on a daily basis, the living and life-changing truth of this great Sufi Master's statement! Over four decades, in my own life, and in the lives of thousands of others, I have witnessed that word of light come forth and burst open within. Each of us is entrusted with a "song of the soul." It is time well-spent when spiritual work we do on ourselves includes and makes a priority of discovering what that song is. In my presentation on Saturday, I will offer ways you can hear and respond to that word within, and finding the words to say it.~ John Fox
~Albert Flynn DeSilver, Marin Poet Laureate
~Renée Owen accompanied by musician Brian Foster
~Coleman Barks ~Dr. Angha Nahid, Ph.D. ~Sharon Mijares, Ph.D.
~Sheikha Azima Lila Forest ~John Fox, CPT ~Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee, Ph.D.
... along with many others! See brochure for full list.
Music will be offered from Turkish, Jewish, Mayan, Pakistani, Native American and Sufi Traditions.
Partial funding for this festival is provided
by Kalliopeia Foundation
Location: Embassy Suites 101 McInnis Parkway San Rafael, CA 94903 Fee: Pre-register by March 14th to receive discount Friday Poetry & Music: $20/online; $30 at door Saturday Panels, Poetry & Music)*: $70/online; $90 at door Sunday Panels, Poetry, Music, Sufi Zikr: $70/online; $90 at door Sat. & Sunday Panels, Poetry, Music: $130/online; $160 at door All Events (Fri-Sun): $150/online; $180.00 at door *Note: John Fox will be presenting on Saturday, 3/17 from 2:45-3:00pm. (Moderator will be Jamal Lawrence Granick, PhD, LMFT) Partial scholarships are available for the festival - Call 415-472-6959 For Registration and Questions: Phone: (415) 472-6959 Website: www.ias.org To Download a Flyer: CLICK HERE
To Download a Registration Form: CLICK HERE
To See Information About this Event on the International
Association of Sufism's Website: CLICK HERE |
In Collaboration with the Wick Poetry Center at Kent State UniversitySumma Health Presents
Humanism and the Healing Arts Conference:
Poetry and Healing With Keynote Speaker, John Fox, CPT
 John Fox's Poem "Lift Up the Banner of Your Heart" is included in a card selection in the Healing Stanzas Collection, a collaborative project between Kent State's Wick Poetry Center and Glyphix design studio. (CLICK HERE) Wednesday, April 11, 2012: 8:00am - 12:00 noon John Fox is keynote speaker for this annual conference that focuses on humanism in medicine. The conference will also feature a poetry reading by Summa Health System care providers who have participated in Wick outreach writing workshops. There may be an opportunity for attendees to write with John and facilitators from the Wick Poetry Center. Please contact Wick or Summa to find out more. Location: Summa Akron City Hospital Raymond Firestone Auditorium 55 Arch St. Akron, OH To Register: This conference is free and open to the public, but registration is required. Please call Summa Connections at (800) 237-8662 to reserve. To Visit the Wick Poetry Center Website at Kent State University: CLICK HERE |
April 13-14, 2012
Shaker Heights, OH
Sponsored by The Peace & Justice Ministry
of Heights Christian Church
Poems of Witness: Living with Compassion In a Conflicted World With John Fox, CPT  "We must ourselves become the change
that we wish to see in the world." ~ Mohandas Gandhi Friday, April 13, 2012: 7:00pm - 9:00pm Saturday, April 14, 2012: 10:00am - 3:30pm *Saturday Evening, April 14: 7:00pm - 8:30pmAll programs stand alone. You may attend any one of them or all three. *Saturday evening is a program of celebration - see more below.
It is a challenge to find language in American culture that offers a humane and noble way of responding to seemingly intractable problems like injustice, economic disparity, and environmental destruction. Media and political gamesmanship often focuses on surface issues, controversy and divisive tactics to replace the listening, dialogue and self-reflection that encourages people to truly examine life, discuss issues, open to collaboration and create something new. From the place where we are right
Flowers will never grow In the spring.
~Yehuda Amachai Israeli Poet from The Place Where We Are Right How can we learn and practice a language that helps us to bear witness to the real needs of the world? That process often includes the necessity of attending with care to our own wounds. It may include finding help through a connection to what Quakers call the "still small voice within" or in whatever sacred name and practice is true to your spiritual call. How can we listen to one another (and within ourselves!) in a way that allows for honesty, deep trust, connection, compassion and playfulness? Creativity offers a pathway. John Fox has worked in every area of the United States and in many other countries showing people, adult and children alike, how they can use their inherent creativity through writing to explore these questions. No experience with poetry is required! Truthfulness, honor, is not something which springs ablaze of itself; it has to be created between people. ~Adrienne Rich We will draw upon the power of poetry to build community, attend to wounds and reclaim a language of the heart. We may explore poems by Marge Piercy, Pablo Neruda, Langston Hughes, Lucille Clifton, Nazim Hikmet, Yehudi Amachai, Naomi Shihab Nye, William Stafford, Maya Angelou, Jimmy Santiago Baca, Thich Nhat Hanh, Mary TallMountain, Denise Levertov, young children from around the world, among others.  But we have only begun To love the earth. We have only begun To imagine the fullness of life. How could we tire of hope? -- so much is in bud. ~Denise Levertov from Beginners We will explore how deepening a connection with this awareness empowers us to treasure differences and, paradoxically - even mysteriously, stand together on common ground. "What John Fox brings to this topic of poetry as healer is potentially life-changing." ~ Ralph Day Cleveland, OH  A Community Celebration for Peace and Justice Through the Arts, Music, Poetry and Dance Saturday, April 14, 2012 7:00pm - 8:30pm with Internationally Known Poet Therapist and Author John Fox, CPT Joined by Young Poets, Community Artists, Dancers and Musicians
Heights Christian Church Shaker Heights, OH During his visit to Cleveland, John will be working with young people at Fernway Elementary School on poems that reflect upon peace and justice. At this Saturday evening celebration, some of these young people will join with workshop participants and others attending to read their poems. People will share ways to bring civility and compassion to a conflicted world through all of the arts. There will be banners displayed, created by students from Shaker Heights students. Please join us for this free community event! Location of All Programs: Heights Christian Church 17300 Van Aken Boulevard Shaker Heights, OH 44120 Fee: Friday Evening: $20.00 Saturday: $45.00 Both Events: $60.00 Saturday Evening Only: This event is free of charge For Information and To Register: Phone: Call Heights Christian Church at (216) 561-4800 E-Mail: heightschristian@sbcglobal.net To Register: Your check may be made out to Heights Christian Church and mailed to: 17300 Van Aken Blvd., Shaker Heights, OH 44210. Space is limited, so please register early! Deadline for registration and payment is Monday, April 9, 2012. To Register Online Through Heights Christian Church:
CLICK HERE To Download a Flyer/Registration Form: CLICK HERE
April 27-29, 2012
San Diego, CA
My Heart Broke Loose on the Wind:
Recovering a Sense of Freedom & Surprise In Your Creative Expression and For Living Your life Presented by John Fox, CPT I wheeled with the stars, my heart broke loose on the wind. ~Pablo Neruda
Friday, April 27, 2012: 7:00pm - 9:30pm Saturday, April 28, 2012: 10:00am - 5:00pm
Sunday, April 29, 2012: 9:30am - 12:30pm
Poetry is practiced best and is of most optimum use in our quest for wholeness and meaning when it is deeply treasured and respected for its essential wildness. When your writing is met deeply and allowed to flourish in ways thoughtful people develop - with extravagant permission and genuine support to risk and try things out, when all of your feelings are welcomed - poetry as healer can take deeper roots. Creativity does not work well when put into a cage; people might pay to visit a zoo animal in a cage, but everyone knows something isn't quite right. Those cages are, in this sense, usually constructed of self-judgment and diminishment or the judgment of others built upon hierarchies of arbitrary evaluation. This being human is a guest house. Every morning a new arrival. A joy, a depression, a meanness, some momentary awareness comes as an unexpected visitor. ~Rumi This workshop is not a place to put on display one's literary and analytical acumen - although we will bring to the circle our love for and curiosity about literature, especially poetry. We will likely meet our doubts about the value of our writing, but as a community we shall help each other to open to the surprise, songs and secrets that emerge from the page. John Fox will share a holistic vision of poetry as healer that values this wildness and freedom, community and as always, deep listening. I don't know how or when, no, they were not voices, they were not words, nor silence, but from a street I was summoned, from the branches of night, abruptly from others, among violent fires or returning alone, there I was without a face and it touched me. ~Pablo Neruda Location: Home of Lynn Pollock & Ilan Awerbuch 2546 Deerpark Drive San Diego, CA 92110 Fee: Full Retreat (Fri-Sun): $165.00* A deposit of $40.00 will reserve your space *Note: Some partial scholarships are available For Information: Please contact John Foos at: Phone: (760) 672-7680 e-mail: johnfoos1@gmail.com To Download a Brochure/Registration: CLICK HERE
About John Fox and the Workshops: When I set out for the workshop, I had no idea I would be so completely changed or become so completely myself again because of poetry and you. ~ Shannon Klassel
a very sincere thank you for being what you teach... embodying the juice! the mystery is waking up the rain is falling everything smells better time is stopping for these precious tears it was a gift of good medicine! ~ Risa Diaz |
May 11, 2012
Seton Cove Spirituality Center
Austin, TX
Sponsored by Seton Cove a Member of the Seton Healthcare Family The Soul's Language A Talk, Conversation & Mini-Workshop About Sacred Poetry Presented by John Fox, CPT
Friday, May 11, 2012: Luncheon Program - 12 Noon to 2pm
Meeting the sacred in the world, in nature, within yourself or another person, is difficult to express in words. Your deep breath, a look of awe, the upwelling feeling of love from a deep inward place, a shattering of old ways of thinking, the caring embrace of another, tears streaming down your cheeks or simple silence opening out - all these are sometimes the only way to express this ineffable, wordless space. This is when your experience... ... all of a sudden turns to a surprisingly vibrant sky as your eyes widen ever-so-slightly in a recognition that shimmers under your skin, wells-up into a calm line-of-sight that is your own and goes on almost forever... ~ John Fox from "Consider What Happens" Another way to revive this connection to Spirit is through poetry. Poem-making is a language of the heart and can be accessible to each of us. Through the poetry of Mary Oliver, Wendell Berry, Rumi, Jane Kenyon, young children, Mary TallMountain, Zen poets, and Psalms of David, we will explore poetry that tune us to a sacred presence and inspire our own writing. John Fox will share what he has learned over a life-time of inquiry about poetry's spiritual capacity to inform, salve, heal and serve as a generative and transformational force to uplift and empower people. Location: Seton Cove Spirituality Center 3708 Crawford St. Austin, TX 78731 Fee: There is no fee for this program, however pre-registration is required. For Information & To Register: Please contact Seton Cove at: Phone: (512) 451-0272 e-mail: setoncove@seton.org Office Hours: Monday-Friday; 9am-5pm To Visit Seton Cove's Website: CLICK HERE
To View Seton Cove's Other Luncheon Program Offerings:
CLICK HERE (John's talk may not yet be listed on the Seton Cove website. Please check back!) |
May 12, 2012
Way of the Wolf Retreat Center
Fredericksburg, TX
My Heart Broke Loose on the Wind: Recovering a Sense of Freedom & Surprise In Your Creative Expression and For Living Your life Presented by John Fox, CPT Way of the Wolf Retreat Center - Civil War Log Cabin - CLICK HERE
Saturday, May 12, 2012: 10:00AM - 5:00pm
Poetry is practiced best and is of most optimum use in our quest for wholeness and meaning when it is deeply treasured and respected for its essential wildness... (See San Diego Retreat Description Above) Location: Way of the Wolf Retreat Center 458 Wolf Way Fredericksburg, TX 78624 (In the beautiful Texas hill country!) Fee: $55.00 For Information & To Register: Please contact Lianne Mercer at: Phone: (830) 997-6467 e-mail: lmercer5@austin.rr.com Registration is limited to 18 participants. Refreshments will be provided. Please bring your own lunch. Microwave available. Although this is a one-day retreat, Way of the Wolf is a Bed & Breakfast and you are invited to inquire about the possibility of extending your stay before or after attending the workshop. To Download a Brochure/Registration: CLICK HERE
To Visit Way of the Wolf's Website: CLICK HERE
May 16-19, 2012
Kirkridge Retreat Center
Bangor, PA
A Retreat at Kirkridge Retreat Center
Remembering Your Hidden Wholeness Through the Healing Power of Writing
With John Fox, CPT and Sally Z. Hare, PhD  |
Labyrinth at Kirkridge Retreat Center (photo from website)
| Some things have to be believed to be seen. You have to know they exist - or you won't see them. ~ Sally Z. Hare from I'll Meet You in the Field: The Intersection of Education and Community Wednesday, May 16, 2012: Retreat begins with supper Saturday, May 19, 2012: Retreat concludes with lunch In this unique retreat, poet John Fox and teacher Sally Z. Hare come together to explore the intersection of their work. They invite you to experience a circle of trust, grounded in Sally's many years of working with Parker J. Palmer's circles of trust theory, and the healing power of writing, based on John's own work in poetry therapy. Of course, we haven't really lost our hearts, our true selves, our sense of passion for our lives and work. But the pressures and hectic pace of our modern lives too often cause us to stop believing - and we can no longer see what has always been there. Those of us engaged in organizational leadership, teaching, psychology, pastoral care, medicine and other service professions, in community service and social change, know the challenge of sustaining ourselves and our commitment to deeply held values and beliefs. In this retreat the skilled facilitators will help create a quiet, focused, respectful space, in which the noise within us and around us can subside, and we can meet stillness. In large group, small group, and solitary settings, we will explore the intersection of our personal and professional lives, making use of stories from our own journeys, as well as insights from poets, storytellers, various wisdom traditions - and inviting our own writing and poetry to emerge. Stillness is where you meet with the essence of things... In stillness we can begin to let go of external voices, stereotypes, and clichés that crowd out original, personal and internal voices. Those discordant outer voices fade away in stillness. Stillness is a place of rooting oneself in a much larger field of being. ~ John Fox from Poetic Medicine 
Celtic Cross at Kirkridge Retreat Center (photo from website) Sally Z. Hare, PhD, is a teacher and a learner. She is the Singleton Distinguished Professor Emerita at Coastal Carolina University, where she served for many years as Dean of the Graduate School and Continuing Education and was the founding director of the Center for Education and Community. During her Kellogg fellowship in the early '90s, Sally had the chance to meet Parker Palmer as she was exploring the concept of community. Parker invited her to work with him as he created The Courage to Teach. Since that time, she has worked with the national Center for Courage and Renewal and facilitated COURAGE TO TEACH® and COURAGE TO LEAD® and CIRCLE of TRUST programs in South Carolina, North Carolina, Kentucky, Georgia, Oregon, and Kansas, and leads circle of trust retreats nationally with educators, physicians, community leaders and other professionals.
To Visit Sally's Website: CLICK HERE

Retreat Location: Kirkridge Retreat Center 2495 Fox Gap Road Bangor, PA To Visit the Kirkridge Retreat Site: CLICK HERE
Fee: $425.00 includes all meals, lodging, and the teaching fee. To Reserve: Please send $213.00 as a deposit. If we do not receive two weeks' cancellation notice, deposit is nonrefundable. To Register: *To Register Online at Kirkridge: CLICK HERE *To Download Brochure/Registration: CLICK HERE For Information Please Contact Sally or John: Sally Hare at:
e-mail: Sally@coastal.edu John Fox at:
Phone: (650) 938-2717 e-mail: john@poeticmedicine.org
Kirkridge Retreat Center (photo from website) |
May 24-31, 2012
Canyon de Chelly, AZ
The Nature of Poetry: Exploring the Beautyway
The Eleventh Camping, Hiking, and Poem-Making Experience with John Fox, Tad Gielow & Diné Friends, Jon & Lupita McClanahan
 Photo by Tad Gielow (Click Here)
In beauty may we dwell.
In beauty may we walk. In beauty may our male kindred dwell. In beauty may our female kindred dwell.
~ From a Diné Prayer
Thursday, May 24, 2012 - Thursday, May 31, 2012
During the week we will weave together sessions of writing and sharing, walking and contemplation.
We will visit scared sites such as Talking Rock and Spider Rock, White House Ruins and the Ye'ibicheii Trail. We will have the chance to appreciate Diné and Anasazi art, from ancient rock paintings and petroglyphs to present day artists working with silver and wool.
This workshop is a rare opportunity for non-Native people to be welcomed for a long period of time into this sacred place. We will stay with Diné (Navajo) who honor the four elements and directions on a daily basis. The wisdom stories of the Diné orginate in and around the stunning beauty of Canyon de Chelly. Our hosts, Jon and Lupita, will share these stories and their way of life during the day and around the campfire in the evening.
The retreat experience is a cooperative camping adventure in simplicty. I guarantee your meals will be fantastic! The light of dawn and dusk, the hum of the wind, will heal, inspire and guide us. This adventure is appropriate for both beginning and more advanced camper and writer!
Retreat Fee*: $1,250 Deposit Required: $350
*Note: This fee does not include travel to and from the Canyon, the first night spent in Chinle and a few optional choices.
For More Information & To Register: Please contact Birch Dwyer at: Phone: (503) 421-3100 e-mail: ebircht@hotmail.com
To Download a Flyer/Registration: CLICK HERE
To Visit Jon & Lupita McClanahan's Footpath Journey's Website: CLICK HERE
"Thanks for a magnificent experience. You provided listening, space, silence and words in this numinous place, Tse Gi (Canyon de Chelly). Your Diné friends, Jon and Lupita McClanahan, shared their culture and themselves. Their Beautyway entered into all of our hearts. You and they helped build a strong group feeling that was a vital aspect. Tenting, cooking, hiking, writing and listening together enlarged each of us. A must experience!"
~ Ken Gorelick, M.D. Washington, D.C.
June 14-16 2012
Vallombrosa Retreat Center
Menlo Park, CA
When Someone Deeply Listens to You:
Using Poem-Making, Creativity, Music, Song, Ceremony and Community Building in an Exploration of Deep Listening
A Retreat in the Practice of Poetic Medicine
With John Fox and Janet Childs
Listening is a magnetic and strange thing, a creative force. When we listen to people there is an alternating current, and this recharges us so that we never get tired of each other - and it is this little creative fountain inside us that begins to spring and cast up new thoughts and unexpected laughter and wisdom.
~ Brenda Ueland
Thursday, June 14 - Saturday, June 16, 2012
(Retreat begins Thursday evening, all day & evening Friday, all day Saturday & concluding at 5:00pm)
John Fox and Janet Childs have given their adult lives to learn about the practice of listening - to honing it - and they will, for the first time as co-leaders, bring their skills and gifts to bear upon how listening is essential when addressing personal questions and existential issues, to the grief and doubts that people grapple with in their professional practice and personal lives.
We are particularly interested in tapping into the creative and spiritual dimensions of mutual listening in a way that welcomes a transpersonal and self-actualizing awareness that awakens us to a much larger fabric of being.
We will consider how poetry as healer helps to hone intuition, self-honesty and discernment. We will, practicing together through the medium of poem-making, observe when listening becomes clouded and distracted. We are interested in tapping collaboratively into the creative and spiritual dimensions of mutual listening - in a way that welcomes a transpersonal and self-actualizing awareness that awakens us to a larger fabric of being.
Working together as a group/community/circle, in deep self-reflection and within dyad and triads, we will explore the experience of deep listening. Some of the themes we will address as essential to the practice of listening are: openness, respect and attention. We will do this through poem-making, ceremony, music and community building.
Janet Childs, M.A., A.A.E.T.S. (American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress) Diplomat has been actively providing crisis intervention in counseling and education focusing on the dynamics of loss, illness, crisis and grief since 1972. Combining her love of music with her personal and professional experience with loss, she creates a safe and healing environment to gently examine these difficult life issues. Janet is the Director of Training and Critical Incident Stress Management at the Center for Living with Dying, a program of the Bill Wilson Center in Santa Clara, CA. Since early 2006 Janet has served on the board of The Institute for Poetic Medicine.
Retreat Location:
Vallombrosa Retreat Center 250 Oak Grove Avenue Menlo Park, CA 94025
Fee: $410.00 (includes lodging and meals - but does not include travel).
Who: The cohort training in the IPM training program, as well as other dedicated students. Please inquire!
For More Information & To Register: Please contact John Fox, Institute for Poetic Medicine at: Phone: (650) 938-2717 E-Mail: john@poeticmedicine.org
Note: Maximum registration is 16
To Download a Brochure/Registration Form: CLICK HERE
To Visit the Vallmombrosa Retreat Center Website:
To Visit The Center for Living with Dying Website: CLICK HERE
July 8-14, 2012
San Rafael, CA
Co-Sponsored by Foundation for Humanities in Medicine, Dominican University of California & Perspectives in Medical Humanities, UCSF
The Healing Art of Writing: A Workshop Exploring Creative Writing and Healing at Dominican University of California With Faculty: John Fox, David Watts, Molly Giles, Marilyn Krysl, Alicia Ostriker, Nina Schuyler, Joan Baranow & Special Guests
The Healing Art of Writing is published from talks & workshops from the 2010 Conference at Dominican. CLICK HERE for ordering information.
Sunday, July 8, 2012 - Saturday, July 14, 2012 Prose workshops meet from 9:30 to noon each morning. Participants will meet with a different leader each day. Two to three manuscripts will be treated at each session. Poetry workshops will meet from 9:30 to noon each morning. Workshop members and leaders change daily so that all may experience a variety of styles and voices. Daily Talks and Panels with discussion on craft, editing, publishing, ethics and other subjects that address the particular concerns of writers. The Healing Art of Writing began as Writing the Medical Experience, a conference that first met in 2003 as part of the Squaw Valley Community of Writers in the breathtaking Sierra Nevada. The conference continued for four years on the campus of Sarah Lawrence College, attracting participants from all over the country. Past faculty members have included notable writers and poets such as Richard Selzer, Frank Huyler, Courtney Davis, John Fox, Ted Kooser, Donald Hall, and Alicia Ostriker. Now we are pleased to bring WME to Dominican University of California, with a new title intended to reflect more closely its aspirations. Our conference offers a unique experience in bringing together caregivers and patients who share a passion for writing about the mysterious forces of illness and recovery. The conference fosters communication between the two worlds we are all born into, described by Susan Sontag as "the kingdom of the well and . . . the kingdom of the sick." A belief shared among all the participants is that being cured of the disease is not the same as being healed, and that the writing of poetry and prose brings us to a place of healing. Our subject is the body, our medical experiences widely diverse, our goal to express through literature what happens when a physical or mental anguish disrupts our lives. Since participants are exploring intimate subjects, the conference fosters mutual support and friendship. The campus of Dominican University provides a secluded retreat, yet lies within easy distance to San Francisco for those wishing to venture forth. Wednesday afternoon of the conference is non-scheduled to allow participants to explore the Bay Area, socialize, or take time for quiet reflection (John will offer early morning workshops throughout the week.) Location: Dominican University 50 Acacia Avenue San Rafael, CA 94901
For Information/Registration, Contact: David Watts and Joan Baranow, Conference Directors Writing the Medical Experience & Perspectives in Medical Humanities Phone: 415-485-3264 E-Mail: joan.baranow@dominican.edu To Read About the 2012 Conference on Dominican
University's Website: CLICK HERE To Read an Article About the 2010 Conference in the Marin
Independent Journal: CLICK HERE To Visit the Healing Words Production Website:
CLICK HERE Comments from Past Conference Participants: "I am in awe at the details, organization, quality of faculty and participants, and the graciousness of all involved."
"The writer's conference was an outstanding experience for me. My goal is to try and keep up my energy level and translate that into more and better writing."  "After attending this conference, I'll never practice medicine in the same way again." |
July 19-22,2012
The Summer Institute at Sophia
Oakland, CA
Presented by the Sophia Center for Culture & Spirituality
at Holy Names University
Our Way Into the Future Venturing Forth as Humanity

(Banner from The Sophia Center website)
With Brian Swimme, Mary Evelyn Tucker, Diarmuid O'Murchu, Belvie Rooks, Peter Mayer, Miriam Therese Winter, John Fox and Jim Conlon
Thursday, July 19 - Sunday, July 22, 2012
John's Program: Friday, July 20 - 2:00 to 4:30pm
My Heart Broke Loose on the Wind: Recovering a Sense of Freedom & Surprise In Your Creative Expression and For Living Your life Poetry is practiced best and is of most optimum use in our quest for wholeness and meaning when it is deeply treasured and respected for its essential wildness... (See San Diego Retreat Description Above) In this afternoon Summer Institute mini-workshop, John will make sacred time for you to glean what is essential for you. We will deeply consider how to bring creativity forward into our daily life. For More Information & To Register: Please contact Grace Lara at The Sophia Center: Phone: (510) 436-1046 or 1-800-794-8813 E-Mail: Sophiactr@aol.com
Location: The Sophia Center 3500 Mountain Blvd. Oakland, CA 94619
To View More Information About this Event (Forthcoming)
The Sophia Center creates an international learning community that undertakes with integrity and depth the redeeming work of our time and the historical mission to which all humanity is called: the "Great Work" of our generation of transforming the entire cultural paradigm to protect humanity and the planet from destruction while encouraging a new era of well-being for the entire Earth Community.
The Sophia Center in Culture and Spirituality offers the students of the world a meaningful immersion into and investigation of the convergent forces of religion, art, justice and science.
(from The Sophia Center website: CLICK HERE)
August 15-19, 2012
Rivendell Retreat Centre
Bowen Island, British Columbia
Sponsored by Ray McGinnis & Write to the Heart
7th Annual Retreat at Rivendell
My Heart Broke Loose on the Wind: Recovering a Sense of Freedom & Surprise In Your Creative Expression and For Living Your life Presented by John Fox, CPT
Wednesday, August 15, 2012: Retreat begins at 7:00pm Sunday, August 19, 2012: Retreat concludes at 11:00am*
*Concludes in time to catch 11:30am ferry
Poetry is practiced best and is of most optimum use in our quest for wholeness and meaning when it is deeply treasured and respected for its essential wildness...
Location: Rivendell Retreat Centre
Bowen Island, British Columbia (Canada) Fee: $650.00 includes full retreat, all meals and lodging To Register: *A nonrefundable check deposit for $100.00 is required. *The $550.00 balance is due at time of workshop.
To Download a Brochure/Registration Form: CLICK HERE
For More Information: Please contact Ray McGinnis at: Phone: (604) 408-4457 E-Mail: writingthesacred@telus.net
To Visit the Rivendell Retreat Centre Website: CLICK HERE
Barbara McEnerney, in her wonderful poem As They Are, reflects upon giving her words the freedom and support they need to flourish, as children flourish when treated with curiosity, attention and room to breathe. She invites herself - and us - to consider those kinds of words:
Instead, could I let
them ramble along weedy
paths only they know?
Lean close to hear
them whisper secrets,
learn what they
need from me?
Could I love them
as they are,
give them room
to grow, a chance
to shine?
~ Barbara McEnerney
from As They Are
November 2-4, 2012 at The Still Point Retreat Center (near) Saratoga Springs, NY
My Heart Broke Loose on the Wind:
Recovering a Sense of Freedom & Surprise
In Your Creative Expression and
For Living Your life
Presented by John Fox, CPT
(Photo from Still Point Interfaith Retreat Center Website)
Friday Evening, November 2, 2012: 7:00-9:30pm Saturday, November 3, 2012: 10:00am - 5:00pm Sunday, November 4, 2012: 9:30am - 12:00 noon
Poetry is practiced best and is of most optimum use in our quest for wholeness and meaning when it is deeply treasured and respected for its essential wildness...
(See San Diego Retreat Description Above)
Still Point Interfaith Retreat Center
20 Still Point Road
Mechanicville, NY 12118
$175.00 (Room & Board Not Included in Workshop Fee)
For Inquiries (Including Making Overnight Accommodations at Still Point or in the Area) and To Register:
Please Contact Judith Prest:
Phone: (518) 895-8001
E-Mail: jeprest@aol.com
Note: There are 4 hermitage cabins and 2 regular rooms at Still Point. They are available on a first-come, first-serve basis. Other nearby accommodations are available. Commuters are okay! Judith will bring food for meals, along with food provided by Still Point. Still Point, an interfaith retreat center, integrates Eastern and Western spiritual traditions, is holistic in its approach, global in its outlook. Still Point fosters harmony with all life, embracing God, earth and all creation.
Still Point offers a place of solitude, healing and restoration. As we enter into the depths of our own self, we encounter the Mystery-Beyond-Description. Such an encounter fosters deep spiritual growth.
(From the Still Point Retreat Website: CLICK HERE)
 To Download a Brochure/Registration Form: CLICK HERE
The Institute for Poetic Medicine is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, sustained through grassroots fundraising, foundation grants, and donations from individuals.
"John's workshop with the men truly supported them by helping them find their voice in expressing their personal life changing experiences while dealing with death and dying. John assisted them in discovering the tool that healing words can be when sitting with a dying inmate, as well as the great gift that the power of listening can be for them. The poetry that the men produced was powerful, poignant and heartfelt. Thank you again for giving these marginalized men in our society an opportunity to experience the tenderness, fierceness and human qualities of life through the gift of poetry."
~ Ms. Lorie Adoff
Director of Spiritual Care Services
California Men's Colony Prison
San Luis Obispo, CA
Note: John will return again in June to California Men's Colony to work with men there who are volunteering for the hospice program. Your donation will help this and our other programs.
Friend of the Institute ($35 - $149)
Supporting Hands ($150 - $349)
Heart of the Community ($350 - $999)
Spirit of the Muse ($1000+)
Every donation matters; we are grateful for any amount you can afford to give. Our commitment is to put it to effective and efficient use. Your contribution will make a difference!
To Print and Read a Brief Letter From John Fox
About IPM's Work in 2012!
Donations to The Institute for Poetic Medicine
are Tax-Deductible.
Please Make Your Check Payable To:
The Institute for Poetic Medicine
Mailing Address:
The Institute for Poetic Medicine
P.O. Box 60189
Palo Alto, CA 94306
Acknowledgement of Your Contribution for the IRS Will Be Provided
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You've never seen a duet like this before. . .
Bill Moyers and Pulitzer Prize-winning poet, Rita Dove (honored by President Obama with the National Medal of Arts) take turns reading from " The Hill," by Edgar Lee Masters. Enjoy and share this "Moyers Moment," exclusively on BillMoyers.com.
The full interview by Bill Moyer's with Rita Dove can be found here:
"Rita Dove's latest work, The Penguin Anthology of 20th Century Poetry, (Click Here) is a banquet of language images and ideas. This is not your usual anthology. The poems were selected for what they tell us about American History, our story. If you never thought of poetry as a way to snatch the past from George Orwell's memory hole, you'll be thinking that after spending a few hours with this book.
~ Bill Moyers, introducing his interview with Rita Dove