Exciting Announcements, News, & Links From The Institute for Poetic Medicine
May 11, 2008
This July, 2008: PBS National Broadcast of HEALING WORDS: POETRY & MEDICINE
With John Fox at Shands Hospital in Gainesville, Florida
HealingWords Pic

On July 1st, HEALING WORDS: POETRY AND MEDICINE, a film produced by David Watts, will be fed by satellite to PBS stations across the country.

To View a Trailer of the Film:
Click here!

(Best Viewed with Safari or Firefox)

Or Go To: http://poeticmedicine.org/healingwords.html


Each station chooses to broadcast the documentary on July 1 or tape it for presentation later. There is, however, no guarantee that they will do either - unless they hear from YOU!

Please call and write your local PBS Affiliate Programming Director to highly recommend this breakthrough film and ask them to broadcast Healing Words from this satellite feed or include it on their schedule for a later date.

Ask them to give HEALING WORDS: POETRY AND MEDICINE a good time slot!

To Locate your TV Stations that Air PBS:

Click here!

Or Go To: http://www.pbs.org/tvschedules

If there is more than one station, please consider contacting each station. The Institute for Poetic Medicine and the filmmakers are grateful for your joining with us to bring soul back to medicine. Your Call Will Make a Difference!

Please Feel Free To Share This Announcement With Friends, Family and Colleagues!

Here is the Documentary Description From the Producers, HEALING WORDS PRODUCTIONS:

HEALING WORDS: POETRY & MEDICINE is a poignant and powerful documentary about the uses of poetry and the other expressive arts at a large teaching hospital in Florida. These days when Americans have grown cynical about health care costs, impersonal treatment, and the intrusion of corporate self-interest in the doctor-patient relationship, Healing Words reminds us of the best medicine can offer: a doctor at the bedside, really listening to a patient. Dr. John Graham-Pole and poetry therapist John Fox enter hospital rooms and help patients write poems as part of their healing process. Viewers will be touched by the ways in which poetry builds compassion between doctor and patient. In answer to the question, Can Poetry Heal? This documentary gives a resounding YES!

Producers: Joan Baranow, James Cavenaugh, Victoria Chaban, David Watts, MD; Narration: Peter Coyote; Directors: James Cavenaugh, David Drewry; Original Music Score: Noa Winter Lazerus; Running Time: 56:46.

CONTACT: Joan Baranow
Healing Words Productions
73 Hillside Avenue
Mill Valley, CA 94941
(415) 318-8641

Stephen Levine on the Healing Spirit of Poetry - A New Book of Poems & YouTube Series

I want to urge Institute friends to check out Breaking the Drought: Visions of Grace, a new book of poetry by Stephen Levine, published by Larson Publications.

Click here!

Stephen, friend and teacher, encouraged me in the early 80's to pursue this calling of poetic medicine. After so many years of working with the poetry of the heart, I am so glad to see his return to the making of poems.

I urge anyone involved in a spiritual quest, in healing or medical practice, who cares for others, anyone who is keen for insight and does not take spiritual practice too seriously, who is a teacher, a hospice volunteer, anyone who loves poetry (especially poems that ask us to listen), loves the natural world, who wants a gift for a lover, for a friend, anyone who wants surprise and levity in their life, who knows sooner or later they'll die, who grieves for and celebrates a loved one, who are thirsty for words that feed the heart and soul. . . I hope you will pick up this book.

Rooted in the questions that act as a spark to awakened consciousness: Who am I? What am I here for? These poems grow out of deep love for the Beloved, the Friend and stewardship of the Earth.

As the poet Kabir said:

"His poems amount to one soul meeting another.
These songs are about forgetting dying and loss.
They rise above both the coming and the going out."

$16/book includes US/Canada shipping (NY residents please add $0.96 sales tax per book); elsewhere - please email or call for shipping information

1-800-828-2197, 9-5 Eastern time. Or by check / money order to Larson Publications 4936 Route 414, Burdett, NY 14818.

For More Information: Click here!

Ecoversity Features Stephen in YouTube Presentations

In addition to the publication of Breaking the Drought: Visions of Grace, you can listen to Stephen explore the possibilities of poetry to heal and transform consciousness in a recent series of inspiring presentations on YouTube offered by Ecoversity in Santa Fe, NM. Stephen describes this series:

"Ecoversity is a group in Santa Fe that is working/teaching/learning about sustainable lifestyles for the individual, the group, the planet. Beside water conservation and organic gardening techniques, and a number of other ecologically aware practices, they believe that poetry is a necessity for balancing the mind with the heart.

They believe that poetry is one of our most precious renewable resources available to heal and sustain the world. The reading a few months back was the first I had done in 40 years, having devoted most of my time during this hiatus to working with the poetry of the heart in the process of dying and the grief that follows like a weeping beast. It was an absolute delight."

To View Stephen on YouTube and Learn More About Ecoversity: Click here!

(Best Accessed With Firefox or Safari)

Or Go To: http://www.ecoversity.org/Stephen_Levine.html

Arts & Healing Network Podcast Interview of John Fox, CPT

I first heard about the Arts & Healing Network (AHN) the year it was founded in 1997. It was the same year as the publication of Poetic Medicine! I've always felt an affinity with this fine organization. Their website descibes their mission:

"Arts and Healing Network honors and supports the emergence of healing artists and recognizes them as essential catalysts for positive change." (Marion Weber, Founder)

"Arts and Healing Network is an on-line resource celebrating the connection between art and healing. Our web site serves as an international resource for anyone interested in the healing potential of art, especially environmentalists, social activists, artists, art professionals, health care practitioners and those challenged by illness. Our hope is that the information presented here will educate and inspire." (From the Arts & Healing web site)

Mary Daniel Hobson ("Danny") is the visionary Executive Director of AHN. With grace and persistence, she has done so much to raise awareness about the healing spirit of the arts. Last year Danny asked me if AHN could interview me for their podcast series. I gladly agreed. Britt Bravo, of Big Vision and Career Consulting, conducted the interview. The interview is a wide range sharing about my journey with poetry and healing, the practice of poetry therapy, and the vision I hold for the Institute for Poetic Medicine.

You Can Hear the Podcast Here: Click here!

(Best Accessed With Firefox or Safari)

Or Go To: http://artheals.libsyn.com/index.php?post_id=273898

To Learn More About the Arts & Healing Network: Click here!

YouTube Presentation Filmed at Ashland Community Hospital in March, 2007

In March of 2007, Cynthia Meilicke, Director of Volunteers at the Ashland Community Hospital Hospice in Ashland, Oregon, invited me to give a public presentation as well as an inservice to the Ashland hospice care team.

In preparation for those programs, Debi Smith, a reporter, freelance writer and videographer working for the Ashland Daily Tidings contacted me. Debi asked to interview me before the public program and film the entire evening. That evening we received permission from all participants to do so.

My talk, very moving poems written and read by participants, portions of the soon to be released PBS documentary Healing Words: Poetry & the Art of Medicine (mentioned earlier in this announcement) -- you can see all of this on YouTube!

Check Out the Article in Ashland Daily Tidings ("Grief Brought to Numbers", 3/29/07): Click here!

To View the YouTube Video: Click Here!

(Best Accessed With Firefox or Safari)

Or Go To: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OxEyNuvHQx8&feature=related

5th (Almost Annual!) Conference - "Writing the Medical Experience" - Sponsored by David Watts, M.D., Sarah Lawrence College and the Center for Humanities in Medicine
Sarah Lawrence1
This intensive weeklong program in the literature of illness and recovery will take place from July 27th - August 2nd at Sarah Lawrence College, just north of New York City.

The medical experience can lead to some of life's deepest moments and is thus a rich source of subject matter for literature but it is often difficult to write about. Bringing together individuals with a shared interest in a literature of the body, along with our diverse ways of handling the body's challenges will better equip us for writing the medical experience.

The program will consist of two concentrations: Poetry and Prose. The conference will feature lectures, workshops, panels, readings and informal gatherings on Sarah Lawrence's beautiful wooded campus.

Featured Keynote Speakers: Donald Hall, U.S. Poet Laureate and Richard Selzer, esteemed surgeon and writer.

Core faculty: Cortney Davis, Marie Howe, Sayantani DasGupta, Dave King, and Penny Wolfson.

The Workshops:

Poetry workshops will meet from 9:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. daily. Workshop members and leaders change daily to give a variety of styles and voices to participants and faculty.

Prose workshops meet from 9:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. daily. Participants will meet with a new leader each day. Two to three manuscripts will be treated at each session.

Afternoon and Evening Events:

There will be daily talks and panel discussion on craft, editing, publishing, ethics, and other subjects that address the particular concerns of writers. Faculty readings, participant readings, and social gatherings will take place during the evenings.

Writing the Medical Experience is presented by The Center for Continuing Education's Writing Institute, and The Masters Program in Health Advocacy at Sarah Lawrence College in cooperation with The Foundation for Humanities in Medicine.


Applications for the program will be considered in two categories: poetry and prose. Acceptance into the program is based on the quality of the application sample.

To View a Sample Daily Schedule, Review Speaker and Faculty Bio's and To Apply: Click here!


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E-mail us at: programmanager@poeticmedicine.org

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