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Canyon de Chelly
May 2010

Join John Fox and Joseph Johnson
with Diné Friends, Jon & Lupita McClanahan

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Atl WC

In beauty may we dwell.

In beauty may we walk.

In beauty may our male kindred dwell.

In beauty may our female kindred dwell.

From a
Navajo Prayer

Atl WC

Globe Mallow (Tad)

"Thanks for a magnificent experience.  You provided listening, space, silence and words in this numinous place, Tse Gi (Canyon de Chelly).  Your Diné friends, Jon and Lupita McClanahan, shared their culture and themselves.  Their Beautyway entered into all of our hearts.  You and they helped build a strong group feeling that was a vital aspect.  Tenting, cooking, hiking, writing and listening together enlarged each of us.  A must experience!"

Ken Gorelick, M.D.
Washington, D.C.

Atl WC Atl WC Atl WC

"John Fox is the best facilitator I have ever had the privilege to work with.  The way he responds deepens your experience of the poem and allows it to expand, both inside yourself and within the circle of the group.  You are also held by the walls of the canyon, which is an extremely powerful experience.  You can literally feel the energy emanating from the walls.  I also appreciated John's ability to honor the different needs of members in the group.  There was space for everyone to get what they needed."

Birch Thomas
Portland, OR

The Nature of Poetry:
Exploring the Beautyway

The Tenth Camping, Hiking
& Poem-Making  Experience

Atl WC

Canyon de Chelly
Northern Arizona
May 25 - June 1, 2010

"I know with utter certainty that my trip to the canyon with The Institute for Poetic Medicine was a pivotal life event - resulting in later major decisions."

Melissa Layer
Port Townsend, WA

You are warmly invited to join John Fox, Joseph Johnson, and Diné (Navajo) hosts, Jon and Lupita McClanahan, on their beautiful farm in the belly of this ancient canyon to weave together sessions of writing and sharing, walking and contemplation.

We will visit sacred sites such as Talking Rock & Spider Rock, White House Ruins and the astonishing Ye'ibicheii Trail.  We will have the chance to appreciate Diné and Anasazi art - from ancient rock paintings and petroglyphs to present day artists working with silver, turquoise and wool.

This retreat is a rare opportunity for non-Native people to be welcomed for an extended period into this sacred place.  The wisdom stories of the Diné originate in and around the stunning beauty of Canyon de Chelly.  Jon and Lupita honor the four elements and directions on a daily basis, generously sharing the sacred stories and their way of life during the day and around the campfire in the evening.

This retreat experience is a cooperative camping adventure in simplicity.  You will enjoy fresh, flavorful meals beneath the rustling cottonwoods.  The light of dawn and dusk and the hum of the wind will heal, inspire and guide us. This adventure is appropriate for both beginning and more advanced camper and writer!

If you have previously shared this unforgettable experience with us, please consider gifting yourself with a return trip to the canyon.  Former retreatants who rejoin us are eager to immerse themselves in ever-changing beauty, in silence and depth from which freshly written poems emerge.  Revisiting favorite places, we discover new territory in both inner and outer realms.

We, at The Institute for Poetic Medicine, are dedicated to remember and deeply honor that poetry as healer goes back long before modern theories and organized applications of poetry for therapeutic use.  Transformational uses of song and prayer, poem and story are gifts of indigenous culture, and we are grateful to Jon and Lupita for making possible direct contact with their Beautyway tradition and this sacred place.

Anthropologist-writer Jeanne Simonelli worked at Canyon de Chelly as a seasonal park ranger.  In her beautiful book Crossing Between Worlds - The Navajo of Canyon de Chelly (Second Edition, 2008) she interweaves stories of her personal experiences and friendships with canyon residents (including Jon & Lupita and their extended family) and fascinating discussions of native history and culture in the region. 

To View This Book on Amazon:
                               (CLICK HERE)

To Visit Wake Forest University's Website About the Book:              (CLICK HERE)




Canyon Cottonwoods

May 25 - June 1, 2010

Retreat Fee:
($350.00 deposit required)

Note:  This fee does not include travel to the Canyon and a few optional choices.

Please Register by May 12;
Registration is Limited to 16 Participants!

To Download a Flyer and Registration Form:
                              (CLICK HERE)        

For More Information:
Please contact John Fox at:
Phone:   (650) 938-2717
E-Mail:   JFoxCPT@aol.com

To Visit Jon and Lupita's Footpath Journey's Website:               (CLICK HERE)    

Thanks to Tad Gielow for 
the beautiful photos you see here!

To View Photos of Previous Canyon Trips, Visit Tad's Website:         (CLICK HERE)


Suzy's Hand


Deep rock singing
Deep day
Deep amongst the rock art
I find new heart
in old ways.

Lines across my mind now
Call me forth
Call me home again
Call me to step forward
to climb up
to lean into the earth
to bend low
to trust foot against rock
rock against fear
to go up and down and along

to listen amidst
the canyon walls
the fall of words
the flight of sight
the striations and waves of water
carved as rock.
It's there
In the red and pinkish hues
I come home again.

Keith MacNider
Port Elliot, Australia
(Keith will join us for the 3rd time!)

Atl WC

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