Poetic Medicine Journal
SF Bay Area Special Event
June 2, 2016 
I wrote because poetry begins from the point where the
last word does not belong to death.

Odysseus Elytis, Greek Poet
Dear Poetic Medicine Friends,
You are invited to attend this evening event in San Francisco next Wednesday, June 8 that will bring together music, poetry and story-telling.
If you feel you haven't been able to attend, with the kind of care you want
to, to losses in your life, whether it is for the recent passing of a loved one
or even 'unattended grief' for loved ones who have died in ages past --
Let's Keep Talking About Love & Grief is a place and time to meet others, meet yourself, in a presentation that will encourage us through music and poetry, to not merely rush on in our busy lives.
Rather to stop and find a deeper feeling place, a more lasting awareness with regards to those losses and grief, a way to meet one another in the whole heart we share.
I'll participate with poet and palliative care nurse Redwing Keysaar, cellist Jami Sieber and storyteller, Anne Germanacos.
You are welcome to join us next Wednesday evening!
With kind regards,

Poetry enacts our own losses so that we can share the notion that
we all lose -- and hold each other's hand, as it were, in losing.
Donald Hall


Let's Keep Talking About ... Love and Grief 
Wednesday, June 8
6:00 - 8:30pm
(Includes reception 6:00-6:30)

Jewish Family & Children's Services 
2150 Post Street, San Francisco 
The event will be moderated by Redwing Keyssar, RN,  
Director of JFCS' Palliative Care Program.

JFCS' Seniors At Home invites you to their continuing Palliative Care Lecture series, with an outstanding evening of music and spoken words that are inspired by the realms of love and loss, while soothing aches of heart and soul.

Space is limited. Please click here to register. There is no fee to attend; donation appreciated.

* * * * *

Anne Germanacos is a San Francisco born writer and educator. Her novel,Tribute, chronicles the daily life of a woman whose mother is dying. Anne runs the Germanacos Foundation and was an Artist-in-Residence at the Marin 
Headlands Center for the Arts in the fall of 2015.

Jami Sieber is an electric cellist and vocalist who has performed her original compositions around the world. Jami has taught numerous workshops with Redwing Keyssar, JFCS' Palliative Care Director, using music as inspiration for deep healing work around our relationship to death and dying, life and living.

John Fox is a poet and certified poetry therapist. He is author of Poetic Medicine: The Healing Art of Poem-Making and Finding What You Didn't Lose: Expressing Your Truth and Creativity Through Poem-Making. His work is featured in the PBS documentary Healing Words: Poetry and Medicine.

Your Support Matters!

The Institute for Poetic Medicine is a 501(3) non-profit organization, sustained through grassroots fundraising, foundation grants, and donations from individuals.
Donations to The Institute for Poetic Medicine are tax deductible.
To make your donation online, please click here. The Donate button is at bottom right of page upon scrolling. 
To send your donation by mail:  
Please make your check payable to: The Institute for Poetic Medicine

And mail to: The Institute for Poetic Medicine, PO Box 60189, Palo Alto,
CA 94306
Acknowledgement of your contribution for IRS will be provided.
Thank you!