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Upcoming Poetic Medicine Events
With John Fox, CPT
March - July 2013

January 13, 2013

Dear Friend of Poetic Medicine,


After winter's silence

I feel the shock of spring

My breath warms like the sun,

Melts ice, bursts into song.

So when that inner one

Gives life back the power

To rise up and push through,

There's nothing to it.

We simply have to do it,

As snowdrops know

When snowdrops flower.*


~May Sarton

from After a Winter's Silence


This photograph of the Snowdrop flower emerging from under the snow compelled me to think of lines from a May Sarton poem that I have met, that I know, and have used in healing work. Because I couldn't recall lines, I couldn't remember enough to name the poem.


I had to take time searching for it among the thousands of poems I've gathered. I looked and looked. I wasn't finding it.


I did this taking time, this looking before I leaned on old ubiquitous Google for some help and then I found it quickly.  I felt disappointed at the ease of this approach!  If I wasn't on a deadline, I'd probably have stayed looking.


What is this desire, this choice for deep searching? What is it for?  It's about valuing something real. It's the digging down...and the looking up...and resting my eyes upon the horizon...and feeling my feet on the ground. It's about the being here in this life and waking up.


I want to search like that because I want the barest spark of true memory within myself to connect with some even deeper unknown place inside, a place where that spark touches discovery and lights a fire that turns to flourishing what I could never have expected or imagined, a creative fire bigger than me of which I am still a part of.


Shock, Warm, Melt, Burst, Rise, Push, Know, Flower


These vibrant and vivid words all occur, not only as verbs in May Sarton's poem, but in the actuality of feeling and perception that happen through the healing art of poetry and poem-making within a person and within communities of people. These are only some of the threshold places where something can turn on inside a person. If you are interested in this experience, please consider taking a look at my enclosed schedule.


I don't have that many things happening so please take advantage of the opportunities. Or please read about the work of poetry partners associated with The Institute for Poetic Medicine.  We at the Institute are interested in learning about what you are doing in this field of poetry as healer. Let us know. Or tell us in some detail what you would like to learn about poetry therapy and consider how it can help you in your life and work. Or let us know the ways it already is doing that. You might consider inquiring about the Poetic Medicine Training program.


It has been a tremendous year of growth for The Institute for Poetic Medicine. You can read highlights in my annual new year letter by CLICKING HERE.   You'll read about poetry projects we have funded.  You'll learn about people who matter deeply to me and how they have made a difference in my life.  There is news and photographs of my exciting adventure to Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates.


It's a little more than two months until Spring on March 20. There is still time for you this winter to settle into a quiet time of reflection and inwardness. You might even write a little about that. You might also be going about your daily life and from time to time, pausing to stop and for no specific purpose. Maybe there is a time when you will simply rise up and push through.


We simply have to do it,

As snowdrops know

When snowdrops flower.


Sincerely yours,

John Fox, CPT

p.s.  I want to thank Melissa Layer for coming out of "retirement" to get this end of the year/beginning of the year abbreviated Poetic Medicine Journal out.   She has always brought a clear beauty and comfortable order to this communication. I now have more time to make contact with those who have expressed interest in carrying on this design work and will contact those people soon.


*After a Winter's Silence


Along the terrace wall

Snowdrops have pushed through

Hard ice, making a pool.

Delicate stems now show

White bells as though

The force, the thrust to flower

Were nothing at all.

Who gives them the power?


After winter's silence

I feel the shock of spring

My breath warms like the sun,

Melts ice, bursts into song.

So when that inner one

Gives life back the power

To rise up and push through,

There's nothing to it.

We simply have to do it,

As snowdrops know

When snowdrops flower.


~May Sarton



March 8-10, 2013
Still Point Interfaith Retreat Center
Mechanicville, New York 

The Precious Word Within:
The Potentials of Poetry to Heal the Heart
and Awaken Soulfulness in the Human Voice

A Writing Retreat
Presented by John Fox, CPT,  
In Collaboration with Judith Prest


Pathway at Still Point  

Friday, March 8 - Sunday, March 10, 2013
(Retreat begins at 5pm on Friday & concludes at lunch on Sunday)

Of all the valuable things of this world, the word is the most precious.  For in the word one can find a light that gems and jewels do not possess; a word may contain so much life that it can heal the wounds of the heart.

~ Hazrat Inayat Khan
from The Music of Life, The Poetic Spirit

Poetry is indeed a force, an act of human magic, that alters the way
we see our lies and so changes us.

~ Morris R. Morrison
Poetry Therapy Pioneer, University of Texas at Austin  

An Act of Human Magic
For over four decades, in his own life, and in the lives of thousands of others, John Fox has witnessed this:  how a word of light can come forward so that LIFE bursts open within a person to heal wounds of their heart.

As Morris Morrison describes, the expression of a "word" as an act of human magic can alter perception of ourselves and help us to transform and grow.

Spring of 2013:  Time Away from Routine to Discover a Fresh World

John will offer ways and stories, writing prompts and poems to stir within you that precious word within yourself, and the courage to find the words to say it - or much better to put it this way - to find your words to say it.

This retreat is useful and inspiring to people working in helping and healing arts, as well as anyone who wants a jump start for their creativity.  No previous experience with poetry is necessary.  If you are a long-time writer, this may renew your initial inspiration.


Still Point Interfaith Retreat Center
20 Still Point Rd.
Mechanicville, New York

To Learn More About Still Point:  CLICK HERE


$200 retreat fee, plus cost of accommodations and some meals at either Still Point or Fairfield Inn & Suites.

Accommodation Options:

Still Point Interfaith Retreat CenterThere are 2 single rooms (shared bath) in the Welcoming House ($65/night) and 4 Hermitage cabins that accommodate one or two persons ($75/night).  The cabins have plumbing, heat, coffee maker, small microwaves and lovely forest views.

Fairfield Inn & SuitesThe inn is located 7 miles from Still Point at:  101 Saratoga Village Blvd., Malta, NY.  Phone:  518-899-6900.

Stay at HomeCommuters are welcome!  Saturday dinner is provided for all participants, but commuters need to take care of their own food for Saturday lunch.  We will try to provide some food for Saturday and Sunday breakfasts and Friday evening dinner so we can all eat together.


Registration is open to 14 people.  Reserve your retreat space with a $75 deposit (nonrefundable) payable to The Institute for Poetic Medicine.  A balance of $125 will be due when you arrive at the retreat. 

Three sliding scale scholarships are available; please ask Judith Prest for more information. 


To Download a Flyer/Registration Form:   CLICK HERE

For More Information:

Please Contact Judith Prest at:
:  518-275-3404
Home:  518-895-8001

Judith Prest, LMSW, Expressive Arts Practitioner

Judith Prest has been a friend of John and IPM for many years.  This is the third retreat she has coordinated for IPMJudith is a published poet, creativity coach, photographer and mixed media artist.  A retired school social worker, she is happy to have found her real work which is writing poetry, making art and helping others connect with their creative sides. Judith lives in rural upstate New York.

To read more about Judith's work at New Choices in the April 2010 edition of the Poetic Medicine Journal:    CLICK HERE

To read more about the New Choices Recovery program:   CLICK HERE

We are pleased that Judith's new book of poems, Late Day Light
CLICK HERE), is available.

Judith's gift is in giving shape to poems both clean and deep-rooted.  Because I hear stories of someone familiar with the broken-hearted, she gains my trust.  Then, suddenly, I am surprised, even startled, by how she notices, in her living world, a grace that is all around.

~John Fox

March 15-17, 2013
Embassy Suites Hotel
San Rafael, CA 

Songs of the Soul:  Poetry and Sacred Music Festival
Presented by the International Association of Sufism

Friday, March 15, 2013 - Sunday, March 17, 2013

Program includes:  Panel Discussions, Poetry Reading, Sacred Music,
and Exhibitions

John Will Present a Talk entitled "Letting the Light In"

Friday Evening Music:  Yuval Ron Ensemble & Aziz Whirling

Saturday:  Panels, Poetry, Music
  7 - 9:00pm:  Evening Music with Aswat Bay Area Arabic Ensemble
SundayPanels, Poetry, Music (Sufi Zikr)
   9:00am - 6:00pm:  (including afternoon music, Avaye-i-Janaan; poetry slam 
   collective and poetry contest celebration)

For More Information, list of presenters, registration and program, please check IAS website in mid-January:    CLICK HERE

April 15-18, 2013
Kirkridge Retreat & Study Center
Bangor, Pennsylvania 

Bread for the Journey:
A Celebration of Poetry and the Human Spirit  

                A Celebration with Judy Brown, John Fox, Kathleen W. Glaser,
           Michael S. Glaser, Susan Deborah King, Li-Young Lee & Fran Quinn
                                     at Kirkridge Retreat and Study Center


Monday, April 15 - Thursday, April 18, 2013  
(Retreat begins at 5:00pm on Monday; concludes after lunch on Thursday)  

A Retreat Celebrating Poetry

As we seek to live more lyrical and balanced lives, this Celebration/retreat will explore how reading and writing poetry can help us live more mindfully, serving as a valued companion to the complex experience of being human.  It will also help us remember that poetry can open us to the surprising news which comes from living and listening genuinely.

The core of the Celebration holds that poetry is the issue of one authentic voice speaking to another, similar to the way Martin Buber describes the concept of
"I-Thou" as being spoken with one's whole being.

Offering a variety of approaches, we will pay close attention to words, as well as to the silence between words.  We will write morning poems, explore the healing poet within, and use circle of trust practices for reflection on and processing of our experiences. 

"This celebration will be significantly different from the usual writer's conference or festival in that its focus will be to engage with poetry as a way of helping us define who we are (and perhaps who we wish to be) as human beings.  It will offer participants an opportunity to engage with poems as a way to live our lives more fully and meaningfully, an opportunity to take poems away from the analysis of the Academy and the "Pro-Biz" of marketing and invite it back into the sacred space of our hearts and spirits."

~Michael Glaser
Convener of the Poetry Festival at Kirkridge
Professor Emeritus at St. Mary's College of Maryland

To Read Michael's Entire Letter of Welcome:   CLICK HERE

To Read About Presenting Faculty:   CLICK HERE
To Download a Flyer About This Retreat:   CLICK HERE 

Kirkridge Retreat and Study Center
2495 Fox Gap Road
Bangor, PA 

To Visit Kirkridge's Website:   CLICK HERE


$645 includes retreat program and all lodging and meals.
(Note that because this is a residential event, enrollment is limited and early registration is encouraged).

To Register:

To Register Online on Kirkridge Website:   CLICK HERE
To Download Registration Form To Complete & Mail:    CLICK HERE

Labyrinth at Kirkridge
The Labyrinth at Kirkridge (from website)

April 20, 2013
Historic Ice House
Bethlehem, Pennyslvania 

Poetry From the Real World

An Evening of Poetry, Music & Dance
with John Fox, Craig Czury, Michael London, Lisa DeVuono & Sarah Carlson

 Hands Holdiing World

Sunday, April 20, 2013 

In celebration of National Poetry Month our program will feature individuals and their work, inspired by a love of poetry, and buoyed by a strong conviction in collaborative arts and the power it has to transform our lives.  Poetry from the Real World will show how artists of all kinds are using poems in their daily lives, making them concrete and alive.


Joining us will be John Fox, international speaker, author and facilitator whose work in poetry therapy for over 25 years has benefited many people in all kinds of settings including hospitals, retreat centers, schools and other settings.

Craig Czury, an accomplished poet will share with us his experiences in documenting stories from the Marcellus Shale region in Northeastern PA.

Michael London, local professor and musician has been inspired by the poetry of Rumi for over 15 years and will play songs and music with Sarah Carlson as dancer and Lisa DeVuono as reader.


At the end of the program the audience will have a chance to participate in an interactive poem with the culmination of a group reading, and a sharing of how poems have made a difference in their own communities.

This event is a part of the monthly Ice House evening series in Bethlehem.



The Historic Ice House

56 River St.

Bethlehem, PA



$10 payable at the door   


To See An Ice House Event Flyer:   CLICK HERE  



For More Information:

Please contact Lisa DeVuono at: Phone:  610-965-2922
E-Mail:  ldvyogi@gmail.com

Lisa DeVuono is a long-time friend of The Institute for Poetic Medicine and one of our original poetry partners.  Lisa is currently writing a manual for poetry as healer to be used nation-wide by The Clubhouse organization.  Stay tuned for more information!





To Learn More About Clubhouse:   CLICK HERE  and  CLICK HERE




May 8, 2013
Congregational Church of San Mateo
San Mateo, CA 

Sharing Your Story & The Healing Power of Poetry

A Program for Wise & Wonderful Seniors
Presented by John Fox, CPT

Wednesday, May 8, 2013
10:30 - 11:30am

Muriel Rukeyser, a poet passionate about our human condition, said that the universe is not really made up of atoms, it's made up of stories. It is through sharing of our unique stories that we can arrive at a deeper connection with another person.  I also may come to a deeper connection with myself, with my own truth -- by exploring that edge of authenticity.

Through sharing our stories we have a way to know more about ourselves and this world we live in.  The most powerful electron microscope nor the Hubble telescope can show me who you truly are or who I am.  But poetry can do this!  John Fox, CPT,  will meet with seniors/elders to share his work with poetry as healer.

John will show how poetry and poem-making can and does make a difference to people in the midst of their eldering years.  No experience with poetry is required, but you are invited to bring whatever love or experience you may have for poetry to this gathering

                   "We human beings are at our best when we enjoy poetry.
           Sometimes all you need is to reflect in your mind one poem that says,
                                                 'I can make it through.'"

                                                      ~Maya Angelou

In a rising wind 
the manic dust of my friends, 
those who fell along the way, 
bitterly stings my face. 
Yet I turn, I turn, 
exulting somewhat, 
with my will intact to go 
wherever I need to go, 
and every stone on the road 
precious to me.

~Stanley Kunitz (written in his 80's, from The Layers)

Congregational Church of San Mateo
Buckham Room
225 Tilton Avenue
San Mateo, CA

(There is convenient parking in the back of the building, off Catalpa and
 San Mateo Drive).

Fee:   There is no fee for this gathering, but pre-registration is requested.

For More Information & to Pre-Register:  
Call the Congregational Church of San Mateo & speak with Pearly Masters at 650-343-3694 to pre-register.


July 18-21, 2013 (Summer Institute)
July 21 - 23, 2013 (Post Institute Retreat)
Sophia Center for Culture & Spirituality
Oakland, CA

Reinventing the Human
A Summer Institute & Post Institute Retreat

Presenters include Thomas Moore, David Abram, Brian Swimme,
Barbara Holmes, Paula D'arcy, Stephen Dunn, John Fox,
Jennifer Berezan and Jim Conlon

Sophia Center Banner

                       Summer Institute:   July 18-21, 2013
                  Post-Institute Retreat:   July 21-23, 2013

The Summer Institute and Post Institute Retreat presents a group of distinguished speakers as they share stories of their spirit-led lives and explore the life-changing realities of a modern, holistic world view that responds to both our spiritual needs and creativity, as well as the needs of our planet.

John's presentation is titled The Precious Word Within.

To Learn More About the Presenters:   Click Here

For More Information & To Register:

Contact Grace Larra at:
E-Mail:   Sophiactr@aol.com
Phone:  1-800-794-8813 or 510-436-1046

Poetic Medicine in Portland, OR
Summer or Fall of 2013

There are definite plans in the works for a retreat/workshop to occur in Portland, Oregon in 2013 - in the Summer or Autumn.  We just don't have a set date, but we have the certainty of intention!  July or early August is possible; however, it might be October or November!

If you are interested:

Please Contact Marna Hauk at:
Phone:  (503) 771-0711

We will know specifics soon!

Inquire Now!
Poetic Medicine Certification Training
Autumn, 2013 


A Call to Determine Interest in Training

To Receive Certification in Poetic Medicine

for the Autumn of 2013

from John Fox, CPT


A Community Based Approach to Poetry as Healer


If you are interested in studying to be Certified in Poetic Medicine through The Institute for Poetic Medicine, please consider applying for the 2nd training starting in the autumn of 2013.  This three-phase distance learning training covers about two years or so of time and will give you the direct experience and in-depth training that can make you truly effective in the practice of poetry as healer.


While the majority of the time is distance learning, there are also three in-person cohort colloquiums that are essential to the learning experience.


Poem-making, when approached as a healing, creative and transformational process rather than with analysis or judgment, provides an opportunity for deep inner healing. It encourages connection and meaning. This is especially true when we share this experience within a community of learners who commit themselves to empathy and respect, discernment and curiosity, self-reflection and courage.


From the moment I opened the application to the program offered by The Institute for Poetic Medicine, I felt myself in an apprenticeship with a Master. Each question, every response to our efforts, the structure, timing, and process attended to with such care for what truly matters in this vital work. With John Fox's guidance, our cohort becomes a beloved community, where we safely practice and witness coming into our own mastery of this complex, life-giving, healing art. I cannot envision a richer formation program for the aspiring poetry facilitator.


~Cathey Capers, M.Ed.   


Poetic Medicine Cohort 2012  


A Three-Phase Training Program


Phase 1 of the Poetic Medicine Facilitator Training Program will focus on the intensive reading and use of Poetic Medicine: The Healing Art of Poem-Making. Central to Phase 1 are 11 three-week on-line sessions based on chapters from Poetic Medicine. Students work closely with one another in small groups between sessions.  Phase 1 can be a stand-alone program if you so choose.


Phase 2 of the Poetic Medicine Facilitator Training Program is focused on learning and integrating optimum ways to practice and apply poetry as healer. Each online session (14 in all) will focus on a particular theme related to the practice of poetic medicine.


Phase 3 of the Poetic Medicine Facilitator Training Program will focus on more in-depth learning from and contact with people who bring poetic medicine/poetry as healer to a wide range of people and circumstances. For those who choose to pursue the full course, Phase 3 will begin during the last sessions of Phase 2. There will be a faculty of mentors selected from various helping fields and professions - persons skilled and practiced in the applications of poetry as healer to their field of practice.


Best Practices, 30 Years Experience, In-Depth Connections


These phases are built upon best practices in the field of poetry therapy and upon 30 years of direct experience and study that John brings to this healing work.


His working relationships and friendships with creative and healing people who comprise a wide-range of helping professions, people who are also interested and practice in poetry as healer, provides this training with openness, depth and variety. This will be particularly important in Phase 2 and Phase 3.  

Contact Us if You Would Like to Learn More


A new 2013 detailed paper and on-line brochure to fully describe the training program is being prepared but not yet ready to send. However, if you are interested in learning more as it is available, please contact my training colleague, Kim Nelson @ kmbrlynlsn@gmail.comand let her know of your interest and/or questions so that we can contact you as soon as this brochure is available. It is likely that we will begin to accept applications in the summer of 2013.


Thank you,


John Fox

The Institute for Poetic Medicine


Since I was accepted to IPM cohort, I was empowered to write poems. Through John's outstanding mentoring and teaching, I was surprised and happy to discover that poems are there waiting for me to be written. And then, as I write them and share them they bring healing to me and to others. As a novice in writing poetry, I'm amazed at John's skill, spirit and mastery to create an environment/cohort in which your own poetry can be written, nurtured, shared and celebrated.


~Witek Nowosiad  

Chaplain & ACPE Supervisor at Children's Medical Center, Dallas, TX  
Poetic Medicine Cohort 2012 



Poetry Partner Project Update 
of The Institute for Poetic Medicine


The Institute is glad to fund poetry and healing projects that make a difference in the hearts and lives of people throughout the United States! This key part of our mission is made possible by donations from people like you who support our mission. We are always grateful for financial help, for your prayers and encouraging words. Following are a few reports from current and previous poetry partner work.
Finding Voice:  2100 Lakeside Emergency Men's
 Homeless Shelter

Cleveland, OH 



A few years ago we were proud to support Annie Holden in Cleveland, Ohio as she brought poem-making to the men of 2100 Lakeside, the largest homeless shelter between Chicago and New York City.  The IPM funding for the 2100 Lakeside project had a beginning, middle and end, but because she was so moved to work with these men at the homeless shelter, Annie applied for a Vista grant and upon receiving that stipend, continued to bring poetry and poem-making to the men of 2100 Lakeside.   


One thing that has occurred is that Annie helped to create an anthology of poetry written by the men of 2100 that is now a very handsome book that includes superb portrait photographs done by the Director of Volunteers, Lydia Bailey.  


To Visit the Portraits of Homelessness Website and View Some of the Photos  

and Stories:   CLICK HERE  


If You Are Interested in a Copy of this Book Please Send Your Request To:


Annie Holden

2100 Lakeside Emergency Men's Homeless Shelter  

Cleveland, OH 44114-1126.  


The cost of the anthology is $10 plus $2.50 for postage and package.  

All proceeds benefit the homeless shelter.


To Read More About the 2100 Project with Annie Holden From the Summer 2010 Poetic Medicine Journal:    CLICK HERE

Lydia Bailey (L) and Annie Holden (R)


Rediscovery Project
Bay Area Brain Injury Network
Larkspur, CA 

Art by Scott Parkhurst
Cover Design by Valerie Knight

"This workshop and these people have opened up a creative avenue of much needed respite and communal healing through the fluidity of poetry."  


- Kelly K., Rediscovery Project Participant




One project I feel acute appreciation for is the ten-week "Rediscovery Project" led this past autumn by Krista Wissing and Midge Casler. This project, which had as its central theme "The Hero's Journey," combined poem and art-making and served adults with traumatic brain injury (TBI).  This project occurred at the Brain Injury Network of the Bay Area (BINBA) in Larkspur, CA.




Rediscovery was initiated to honor my late sister, Shelley, who lived for 37 years with TBI. Some of you supported this project with donations following Shelley's death in June of 2011. I can report Rediscovery was beautifully successful.  Krista Wissing wrote to me and the Institute:


"I want to thank you and the Institute for Poetic Medicine for all the support and encouragement in nourishing the seed of an idea into a blooming Rediscovery Project.


As I've mentioned, it was a wholly positive experience for group participants, our volunteers, Midge and myself. Ten survivors met for ten weeks and opened themselves up to one another through poetry and art. They took a risk. They became vulnerable. They spoke up. They listened. They sat in a circle. They built community.


On December 1, 2012 they shared their voices with the greater community at a public poetry reading. The audience laughed and cried, and I received feedback as to how moving this reading was for several of the audience members. I also received feedback from group participants and caregivers about their interest in continuing this project."


Krista Wissing (L) and Midge Casler (R) 


The significant support of BINBA of Rediscovery is deeply appreciated by us at IPM.  The IPM Board is renewing financial and partnership support of Rediscovery in 2013!  Under the leadership of Krista Wissing, the project will expand to include family and support people.


"I have not only grown 'mentally' by using my brain due to

writing poems, but I have grown as a person again."


~ Scott Parkhurst. Rediscovery Project Participant


If you are interested in a finely-made anthology that resulted from this project (see the beautiful cover above!), you can contact Krista Wissing at:


Brain Injury Network of the Bay Area

1132 Magnolia Avenue

Larkspur, CA 94939


The anthology is sold at a $10-$15 sliding scale and all proceeds go to BINBA. Please include $2.50 for package and postage.  


To Visit the Bay Injury Network of the Bay Area Website:   CLICK HERE




Shelley Fox  (1953-2011)

Cleveland, OH

Displaying her iconic sunflowers
at an art show

News About Recent IPM Poetry Partner
Jacinta V. White & The Word Project

The Word Project
Facilitating Creative Workshops & Trainings for 11 Years & Counting

The Institute for Poetic Medicine is happy to know that Jacinta Victoria White of Greensboro, North Carolina - a prior recipient of funding for her poetry therapy program at the Guildford County Juvenile Detention Center - is flourishing in her work with The Word Project!

To Read Jacinta's Recent Newsletter:   CLICK HERE

Jacinta's work is featured in a Constant Contact Poetic Medicine Journal from the Fall of 2011.  You can check this out!  Please scroll about halfway down to find it:   CLICK HERE

In addition to an in-depth look at her work with the young men at the detention center, this PM Journal includes an interview with Jacinta conducted by Rachel McKay.

We also pleased that Jacinta's new book of poems, Broken Rituals, is available:  CLICK HERE

"There is something exquisitely deliberate and compelling in these poems made by Jacinta White. We are not spared anything here. Instead we are given the respect of a poet who believes her reader can pay attention in the midst of the fiercest encounter and most intimate experience. If you do attend to these poems, what you receive is sheer gift."


~John Fox






 A Call For Original Poems From Educators! 
 for Teaching From the Heart

The Center for Courage and Renewal invites submissions from educators for a new book project tentatively titled Teaching from the Heart:  Poetry that Speaks to the Courage to Teach.  The mission of the Center for Courage & Renewal (CCR) is to nurture personal and professional integrity and the courage to act on it.  It is deeply associated with the work of Parker Palmer.

Modeled after the popular Teaching with Fire (Jossey-Bass 2003; CLICK HERE) and Leading from Within (Jossey-Bass 2007; CLICK HERE), the format will be an anthology of poems and short personal commentaries (250 words) describing how the poem helps educators make sense of their life and work.  The book provides a platform for teachers and educators to speak wholeheartedly about the challenges, possibilities and character of the current world of education. 

Note:  The deadline for submissions is February 1, 2013.

A more substantial explanation of the project and the submission process is available by  CLICKING HERE.

If you have further questions, please contact:
Megan Scribner

IPM & John Fox Offer a Strong Recommendation!
January 27-27, 2013
Conscious Living/Conscious Dying Workshop
Berkeley, CA

A 2 -Day Workshop
for Caregivers, Therapists, and Anyone

 Wanting to Deeply Explore Healing

Offered by Dale Borglum
Founder & Executive Director of the Living/Dying Project

Saturday, January 26th:  10:00am - 5:00pm
Sunday, January 27th:  2:00pm - 6:00pm


St. John's Presbyterian Church
2727 College Avenue
Berkeley, CA

(CEU's available)
To Learn More about The Living/Dying Project &  this Workshop, See Links:
To Visit the Living/Dying Project Website:   CLICK HERE

To Access a Page with a Flyer for the Workshop:   CLICK HERE

A Little Grace Note from John Fox  
of How a Poem Can Find Its Right Place
I have enjoyed a long-time friendship with Dale Borglum, Founder and Director of the Living/Dying Project, now located in Fairfax, CA.

I was first in communication with Dale in 1974 when, as a sophomore at Boston University, I was in close contact with the spiritual teacher, Ram Dass.

Dale worked directly with Ram Dass at the Hanuman Foundation, and so when I wrote inquiring notes, if Ram Dass didn't write back, Dale could be the one to respond.

It turned out to be a lasting connection!

Last fall, I sent a poem to Dale called Everything Is a Surprise, wondering if he might find it useful.  Apparently so!  It appeared in the recent Living/Dying Project newsletter (CLICK HERE).

Perhaps this poem will speak to  you, spark some feelings and thoughts.  In any case, I hope you will explore the fine work of Dale at the Living/Dying Project.

(Just a further note about the threads of this cloth... James Fadiman, IPM board member, has known Dale longer than John!).

  Your Support Matters

The Institute for Poetic Medicine is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, sustained through grassroots fundraising, foundation grants, and donations from individuals.


"John's workshop with the men truly supported them by helping them find their voice in expressing their personal life changing experiences while dealing with death and dying.  John assisted them in discovering the tool that healing words can be when sitting with a dying inmate, as well as the great gift that the power of listening can be for them.  The poetry that the men produced was powerful, poignant and heartfelt.  Thank you again for giving these marginalized men in our society an opportunity to experience the tenderness, fierceness and human qualities of life through the gift of poetry."


Ms. Lorie Adoff, MA 

Director of Spiritual Care Services

California Men's Colony Prison

San Luis Obispo, CA



~Friend of the Institute ($35 - $149) 


Donations to The Institute for Poetic Medicine are tax-deductible.

Acknowledgement of your contribution for the IRS will be provided.    


Please Make Your Check Payable To:

The Institute for Poetic Medicine     


Mailing Address:

The Institute for Poetic Medicine

P.O. Box  60189

Palo Alto, CA  94306




... and we appreciate you sharing these Constant Contacts freely with friends, family members & co-workers by using the blue "Forward e-mail"  Link at the bottom of this e-mail!


To Enjoy Previous Issues of our Constant Contact Announcements and Journals, Visit our Archive by:   CLICK HERE





  The Last Word 

Speak Abu Dhabi: Live Coverage of Poetry Evening Celebrating the Masters Rumi,Gibran and Khayyam

To View YouTube Footage of this Exciting Event:   CLICK HERE

To Enjoy Bahareh's Blog Post About this Event:   CLICK HERE

For More Information About Bahareh:   CLICK HERE

If you read my opening letter and the "holiday letter" that I mention (with a clickable link to it), you would have learned about my exciting journey to Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates - and the wonderful collaboration I enjoyed with Bahareh Amidi.

Bahareh (who is Iranian-American) is doing excellent work bringing poetry as healer to UAE and the Middle East.  She is touching people from nearly all the countries in that area of the world.  You might enjoy as our "Last Word" this time seeing an evening of poetry that features the work of Jalal ad-Din Rumi, Omar Khayyam and Kahil Gibran.  The evening also included poets that Bahareh has worked with, including Hamdah Khalfan AlMansouri, Hamed Abdi, Ayeda Husain, Paul D, and Jamal Iqbal.