
Sunrise 1February 21, 2012

Dear Friend of Poetic Medicine,


I am delighted to announce applications are being accepted atThe Institute for Poetic Medicine for the new distance learning program in the practice of poetry as healer!


Course syllabus and bi-monthly training modules are being developed by myself, IPM Board members and other practitioners in the field of poetry therapy.   Everything about the course is new!  There is a learning curve that is both exciting and worthy of patience.


What is ripe and deeply rooted as an organic power is 30 years of experience I bring to the work as a poetry therapist.  This poetic medicine training will present what I have learned about poetry's capacity to inform, salve, heal and serve as a generative and transformational force to empower people.  At the end of this announcement, I invite you to read a personal narrative that will give a sense for those deeper roots in my life from which this course springs. 


We believe inclusion, collaboration and community  are the watchwords of our day, especially as they relate to affirming and building an integrated and open learning process.


It is our intention to make this training accessible to people in a wide-range of helping professions who desire to bring it to those they serve, as well as to individuals keenly interested in how they can make use of this healing art of poetic medicine for themselves.  We invite the participation of poets who are drawn to a path of healing and service to others.


We aim to create a group that is multi-generational and diverse in ethnicity, race and sexual orientation.


If you believe that training to become a practitioner Certified in Poetic Medicine will benefit you and others personally and/or professionally, think of applying.  People who are certified by IPM will have completed Phase 2 and at least a significant portion of Phase 3.


If the first phase is all you want, choose that.  You may also make your choice not to continue during Phase 1.  You will receive a Certificate of Completion in Poetic Medicine at the conclusion of Phase 1. 


We will choose and shape this first cohort of learners with care and thoughtfulness.  We are planning on a course registration of nine to twelve participants. 


One definition of the word "cohort" comes from the website of The Institute for Transpersonal Psychology, were I have taught since 1997.  I have amended it slightly:


A collaborative educational model wherein a small number   

of students share the same core classes throughout the program and build a supportive learning community.  


This course will be offered in three phases. The first two phases are each seven months in duration. The third phase is focused upon working with a mentor and taking the first two phases of training into applied work of poetry as a therapeutic/healing modality within the community or a particular professional field of practice.


Our means of study and interaction include an online learning community environment, classroom time online, and individual mentoring with me.  There are more details about these in the comprehensive brochure which you may request from me by phone or e-mail (see details later in this announcement).  


We have chosen three words to describe each phase:


Create ...   Connect ...   Community ...  


An overview of each phase, the application process, and financial commitment are outlined below.     


At IPM we recognize that this dynamic process of creating, connecting and joining in community truly takes a village.  Those who are not called to embark on this training program may choose to support and strengthen the entire circle and committed individual students with their financial gifts.  Please see more information at the end of this announcement. 


I look forward to hearing from those of you who may feel a sense of readiness to join me on this exciting new endeavor.  Your questions are welcome.   


John Cropped from WAE
Photo Credit: Ed Skillin
WAE Center (Click Here)


Kind Regards,


John Fox, CPT








P.S.  I invite you to take a look at my Updated Schedule for 2012.  There are considerable additions, including programs set in Austin & Fredricksburg, TX; Albany, NY; and Canyon de Chelly, AZ.  I will visit Bangor, PA; Vancouver, BC; Akron & Cleveland, OH, and other places!




Phase One   

C R E A T E   


 To Read About This Book on Amazon:   CLICK HERE


Participants will begin by exploring poetic medicine for personal healing and growth, doing the inner work of writing poetry with a healing intention and focus.  


We will work with John's books, Poetic Medicine (Click Here) and Finding What You Didn't Lose (Click Here), as well as other important texts which will be catalysts for writing poetry, supporting self-reflection and discovery, and sharing your work with one another.


This phase is primarily dedicated to personal inner work and covers a wide landscape of poetry as healer.  Themes include:

*Giving Silence Words
*Merging the Healing & Creative Process
*Language as Play
*Leaving the Roots on Your Writing
*Family & Other Relationships
*Grief, Longing and Loss
*Embracing the Earth
*The Poetry of Witness:  Going to the Heart to Speak Truth
*Using Your Spiritual Voice to Heal

The Phase 1 experience is the beginning of a multi-phased learning opportunity.

NOTE:  This first phase of the course is a stand-alone program.  You may choose to study and work in this phase only.

Phase Two   

C O N N E C T    


This second phase will provide an in-depth training for facilitating the therapeutic, healing and transformational poem-making process for individuals and groups.


It is in this phase of the course that the gifts and skills of varied helping professions will come forward strongly.    


If you are a professional in pastoral care, education, cancer wellness, nursing and doctoring, hospice, elder care, arts-in-medicine, community work, peace and justice, social work and therapists of all kinds - this phase of the course will show you how to apply poetic medicine to that particular field.   


We welcome poets who want to align with a practice of poet as healer.  Your place in this tapestry is essential.   


Together we will explore these topics:


*The Art of Deep Listening & Attention, Slowing Down & Silence

*How Does Suffering, Not Knowing and Loss Touch My Life?

*How Does Empathy, Presence and Care Touch My Life?

*Creating & Holding a Safe & Creative Environment

*Serving Various Populations Through Poetry & Poem-Making

*Letting Go of Judgment & Evaluation

*Being Curious, Affirming Connections


We will focus on specific populations, particular needs, and range of approaches. We will especially explore the many facets of poetry therapy in action that will help you become the best poet healer that you can be.  



Phase Three   

C O M M U N I T Y    

 People Paper Rainbow Circle


In Phase 3 you will focus on more in-depth learning from  and contact with people who bring poetic medicine/poetry as healer to a wide range of people and circumstances.  For those who choose to pursue the full course, Phase 3 will begin during the last sessions of Phase 2.  There will be a faculty of mentors selected from various helping fields and professions - persons skilled and practiced in the applications of poetry as healer to their field of practice.


The writing of poetry is a discipline for many things.


~ Muriel Rukeyser


You will have the opportunity to consult with these people and learn directly from their experience and expertise.  In some cases you may be able to work directly with them.  Mentors will be available who work with these populations and concerns: 


*School Children & Educators


*Hospice & Grief Support


*People with AIDS

*Peace & Justice

*Ecopsychology & Creativity

*People with Significant Mental Health & Physical Challenges


*Substance Abuse & Addiction 

*Medical Students, Physicians & Nurses

*Pastoral Care


*Immigrant Youth

*Psychotherapist in Private Practice  


Additionally, IPM will be able to offer graduates of our training program the opportunity to have grants they write and receive accepted through IPM as the IRS approved 501c3.  There will be an administrative fee of 5-10%.  We will collaborate with a graduate to help make this possible by providing necessary documents and information of our nonprofit status. 



Colloquims During the Year    



There will be three cohort retreats during the training. The first is scheduled during Phase One on June 14-16, 2012 in the San Francisco Bay Area.   


You can read more about this in our flyer by CLICKING HERE.


The dates and locations of the two remaining colloquims (which will occur during Phase Two) will be determined.  We are looking into the possibility of meeting somewhere in the middle of the United States or on the east coast.


These retreat fees (which include all food, lodging and class materials) are included in the cost of Phase One and Two; however, individual travel expense is not covered.   See financial information below.    



The Writing, Review & Determination

of Applications    

Please let us know if you would like to receive a comprehensive brochure about the training program. 


When you begin the application process, we invite you to write full responses but also encourage you to lean towards brevity when possible. You are welcome to include two or three poems that are important for you and that may relate to responses to the questions.  These poems may be your own and/or by other poets. 


There is a $35 application review fee.  A three-person committee will review and discuss applications. Your application will be kept confidential. We will give you a decision within a month of receiving your application.  





Road Dirt



We are in a phase of beginning.   At this moment an exact schedule for when the course begins is not in place. We are extending the invitation for participation and hope to reach a critical mass of accepted students by this Spring. That will allow us to establish a firm schedule and plan for the future.


The benefit and blessing of this is that we will, as a cohort and learning companions, create much of this together.  The following lines from a poem by Antonio Machado speak to the challenge and adventure of this: 


...the road is made by walking.

By walking one makes the road...



Financial Information


The Phase One fee is $3,210* (includes one colloquim retreat) and Phase Two is $3,610* (includes two retreats).  Approximately 32.5 classroom hours, as well as 6 hours of individual mentoring, are included in each of these phases. 


*Please note that individual transportation fees to the retreats are not included in these fees.    


The Phase Three cost is to be determined and will allow for more autonomy by participants.  


We intend to have partial scholarships available through grants. We know this is a significant financial commitment and we are at work on it now to find scholarship support. There will also be work-study opportunities.  For those of you who wish to make a financial contribution in support of this program, we gratefully welcome your generosity!     


Please inquire if you wish to apply for scholarship  

and work-study.



To Request/Receive More Information


Mouse w/hand

If you are interested, there is a comprehensive brochure that explains the program in more detail.  Please contact me with a mailing address and I will send that to you immediately.  It includes a request for an application.  Soon we will have a syllabus that offers even more details about the course modules.  


I will be glad to speak to you and respond to any questions! 
John Fox
(650) 938-2717

A Personal Note From John Fox Regarding
the Roots of This IPM Training Program 





This training course is starting at a time when I feel within the roots of myself and The Institute for Poetic Medicine a deep willingness and power to enter a new landscape.  This is not something taking root for the first time, yet something wholly new is coming to fruition.


We all have points of great change in our lives.  When I was about 26, about 7 years after the amputation of my right leg, I made a decision (long before the advent of titanium prosthetics!) to learn how to run again and then to actually run very long distances.


And during that same exact time (1981), I was introduced to the work of modern Greek poet, Odysseus Elytis.  I had gone to visit an old friend in San Francisco, Anjani O'Connell.  I met Anjani years before when she was the "secretary" to the spiritual teacher, Ram Dass.  


This is part of that story:


During my freshman year at Boston University in early January of 1974, I wrote to Ram Dass.  His book, Be Here Now, had given me inspiration and had struck a deep chord of meaning in high school.  At B.U. someone shared with me an album of six records titled Love Serve Remember.  These were made by Ram Dass and friends during a week of evening radio programs broadcast on WBAI in New York City. 


Listening to those records in my dormitory room - a reading from the Gospel of St. John, guided meditations, questions from people also searching for God - I absorbed these into my marrow and quite likely this saved me from despair.


My letter was a wintertime cry for help sent five months prior to the amputation of my leg in the approaching spring.  Ram Dass wrote back, reminding me (at 18!) in a brief note that this time of severe breakdown was also a time for something within me to breakthrough.  His response was fierce and loving.  There was no way around it, this life, this living.  


I felt, during this period in my life, stripped down far beyond comfort, bobbing naked upon a swift river of aspiration, while at the very same time caught up in an immense lightening storm of loss and great change.  Knowing what all of that "meant" was perhaps knowable while sitting protected on the riverbank - but that's not where I actually was!  


The truth of it was a feeling of being thrown, frightened but determined to survive, into that swift river.  I could only try to stay afloat as much as possible, and on many days, flail about.  


Upon my return to B.U. in September of that year (my sophomore year), Ram Dass wrote in a very brief note sent to my dorm at Myles Standish Hall, "You are a being of much Spirit - and will open much to your reality."  I sure didn't feel like it at all or know at all what that could mean.  I am not sure I do now - but the encouragement, it made a difference.   


A few months later I was invited to visit and spend some days with Ram Dass and Anjani.  Even through a maelstrom of grief and fear, I recognized a spirit of deep service to God, and especially I felt a presence coming through them.  Ram Dass and Anjani expressed a spiritual quality that was integral to their daily lives and that impacted and drew me deeply.  This was new in my experience of how people could be.  


(To learn about the current work of Ram Dass, CLICK HERE and I recommend a fine book about elders, Still Here: Embracing Aging, Changing and DyingCLICK HERE).  


So it was, in 1981, during another season of change, when I had at last come into some balance, where I had really begun to look up -- and was ready for another opening - that I visited Anjani. She, not knowing about my new commitment to run towards something new and more whole, gave me the volume of Elytis' Selected Poems.


Like nothing else I had ever read, the following poem spoke to what I felt about my loss and life itself:


. . .My friend, when night wakens your electric grief

I see the tree of the heart spreading

Your arms open beneath a pure idea

To which you call

But which will not descend

For years and years:

It up there and you down here.


I knew that "electric grief."   What a way to describe a visceral feeling of loss and, in particular, to name phantom pain, which can, for some, be the intense and ongoing residue of amputation.


But now, as a kind of lovely miracle, the poem spoke to my great desire, the longing of my flesh, blood and bones, to breakthrough into something more, something I could only imagine - and to do this by training to (over not months, but years) run a marathon!   


And yet longing's vision awakens flesh one day

And there where only bare solitude one shone,

A city now laughs lovely as you would have it

You almost see it, it is waiting for you

Give me your hand so that we may go there before the Dawn

Floods it with cries of triumph...


Placing one intense step after another, longing's vision awakened my flesh.  A few years later I ran that marathon -- and in the act of that, raised thousands of dollars to build a meditation center.   


Yet it wasn't running the marathon or the money raised that affected me the most.  Although the whole experience was a worthy vehicle for my growth and transformation, what I discovered was stepping into a more uplifted place in my life where I felt connected to the help and joyful wholeness of something beyond myself.


Something that was so much like that welcoming dawn in Elytis'



The images which came as a way to show this shift towards action in me was of lifting a banner to the wind, making my way through ice and looking out from a mountain top.   


Lift up the banner of your heart boldly

and commit your very next step

to what you love most dearly.

Such a banner is for the greatness

of wildflowers kissing their way delicately

through glaciers, for the beauty

of the mountaintop from which your soul

undoubtedly has gazed.

The next step you take shall bring you home

if you but release your cares

and think instead that help has come,

as sure as the wind will fly the banner

that you have raised--


~ from "Lift Up the Banner of Your Heart" (by John Fox from When  

   Jewels Sing, Open Heart Press, 1989.  CLICK HERE to read the full  

   poem on the IPM website).  


I wrote "Lift Up the Banner of Your Heart" at 28, the year I ran that marathon and just as I was moving to the Bay Area.  The poem wanted to call out from inside myself and declare into the world an invocation and affirmation that help is present with me even when so much was unknown. 


It was immediately after writing this poem and that marathon experience that Dr. Ken Zubrick, an orthopedic surgeon at El Camino Hospital, introduced me to Joy Shieman, the great woman who became my mentor in poetry therapy.


Joy is one of the earliest and greatest pioneers in the field.  She already had worked at El Camino for 22 years bringing her deep and creative healing spirit to that hospital.  I was blessed to work under her guidance for 2.5 years.  


Joy is the author of a very unique book about using haiku as a healing art, Eating Sour Rhubarb Beneath a Cold Moon (CLICK HERE) and co-author of a volume of poems, When Silence Speaks (CLICK HERE).   

Since that time of apprenticeship, the pure idea to which I have been called for 27 years is not that personal overcoming running gave to me -- but a willingness to renew again and again my life-calling.


In 1987 I wrote to Nobel-Prize winning Odysseus Elytis to thank him for that life-changing poem.  I wrote about running the marathon and explained the work of poetry as healer.  Writing from Athens, he responded:  "A window has been opened for you towards the world of the unknown but also true and it will help you."  I knew what he meant and no one had ever said it so well!   


Somehow that help, for which I am so grateful (although I forget so often to be thankful) was available in the dark valley and at the sunlit peak.  Elytis' words distill so much of what living this life and following this calling of poetry is about for me.  Perhaps, much like Ram Dass writing to me many years before, about opening to the reality of Spirit in my life, that "longing vision" had gazed through the window to the unknown, and had awakened more opening.


I believe that over time, it has become this work. 


I have found joy bringing poetry as healer, poetry therapy, what I call "poetic medicine" to people in a way that lasts.  I've had thousands of graduate students.  If you strung together all of my years of teaching in those four graduate programs it would total 51 years! Six years into the establishment of The Institute for Poetic Medicine, it feels like it's time to begin a training program so that others may be empowered to bring poetry as healer into the world.  


With the advent of this IPM training program, something very real is intended in my commitment to do this work "in a way that lasts." This is another time to awaken each day and feel the dawn, and as Elytis says at the end of the poem:


Give me your hand--before birds gather

On the shoulders of men to announce in song

That Original Hope is seen coming at last

Out of the distant sea.


We will go together, and let them stone us

And let them say we walk with our heads in the clouds--

Those who have never felt, my friend,

With what iron, what stones, what blood, what fire,

We build, dream and sing


Please consider joining in this adventure.





Poem by Odysseus from Selected Poems "With what blood, what stones, what fire" translated by Edmund Keeley and Phillip Sherrard, Penguin Books, 1981.


". . .our island nannies chased demons from our cradles by pronouncing meaningless words with utter seriousness, holding the leaf of a humble herb that assumed, by the very innocence of its nature, who knows what unknown powers.  This little basil leaf surrounded by these unknown powers of innocence, the strange words, is Poetry, precisely."


~ Odysseus Elytis

from Open Papers

translated by Olgma Broumas and T. Begley


To View Selected Poems on Amazon:   CLICK HERE  

To Read About Odysseus Elytis:  CLICK HERE  







"John Fox is the most sensitive and effective teacher of poetic medicine I know. He listens to both poem and person deeply, and he is a master at guiding others - both patients and care- givers - to do the same. His kind and gentle teaching, his unique vision and his generosity of spirit have immeasurably enhanced my use of poetry in my nursing work and in my life."


~ Cortney Davis, NP (Nurse Practitioner)

Redding, CT




"The four of us who came to John's workshop last night all felt totally inspired. John conducted the discussion like a virtuoso.  It felt totally fresh and spontaneous. He has an uncanny ability to deal with individuals' issues that arise and direct them right into the flow of the discussion.  What he brings to this topic of poetry as healer is potentially life-changing."


~ Ralph Day

Cleveland, Ohio



"At the beginning of this class, Poetry Therapy, I thought, 'I'm going to learn how to use poetry in clinical practice with my clients for their healing.' During the process of class, I had no idea of the transformation of myself that was occurring.  I felt as though nothing was happening - that I didn't understand anything differently than before I came.  Suddenly, toward the last hours, I realized I was writing poetry that spoke beauty to my soul.  It touched me ever so deeply that there were no words to describe it. I felt transformed, but it was not what I expected, so I did not look for it."


~ Anna Rossi

Student, The Institute for Transpersonal Psychology

Palo Alto, CA 




"Thanks for a great session. You are terrific with the students.   

Plan on next year."


~ Larry Zaroff, M.D., Ph.D.

School of Medicine & Program in Human Biology

Senior Research Scholar, Center for Biomedical Ethics

Stanford University





Thank You For Your Interest & Support!


Calendar Graphic
To View John's Recently Updated 2012 Schedule  
of Upcoming Events:  

* Excit
ing News! *
Plans are in process for a retreat in  
Canyon de Chelly, May 24-May 31    
with John & cherished canyon friends! 

To See the Flyer & Register Now:



People Graphic


Forward this e-mail  
to any interested family members, friends or co-workers! 
(Click the blue "Forward e-mail" link at bottom left) 

Share Us On Your Facebook Page:  Like us on Facebook 

We gratefully welcome your financial contribution
in support of this exciting new program!  Your donation will make it possible to provide scholarships to worthy students.  These students are passionate people,
like you, who want to make a healing difference
in the world.

Please Make Your Check Payable to:

Institute for Poetic Medicine
(Please indicate on the check memo line
that you are supporting this new program)

and Mail to:

P.O. Box 60189 
Palo Alto, CA  94306 

Thank You!  


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